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Function InfixtoPrefix( stack, infix)  
2. infix = reverse(infix)  
3. loop i = 0 to infix.length  
4. if infix[i] is operand → prefix+= infix[i]  
5. else if infix[i] is '('  → stack.push(infix[i])  
6. else if infix[i] is ')' → pop and print the values of stack till the symbol ')' is not f
7. else if infix[i] is an operator(+, -, *, /, ^) →  
9. if the stack is empty then push infix[i] on the top of the stack.  
10. Else →  
11. If precedence(infix[i] > precedence(  
12. →   Push infix[i] on the top of the stack  
13. else if(infix[i] == precedence( && infix[i] == '^')  
14. →   Pop and print the top values of the stack till the condition is true  
15. →   Push infix[i] into the stack  
16. else if(infix[i] == precedence(  
17. →   Push infix[i] on to the stack  
18. Else if(infix[i] < precedence(  
19. →   Pop the stack values and print them till the stack is not empty and infix[i] 
< precedence(  
20. →   Push infix[i] on to the stack  
21. End loop  
22. Pop and print the remaining elements of the stack  
23. Prefix = reverse(prefix)  
24. return  
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  static boolean isalpha(char c)
    if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
      return true;
    return false;
  static boolean isdigit(char c)
    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
      return true;
    return false;
  static boolean isOperator(char c)
    return (!isalpha(c) && !isdigit(c));
  static int getPriority(char C)
    if (C == '-' || C == '+')
      return 1;
    else if (C == '*' || C == '/')
      return 2;
    else if (C == '^')
      return 3;
    return 0;
  // Reverse the letters of the word
  static String reverse(char str[], int start, int end)
    // Temporary variable to store character
    char temp;
    while (start < end)
      // Swapping the first and last character
      temp = str[start];
      str[start] = str[end];
      str[end] = temp;
    return String.valueOf(str);
  static String infixToPostfix(char[] infix1)
    String infix = '(' + String.valueOf(infix1) + ')';
    int l = infix.length();
    Stack<Character> char_stack = new Stack<>();
    String output="";
    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
      // If the scanned character is an
      // operand, add it to output.
      if (isalpha(infix.charAt(i)) || isdigit(infix.charAt(i)))
        output += infix.charAt(i);
      // If the scanned character is an
      // ‘(‘, push it to the stack.
      else if (infix.charAt(i) == '(')
      // If the scanned character is an
      // ‘)’, pop and output from the stack
      // until an ‘(‘ is encountered.
      else if (infix.charAt(i) == ')')
        while (char_stack.peek() != '(')
          output += char_stack.peek();
        // Remove '(' from the stack
      // Operator found
      else {
        if (isOperator(char_stack.peek()))
          while ((getPriority(infix.charAt(i)) <
                 || (getPriority(infix.charAt(i)) <=
                     && infix.charAt(i) == '^'))
            output += char_stack.peek();
          // Push current Operator on stack
          output += char_stack.pop();
    return output;
  static String infixToPrefix(char[] infix)
         * Reverse String Replace ( with ) and vice versa Get Postfix
Reverse Postfix *
    int l = infix.length;
    // Reverse infix
    String infix1 = reverse(infix, 0, l - 1);
    infix = infix1.toCharArray();
    // Replace ( with ) and vice versa
    for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
      if (infix[i] == '(')
        infix[i] = ')';
      else if (infix[i] == ')')
        infix[i] = '(';
    String prefix = infixToPostfix(infix);
    // Reverse postfix
    prefix = reverse(prefix.toCharArray(), 0, l-1);
    return prefix;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String s = ("x+y*z/w+u");

Iterate the given expression from left to right, one character at a time

Step 1: First reverse the given expression

Step 2: If the scanned character is an operand, put it into prefix
Step 3: If the scanned character is an operator and operator's stack is
empty, push operator into operators' stack.
Step 4: If the operator's stack is not empty, there may be following
If the precedence of scanned operator is greater than the top most
operator of operator's stack, push this operator into operator 's stack.
If the precedence of scanned operator is less than the top most
operator of operator's stack, pop the operators from operator's stack
untill we find a low precedence operator than the scanned character.
If the precedence of scanned operator is equal then check the
associativity of the operator. If associativity left to right then simply
put into stack. If associativity right to left then pop the operators from
stack until we find a low precedence operator.
If the scanned character is opening round bracket ( '(' ), push it
into operator's stack.
If the scanned character is closing round bracket ( ')' ), pop out
operators from operator's stack until we find an opening bracket ('(' ).
Repeat Step 2,3 and 4 till expression has character
Step 5: Now pop out all the remaining operators from the operator's
stack and push into postfix expression.
Step 6: Exit

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