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Writing to Describe

1. Academic writing is also seen as human intellectual endeavors and intellectual activities by
academics, pundits and critics alike. In academic writing this normally takes the form of essay
writing, which is the act of writing an essay to be evaluated. This essay should demonstrate the
writer’s ability to understand concepts and theories, and the manner in which they pertain to a chosen
topic that is usually researched.
Descriptive writing is usually used to describe something, someone or someplace. Paying attention to
the details to make the description attractive, believable and creates an image in the reader’s mind.
2. The task of describing an experience can be daunting and the writer may find it difficult to get the
words out. To produce an effective description and overcome writer’s block there are things that you
should do.
 Start with a clear plan. Before you can start writing, you need to have a clear idea of the direction
you want your essay to take. This could include the main points you want to cover and even the
intended audience. Once you have a basic idea, you are ready to start writing.
 Choose an appropriate structure. There are many different structures that you can use when
writing a descriptive essay. For example, you could write a chronological or a cause-and-effect
structure, or you cod write a list or comparison essay. It is important that the structure you
choose, suits the essay you are writing.
 Organize your ideas logically. It is important to organize your ideas clearly so that you can write
an effective essay. Before you start writing, you should outline your ideas in a logical order. This
will help ensure that all of your key points are covered and there are no gaps in the essay.
 Structure your paragraphs well. The body of your essay is where you present your argument and
provide supporting evidence. Each paragraph should cover a different point and give details of
the evidence presented to support it. A well-structured body paragraph will include an
introduction, a body and a conclusion that ties everything together:
 Give relevant examples to support your argument. In order to make your argument more
convincing, you should use relevant examples to support your main points. For example, if you
are writing about your childhood, you could provide examples from your childhood that show
that you have experienced a similar situation to that which you describe in the essay. Using
relevant examples will bring your story to life and make it more interesting for the reader.
 Get feedback from others on your draft. Once you have finished your essay, it is good to get
feedback from other people. Try to get feedback from different people who know something
about the topic that you are writing about. This will give you a good idea about the quality of
your essay. Finally, it is important to give yourself enough time to complete your essay. Writing
essays can take a lot of time if you make them complicated.
3. Some tips in writing a descriptive essay are;
 Use of your imagination
 Use of dynamic words
 Engaging a reader’s senses
 Using point of views
 Writing detailed character descriptions
 Use of backstory
 Letting your reader use their imagination.
4. In order to create a connection between what the reader is reading and what they are imagining,
descriptive writing advises you to utilize your words as effectively as possible. In a way, by
employing descriptive writing well, you can penetrate the reader's mental world and influence their
thoughts and opinions with nothing more than your descriptive writing abilities.
Reading examples and other descriptive articles is the best approach to comprehend and learn about
descriptive writing. Despite the fact that descriptive language can be useful in practically every part of
writing, including academic writing, screenwriting, poetry, entertainment writing, and even professional
writing. Descriptive writing is used more frequently than any other writing method in some genres,
5. Everyone should learn descriptive writing, whether they are college students, recent grads, or working
professionals since everyone can gain from knowing how to use words to best explain anything.
A student can learn to communicate more effectively by mastering descriptive language, which will
be very beneficial for their academic career. Because they now know how to explain what the teacher
needs to know in writing, they can now write better and earn higher grades.
Descriptive writing is a skill that college students will utilize frequently, therefore it can be quite
beneficial to them. Writing many assignments and presentations is a requirement for college students.The
grades students will obtain at the end are influenced by each task. Therefore, it's crucial to make sure that
each assignment is perfect and helps you achieve the highest scores possible. College-bound students can
benefit from descriptive writing because it can significantly improve their academic writing skills, which
they employ in their essays, reports, research papers, etc.

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