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Topic: Elements of Quality Education: A student’s entitlements


The quality of education has been one of the most debated issues in the world. For example, in

Bhutan the people have blamed towards the education system for failing to provide a quality

education for Bhutanese children. However, some educationists argue that the quality of

education is a subjective issue and entails multi-dimentional references and an objective

yardstick is needed to determine what contributes to constructing a quality education.

Nonetheless, this research explores some indespensable indicators, which if observed would

address the problem of lack of quality in education. The paper succinctly discusses, in sequence,

factors such as a standardized curriculum, high quality of teachers, efficient learners, appropriate

resources, capable leaders and supportive parents, which are all essential for a quality education.

This is elaborated in the form of a Teaching Learning Support (TLS) model of quality education,

which has been deduced in the course of carrying out this small scale research project.


Quality education has become one of the most talked about issues in many parts of the world.

This issue has recently been discussed by Bhutanese people in social media (Facebook and

Twitter) and in public places such as restaurants and gatherings. In 2006, it was even deliberated

at the highest levels of Government - the legislative body in the National Assembly. As a result,

the Bhutanese have questioned the performance of educators, thereby undermining confidence in

the educational practices and the overarching plans and policies which have been instituted in

recent times with the help of scholars from the renowned Universities of Canada, America, and

Australia, especially from the 1990s. In response to the increasing interpretation and

manipulation of the issue by the Bhutanese people, a small scale research project was urgently

required in order to test the assumptions and opinions widely expressed in the public domain.

Characteristically, the term ‘Quality Education’ seems to be a subjective concept and the

understanding of it may differ from person to person; however, a number of definitions regarding

a quality education exist which testifies the complexity and varied character of the concept. For

instance, UNICEF (2000) discusses five dimensions of quality education, “healthy learners;

conducive environments; relevant curricula; child-friendly pedagogy; and useful outcomes” (p.

4). All these elements contribute to building a quality education in a system, thereby enabling an

indespensable right to students for effective learning. Therefore, this study seeks in particular to

discuss some of the core dimensions or elements of learning, namely the quality of learners,

teachers, curriculum, resources, parents and professional leaders. The author has developed a

similar model entitled a teaching learning support (TLS) model.

Quality Teaching

Figure1. The First Part of TLS Model of Quality Education

Contributes to Teachin

Quality Teacher

Quality teacher is as important as quality curriculum. Osborne (1999) says that curriculum is

nothing more than pieces of paper unless the teacher converts it to useful learning experiences.

Importantly, Josephine & Amukowa (2013) say that the root of quality education is a quality

teacher. The people may advocate child-centered education with elevated passion and zest;

however, they cannot deny the fact that it is largely ‘in the hands and minds’ of teachers that

brings the best results (Dorji, 2007, p.68). Thus, in the hands of a motivated, qualified and well

prepared teacher, even the least promising students are likely to do well in their studies.

In addition, Crahay (2004) as cited in Sherub ( 2008) notes that even when there are considerable

variations in learners’ conditions, teachers can bring a beneficial pressure on students, thereby

increasing their good quality levels of performance and success. At the heart of an education

system lays the teachers who play a very pertinent role in nurturing quality learning in students

(Sherub, 2008). Nothing is truer when some learned people in the world say that the mistakes of

teachers are reflected on the nation. Cole & Knowles (2000) & Shulman (2003) in Pollard &

Bourne claim that it is imperative the teachers embody good academic knowledge to affect

efficient teaching-learning processes in the class. Therefore, teachers are the linchpins on which

the quality achievement of an education system hinges. The Figure 1 on page 2 shows that

teachers and curriculum are important elements for the quality teaching process.

Quality Curriculum

A quality curriculum is as important as the quality teachers. The purpose of a curriculum or any

educational program is to achieve diverse goals that might have been designed “within a

framework of theory and research, past and present professional practice, and the changing needs

of society” (Parkay, F., Standford, B.H.& Gougeon, T.D. (1996). Without a quality curriculum

spounds students learning may not happen.

Essentially, the quality of students’ learning is strongly determined by the type of curriculum that

is in place in the education system. A curriculum must contain the elements which will enable

teachers and students to explore and enhance the multiplicity of innate potential the learners

possess and must also align with the learning styles of the learners. The nature of the curriculum

should be not only gender sensitive and inclusive but also outcomes oriented (Glatthorn &

Jailall, 2000). All curriculums is supposed to be learner-centered, of a standardized design and

free from discrimination, particularly in terms of cultural diversity, multiple intelligences, in-

born talents and the vested interests students have for their own learning.

UNICEF (2000) points out, “National goals for education, and outcome statements that translate

those goals into measurable objectives should provide the starting point for the development and

implementation of curriculum.” Curricula must entail reliable and contextualized studies,

whereby, the three domains of learning, namely psycho-social, affective and cognitive aspects

are available to our students. UNICEF (2003) robustly puts forward the view that while

designing the curriculum, an emphasis should be on deeper learning areas rather than just a broad

coverage of some aspects of knowledge. It is believed that these learning areas are inevitable

attributes. To cite an example, a doctor without a good knowledge on values and attitudes is

more likely to fail in life. The curriculum is expected to be value based education containing

literacy, numeracy and life skills putting more emphasis on child-centered method of teaching

(UNICEF, 2000). Raising the standard of academic curriculum provides an opportunity to

embody the interests and skills of students, hence is more likely to ensure the future of the

students than exposing them to a de-personalized curriculum. A sound curriculum can help to

achieve educational goals of producing well qualified, skilled and motivated future citizens in the


Quality Learning

Figure2. The Second Part of TLS Model of Quality Education


contributes to


Quality Learners

Good health, nutritous diet in early childhood, and nurturing psychosocial experiences contribute

to producing quality learners in the schools. McCain & Mustard (1999) as cited in UNICEF

(2000) maintains that children learn well when they are healthy physically, socially, and

mentally. A healthy childhood life, in particular, for the first 3 years, renders a base for a good

life for academic outcomes to flourish later. Good food, a balanced diet can provide children

with opportunities for a wholesome development. For instance, a child who has good health is

less likely to miss school and continuity of the teaching learning process in the class. Regular

attendance enables a student to do well in class and in both curricular and co-curricular activities

in the school. There is a strong correlation between healthy learners and a quality education.

Fuller, et al (1999) demonstrates that children who attend the school consistently do well

academically and as a result, this significantly influences achievement. To cite an example,

Miske, Dowd et al. (1998) found that students who went to school regularly in Malawi had

significant gains in learning and minimal repetition and dropout rates. Good curricula and

teachers are rendered ineffective if the learners are passive, disinterested or frequently absent

from school. The Figure 2 on page 5 shows the quality learners and resources contributes to

quality learning.

Quality Resources

Well appointed and stimulating classrooms and adequate teaching-learning materials have a

significant bearing on achieving quality learning. The school facilities are likely to be important

along with curriculum and good teachers in order to produce a quality teaching-learning process.

Fuller (1999) strongly argues that “empirical evidence is inconclusive as to whether the

condition of school buildings is related to higher student achievement after taking into account

student’s background”, however, in India, a study has been carried out by Carron & Chau, 1996

who sampled 59 schools, out of which only 49 schools had buildings; 25 schools had 1 toilet; 20

schools had electricity; 10 schools had 1 library room each and 4 schools had 1 television set

each. The study found that there was a strong correlation between sufficient resources in school

with students’ learning scores in Mathematics and Hindi (Carron & Chau, 1996).

In Latin America, 50,000 grade three and four students have been sampled by Willms, D., 2000

who found out that schools which lacked the teaching and learning materials and insufficient

library facilities had significantly lower test scores as compared to the well equipped and

furnished schools. William’s finding concurred with schools in Botswana, Nigeria and Papua

New Guinea (Pennycuick, 1993).

The various uses of technology are testimony to have developed student-centered academic

environment in schools. For example, learning through the internet, video and tele-conferencing

and televised educational talk which can be interactive and time saving may add significance to

the quality of educational processes. Droste (2000) also says that internet technologies may be

used as a substitute to other methods, an innovation that could be explored by many schools in

developing countries. The president of Cisco Systems remarked: “There are two fundamental

equalizers in life — the Internet and Education. E-learning eliminates barriers of time and

distance, creating universal learning-on-demand opportunities for people, companies and

countries” (Chambers, 2000).

Quality Support Services

Figure3. The Third Part of TLS Model of Quality Education


contributes to Support
Services for
TL Process


Quality Leaders

The leadership and management skills of school leaders impacts on the attainment of quality

education in a system. It takes a few positive words from a school principal to motivate teachers

and learners, and a few negative words to de-motivate them. The school head is looked upon as

the most informed and powerful person in a school hierarchical system, it is crucial that the

leader embodies what he/she tells and promises for the cause of the school. For example, a

phrase like ‘I saw you going late to the morning assembly’ would only question the management

and leadership credibility of the head. So, the school head should be mindful of his words and

actions as their leadership and management styles can seriously affect the whole school system

(Thinley, 2014, p 24).

There are certain things which a school leader must not neglect owing to the significant

attribution each has on achievement of quality education in school:

First, there are curricular and extra-curricular activities in the school which if neglected could

erode motivation of teachers and students which could adversely affect quality education.

Establishing a tradition to uplift the dignity of students and teachers can be institutionalized in an

accreditation system. Sergiovanni, 2002 in Thinley, 2014 robustly says that things get done

when there is a reward mechanism for every aspect of competition and initiative carried out by

the school citizens. The objective of delivering a quality education to students would have a

positive influence on the culture in a school.

Second, running a school doesn’t absolutely fall on the school head alone. It takes a collective

and concerted effort of the principal, teachers and ancillary staff to deliver the quality education

to students. Thus, empowerment of all staff with power and responsibilities is paramount as it

promises measurable outcomes.

Finally, an effective head always strives hard for the benefit of all staff and students. The head

ensures that a school is a homecoming for students and teachers. It is a matter of ethics and

morality and there is no denying the fact that practices of harassment, bullying, and corporal

punishment in a school is against the principles of good school culture (Thinley, 2014). Instead,

values like honesty, authenticity, integrity and love, which stands for an acronym ‘HAIL’ must

be greeted, claimed and encouraged enthusiastically for the development of wholesomeness in

learners (Treasure, 2013, in Ted Talk, Scotland). The school is ultimately for the learners

therefore, the vision, mission, aims and objectives of the school must be geared towards

development of quality students.

Quality Parents

In contemporary world, the relevance of parental role towards the education for their children is

of vital significance. The children whose parents are educated do fairly well in any curricular and

co-curricular activities in schools. In other words, a supportive home ambience when provided to

children is conducive to their academic success (Marzano, 2003). Besides, Barnard (2004),

Henderson (1988), Shumox & Lomax (2001) are of the view that the performance of students in

academic fields depends heavily on the parantal engagement in their daily learning activities.

Krashan (2005) confirmed that learners, whose parents are caring, supportive, educated, and

time-conscious about their learning, do better in standardized tests than children whose parents

are otherwise. Interestingly, some parents even take part in school activities for the development

of their children which is welcoming and exemplary to others. As a result, the parental support

for the development of the students and success of the school is urgently but ardently needed.


The elements of successful learning such as the quality curricula, efficient leaders, well qualified

and conscientious teachers, motivated learners, supportive parents and abundant resources are

the core components that determine the quality of education in the country. Schools are more

likely to be known for the quality achievement of education if good care has been given to TLS

model of quality education. It may be recommended that educators have good knowledge on this

model before they embark on any new educational undertakings for the cause of learners and the

future citizens of the country. The future of the country depends on today’s youth. Having access

to quality education has been tacitly understood as the right of the learner. “What will be the fate

of the country if there are high numbers of unproductive youth in the country?” is the question

every person has to listen, understand, analyze and resolve collectively.

The figure 4 is a summary of some core elements which are necessary for the development of

quality education in a school system.

Figure 4: Elements of quality education

a che Qu
T e Curr ality
alit iculu
Qu m




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