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NIM : 045163619

My Experiences Learning at Universitas Terbuka

Last year, when I had just returned from studying in Istanbul, I had the desire to
continue my formal education at a university. while looking for a suitable college for my
future, I work day-to-day at school.

Last March, I met someone on the internet. He studied at Universitas Terbuka. I asked
him various questions about Universitas Terbuka. After learning and understanding about this
Universitas Terbuka, I became more and more interested to register. I decided to major in
English literature because I thought it was challenging. Then, after registering, I participated
in the OSMB activity held at UPBJJ-UT Banjarmasin. There I met other new students. We got
acquainted with each other. The OSMB also explained the learning system that we will do in
the future. It was also explained that there were 8 online tutorial sessions, 3 assignments in
sessions 3,5, and 7, as well as about the final exams that we would pass. On the first day of
the tutorial, I was very enthusiastic about participating in all the discussions. I studied the
material that was given by the lecturer well. I can understand the material and follow it.

As time goes by, it doesn't feel like the final exam is getting closer. I'm grateful to be
able to follow all the online tutorial sessions even though there are some obstacles that occur
due to work problems. Hopefully, I can maximize the exams and online tutorials that I take.

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