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November 26, 2001 MORE INFO

20.00 WIB (62) 298 3985 2092
+62 209 1092 4095
Spectacular Concert
December 31, 2021

Who is not familiar with the most favorite

singer this year? yes, at the end of this year
Olivia Wilson will appear in Indonesia by
presenting amazing performances to the
satisfaction of country music lovers.

She will appear with a musical drama concept

that the audience would be hysterical and
remember this event until next year.
We hope it will be the best event
of the year.
Special Concert:
Regardless of the venue, musicians usually
perform on a stage (if not actual then an area
of the floor designated as such). Concerts
often require live event support with
professional audio equipment.

Special Song:
Regardless of the venue, musicians usually
perform on a stage (if not actual then an
area of the floor designated as such).

Target Attendance:
6000 Attendance of various segmentation

123 Anywhere St., Any City
For your consideration,
We will be organizing big events with open entry
to all general audiences and invite more
prestigious people as a guest.

Event: Concert Event

Date: December 31, 2022
Location: 123 Anywhere St., Any City, ST 12345

Transportation $2000
Hotel $1500
Consumption $1200
Management Fee $10.000
Wardrobe & Make- Up $1200

Total Cost $15.900

Event Organizer
Isabel Mercado

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