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Religious wars:

Crusades: 3,000,000
French Wars of Religion: 4,000,000
The Thirty Years War: 11,500,000
Lebanese Civil War: 250,000
Second Sudanese Civil War: 2,000,000
total: 20,750,000

Non-religious wars:
World war 2: 60-72,000,000
The An Lushan Rebellion: 36,000,000
Mongol Conquests: 30,000,000
Qing Dynasty: 25,000,000
World War 1: 20,000,000
Vietnam War: 2,300,000
American Civil war: 800,000
Napoleonic Wars: 3-6,500,000
1978 War in Afghanistan: 3,000,000
Total: 195,000,000

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