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Nowadays, people often prefer to use cars to go for short journeys.

this affects the environment a lot and recently people often ask that
should they be forced to travel by bicycle rather than by car for all short
journeys? To my mind, I totally agree with this idea. And I will state my
reasons in this essay.
Firstly, in my opinion cycling is the great way to keep fit without going
to the gym. To my mind, if you do not have much time to practice
sports because you have to work and study too much. So why don't you
take advantage of your time when going to company or school to
exercise by cycling? Or during traveling, if you get tired of waiting for
the bus to get there, grab your bike and go there yourself, feeling both
comfortable and healthy.
Futhurmore, bicycles are cheap. There are no petrol bills and they are
easy to maintain. Bicycles will be a great choice if you don't have a lot of
money to buy a bike. In addition, you do not need to worry every time
the price of petrol increases and you do not need a driver's license to be
able to control it. It means you won't have to spend money on driving
lessons but still enjoy the driving experience.
Some people claim that it isn’t practical if you have to carry things. I
believe there is no evidence to support this view. If you want to carry a
lot of things, just put them in a backpack and wear that backpack in
front of you or put it in the bicycle basket if you have one. Or if you
need to carry more things than that, you only need one more backpack
to carry and the other on to put in the basket.
To sum up, I think we should use bicycles instead of cars. This is an
important issue and if everyone is aware and follows it, it will benefit for

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