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1. The law on deposits is governed by ____________________ of the ________________________.

2. A ____________________ is constituted from the moment a person receives a thing belonging to
another with the obligation of ___________________ and ___________________.
3. As to perfection, it is _____________________, hence perfected upon ____________________.
Otherwise contract is __________________. It can be _________________ or
4. As to consideration, it is _____________________, except ___________________ and
5. Fixed savings, current bank deposits are governed by the provision on _______________________.
6. The 2 kinds of deposit are ______________________ and ___________________________.
7. A judicial deposit is also known as ______________________ and takes place when seizure of
property in litigation is ordered and its object may be ___________________ or
8. Only ____________________ may be the object of extrajudicial deposit which is either
___________________ or __________________.
9. A deposit is voluntary when __________________________.
10. A deposit is necessary in the following cases a. __________________ b. ________________ c.
11. The _________________ is obliged to ___________________ and _______________________,
and he shall be liable for the negligence of his __________________. He cannot deposit it to third
person except ______________.
12. The _____________________ is liable for any loss of the thing even thru fortuitous event when
a.__________________ b. ___________________ c. _________________ d.
13. The act of a ______________________ who entered a hotel is not ___________________ unless
a. ___________________ or b. ______________________.

14. Hotel keepers have right to __________________ things brought by their guests as
__________________ for their ____________________.

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