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Sample Character Reference Letter for Court

Dear {Sir / Madam},

First of all my cordial greeting. I am here at this moment writing in reference to {Name}, who is before your
court because of {reason for court appearance}.

{Name} asked me kindly if I could write a reference letter, but the truth is that I was already planning on doing
so before asking me. I sincerely feel very concerned about the well-being and future of {name}, and my
intention is to try to make them understand my point of view and that of many people who love and love him.

Although it seems hard to believe or understand, {name} is a good person and has always had morality in his
actions. I have had the happiness of being able to meet {name} for {amount of time} and that is why I can
assure you that even though he/she has had his ups and downs in life, I and many of his friends we are
convinced that {name} is a human being with a great heart and a decent person. I’m sure that {name} only
needs more people around him who believe in him/her to better develop his self-esteem and self-confidence
and be able to return to be that amazing person that I’ve always been able to meet.

Certainly {name} has made some mistakes, of which I am convinced that he/she is very sorry for having
committed, for which he will be fully prepared to repair, as best he can, all the financial and emotional
damages that his actions may have been caused around him. But this will only be possible if this justice
system and all of us give a new opportunity to him/her because we recognize that he could have broken the
law. I am sure that you know the power that the decision that you can take on the life of this {woman / man}
and can take a wise disposition.

Thank you,


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