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Judy Ann Ulbinar

Agatha’s Red Dress

The story is about a young girl named Agatha who’s living in an unfortunate life where
the young girl has only one dress. She kept on repeating the dress that her mother gave until it
gets ragged. Sadly, her mother died but Agatha was adopted by Emilia the younger sister of her
mother. When Judy was on her way home she saw a box and inside the box is a red dress. Will
Agatha keep the red dress? Is the red dress will be key to change her life? Let’s find out as the
story folds.

Narrator: In a small village of Philadelphia, lived a beautiful girl named Agatha. She lived
with her mother in a small hunt. Agatha was a poor girl, she had no beautiful dress. The next
day it was Agatha’s birthday, she was so excited when she saw a box and she immediately
opens it. Agatha was surprised by the gift of her mom and that gift was a white dress. Agatha
always wore the white that her mother gave to her. The dress was too tight on her and
Agatha’s back hurt. Soon, Agatha’s mother got it and she spent her time in taking of her mom.
Once, coming back home she saw a red dress in a box. Judy love the red dress and she decided
to bring it. When Agatha went home her mother was not happy to see the red dress.
Mother: “Agatha you must not pick up anything off the road. They belong to someone, it is
stealing and the owner of the red dress is looking for it.”
Judy: “They should be careful mom! Finders are keepers!”
Mother: “Don’t be stubborn Agatha and you know what, even that we are poor it should not
make us to steal something and make us do wrong things my child. Dear promise me that you’ll
not kept that red dress and returned it to where you found it. Never wear that red dress
Narrator: Agatha was so sad and upset to her mother. As she loves her mom she
promised that she will return the red dress and never wear it. As the time passed by Agatha was
so hesitant she could not stop thinking about the red dress. Agatha secretly kept the shoes in
her room. A few months after her mother passed away. Agatha always cries in her room every
day and night. She was very, very sad. On the day of the funeral of her mom, Agatha did
something unusual she wore the red dress. Everybody in the funeral stared at her dress. But
she didn’t care because she loves her dress. Emilia the younger sister of her mother decided to
adopt Agatha because she has no child.
Emilia: “Oh poor dear, I will give you a house to live and a good food to eat. Now you I will
stand as you mother. Oh did you wear red dress on your mother’s funeral? Those are ugly,
should change your dress.
Agatha: “No! I love them! They are mine!”
Emilia: “My dear don’t be too stubborn. I’ll buy you a good dress to wear”
Narrator: Agatha was sad too change her clothes and throw it. So they went home and
she treated Agatha as her own. She feed Agatha and she even gave her a room. Agatha also got
a new dress to wear but its yellow and she miss her red dress. She always taught of the dress.
Agatha: “Why doesn’t anybody to allow me to wear my beautiful red dress? I will wear them
someday and nobody can stop me!”
Narrator: Years past Judy grow up and she turned into gorgeous young girl. But as she
grew so did her stubbornness. Agatha was a difficult and a hardheaded child to Emilia, despite
of being so stubborn Emilia still loves her. Time passed by all Agatha’s dress were too short and
tight. The old lady realized she has to buy Agatha new dress. As she entered the shop she saw a
red dress.
Agatha: “Oh they are exactly like the ones had when I was small. I want them!”
Emilia: “Oh, the red dress again! Agatha buy the one that you can always use. What if we
attend again a funeral? You can’t wear red dress to the funeral. It is disrespectful. I don’t have
enough money so I can’t but you two dresses or else we will walk back home and my feet hurt
now, I can’t walk.”
Narrator: But Agatha didn’t listen and she’s happy to see the dress.
Agatha: “I don’t care! I want them and I love them!”
Narrator: Emilia bought the red dress and she also bought a white dress for Agatha.
Emilia had no money and they walk back home. Emilia crunched in pain but Agatha was
dancing, turning and swirled with the wind and singing. The next day Emilia and Judy need to
attend a funeral.
Emilia: “We need to attend a funeral but don’t wear your red dress because its disrespectful”,
she told to Agatha.
Narrator: Agatha went to her room and as she changes the dress she still chose to wear
the red dress but she puts on her jacket so people won’t find out that she’s wearing a red dress.
All through the funeral people kept looking on her. People were gossiping about the girl who
doesn’t respect the dead. Emilia noticed it and she talked with Agatha.
Emilia: Stubborn girl! I told you not to wear that her. You always don’t listen on me!
Agatha: this is my dress and I will wear it wherever I want!
Narrator: An old woman was watching the whole thing that happened on Judy and
Emilia and that old woman went to them and touch Agatha’s dress she whispered something
while touching her dress.
Old Woman: “Be stubborn just like your owner and twirl as fast as you dance.”
Agatha: “Ma’am what are you doing?”
Old woman: “I’m just admiring your beautiful red dress you must be a great dancer while
twirling in that dress.”
Narrator: Agatha was pleased and she wanted to old woman to see her dancing and
swirling in her red dress.
Agatha: “Why I can’t stop dancing. I felt dizzy in swirling. Why it happened?”
Emilia: “Agatha come back her.”
Narrator: Agatha was dancing and swirling and the dress didn’t listen to her anymore.
They were stubborn, they took Agatha in the jungle. They danced and swirl and swirl. Agatha
got dizzy. Her back was sore from dancing and swirling. She couldn’t eat and she missed her
home and the old lady. But the dress she wore didn’t stop.
Agatha: “Please somebody help me. I’m tired and dizzy.”
Narrator: But nobody can help her and she was afraid. Finally, she saw a plain shirt so
she kept it and she manage to take the dress and change it. But her dress was still dancing and
swirling. Her body was too tired and she can’t walk properly.
Agatha: “Oh my legs hurt, my back hurt and I’m still dizzy.”
Narrator: Agatha manage to go home, the dancing and swirling dress followed her.
Emilia was happy seeing Agatha and she takes care on her. The next morning Agatha wanted to
go to a store but as she picks her dress she saw the dancing and swirling dress. Emilia and
Agatha got surprised. Agatha soon realized that this all is her fault
Agatha: “I shouldn’t be so stubborn in my whole life. I have been as stubborn as the red dress.
I’m so sorry what should I do now?” asking Emilia.
Emilia: My dear why don’t you pray for the magic dress to be vanished. If you’re truly sorry for
you bad behavior your prayers will be answered.
Narrator: Agatha began to pray night and day. When she’s about to sleep she saw the
old woman from the village standing up to her.
Old Woman: “Dear I’m happy that you have learnt your lesson. As you now repent and let your
stubbornness go so must the dress.”
Narrator: After hearing those words the old woman vanished as the red dress.
Agatha: Thank you.
Narrator: Agatha and Emilia are now happy and they are living in a peaceful life. Agatha
decided to be a good daughter to Emilia and she also study hard. And never let the red dress to
be part of her life again.
Moral Lesson: Don’t be stubborn children, it will cost you someday.

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