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lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance

2. charm
attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates

3. defer
yield to another's wish or opinion

4. discard
anything that is cast aside

5. dismiss
stop associating with

6. edgy
being in a tense state

7. elusive
skillful at evading capture

8. enlist
join the military

9. enraged
marked by extreme anger

10. ensue
take place or happen afterward or as a result

11. entice
provoke someone to do something through persuasion

12. exempt
freed from or not subject to an obligation or liability

13. exile
the act of expelling a person from their native land

14. expire
lose validity

15. hinge
a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing

16. hoard
a secret store of valuables or money

17. instill
impart gradually
18. lush
produced or growing in extreme abundance

19. magnify
increase in size, volume or significance

20. mandatory
required by rule

21. posterity
all future generations

22. reluctant
not eager

23. strenuous
taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance

24. vicious
having the nature of evildoing

25. vital
performing an essential function in the living body

1. abstain
refrain from doing, consuming, or partaking in something

2. allocate
distribute according to a plan or set apart for a purpose

3. audacious
disposed to venture or take risks

4. banish
expel, as if by official decree

5. boundary
the line indicating the limit or extent of something

6. compel
force somebody to do something

7. compulsory
required by rule

8. conspicuous
obvious to the eye or mind

9. contrived
showing effects of planning or manipulation

10. cunning
showing inventiveness and skill

11. defiler
a person or organization that causes pollution of the environment

12. denial
renunciation of one's own interests in favor of others

13. depict
give a description of

14. discrepancy
a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions

15. enact
order by virtue of superior authority; decree

16. entail
have as a logical consequence

17. entice
provoke someone to do something through persuasion
18. grudge
a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation

19. guarantee
an unconditional commitment that something will happen

20. imply
express or state indirectly

21. incense
make furious

22. inflict
impose something unpleasant


1. accrue
grow by addition

2. affluent
having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value

3. amiss
in an improper or mistaken manner

4. banish
expel, as if by official decree

5. compile
get or gather together

6. devour
eat immoderately

7. dwindling
a becoming gradually less

8. enclosure
a structure consisting of an area that has been confined

9. obsolete
no longer in use

10. overwhelmingly
incapable of being resisted

11. replenish
fill something that had previously been emptied
12. severed
detached by cutting

13. stumble
miss a step and fall or nearly fall

14. sue
institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against

15. wager
the act of gambling


1. oblivious
lacking conscious awareness of

2. quibble
argue over petty things

3. extraneous
not belonging to that in which it is contained

4. upgrade
rate higher; raise in value

5. sluggish
moving slowly

6. mortality rate
the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area;
expressed per 1000 per year

7. ward off
prevent the occurrence of

8. hover
hang in the air; fly or be suspended above

9. inadvertently
without knowledge or intention

10. array
an orderly grouping

11. shriek
a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry

12. ammunition
projectiles to be fired from a gun
13. indignant
angered at something unjust or wrong

14. rivulet
a small stream

15. downsize
reduce in magnitude or number

16. conflict
an open clash between two opposing groups

17. punctually
at the proper time

18. flicker
flash intermittently

19. downright
complete and without restriction or qualification

20. cherish
be fond of

21. inquest
an investigation into the cause of an unexpected death

22. accomplished
highly skilled

23. compile
get or gather together

24. quibble
evade the truth of a point by raising irrelevant objections

25. writhe
move in a twisting or contorted motion

26. accomplish
achieve with effort

27. glaring
shining intensely

28. oblivious
lacking conscious awareness of

29. intricate
having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate
30. snap
separate or cause to separate abruptly

31. infringement
an act that disregards an agreement or a right

32. despondent
without or almost without hope

33. self-assured
showing poise and confidence in your own worth

34. grudgingly
in a reluctant manner

35. revoke
cancel officially

36. frown
a facial expression of dislike or displeasure

37. wear off

diminish, as by friction

38. vehemently
in a forceful manner

39. flushed
having the pinkish glow of health

40. live up to
meet the requirements or expectations of

41. hurdles
a footrace in which contestants must negotiate a series of hurdles

42. profusion
the property of being extremely abundant

43. compliance
the act of submitting, usually surrendering power to another

44. grossly
in a gross manner

45. mandatory
required by rule

46. contend
compete for something
47. excruciating
extremely painful

48. see eye to eye

be in agreement

49. rumbling
a loud low dull continuous noise

50. overwhelmingly
incapable of being resisted

51. fidgety
nervous and unable to relax

52. rugged
having long narrow shallow depressions in the surface

53. crack
a narrow opening

54. rigid
fixed and unmoving

55. run down

injure or kill by running over, as with a vehicle

56. giddy
lacking seriousness; given to frivolity

57. enhance

58. subsidize
support, as through grants or other funds

59. disrupt
make a break in

60. brawl
quarrel or fight noisily, angrily or disruptively

61. assert
claim to be true

62. upcoming
of the relatively near future

63. adroitly
with adroitness; in an adroit manner
64. retentive
having the capacity to hold something

65. asset
a useful or valuable quality

66. work up
form or accumulate steadily

67. warranty
written assurance that a product or service will be provided

68. stand in
be a substitute

69. entrance
something that provides access to get in

70. distort
twist and press out of shape

71. divulge
make known to the public information previously kept secret

72. tenuous
very thin in gauge or diameter

73. influx
the process of flowing in

74. glaring
shining intensely

75. simmer
boil slowly at low temperature

76. up-and-coming
working hard to promote an enterprise

77. downplay
understate the importance or quality of

78. endowed
provided or supplied or equipped with

79. discrepancy
a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions

80. raucous
unpleasantly loud and harsh
81. breakthrough
the act of making an important discovery

82. vigorously
in an energetic manner

83. fumble
make one's way clumsily or blindly

84. hospitality
kindness in welcoming guests or strangers

85. phase out

terminate gradually

86. erupt
start suddenly

87. muggy
hot or warm and humid

88. qualm
uneasiness about the fitness of an action

89. assess
estimate the nature, quality, ability or significance of

90. aback
by surprise

91. earmark
give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

92. tactfully
in a considerate, careful, and appropriate manner

93. draw up
form or arrange in order or formation, as of a body of soldiers

94. instill
impart gradually

95. pore
direct one's attention on something

96. forefront
the position of greatest importance or advancement

97. indelible
not able to be removed or erased
98. lay down
institute, enact, or establish

99. reap
get or derive

100. rudiments
a statement of fundamental facts or principles

101. ruthless
without mercy or pity

102. recede
pull back or move away or backward

103. impairment
a reduction in quality or strength

104. enmity
a state of deep-seated ill-will

105. splinter
a small thin sharp bit or wood, glass, or metal

106. put down

cause to come to the ground

107. affluent
having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value

108. subdued
lacking in light; not bright or harsh

109. predecessor
one who goes before you in time

110. treaty
a written agreement between two states or sovereigns

111. suspension
the act of hanging something from above so it moves freely

112. dispute
the act of coming into conflict

113. predominantly
much greater in number or influence

114. in brief
in a concise manner; in a few words
115. prime
of superior grade

116. taunt
harass with persistent criticism or carping

117. overview
a general summary of a subject


1. abate
become less in amount or intensity

2. acquit
pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

3. adamant
insistent; unwilling to change one's mind or opinion

4. admonish
counsel in terms of someone's behavior

5. affable
diffusing warmth and friendliness

6. aghast
struck with fear, dread, or consternation

7. agitated
troubled emotionally and usually deeply

8. akin
similar in quality or character

9. aloof
distant, cold, or detached in manner

10. allot
give out

11. allocate
distribute according to a plan or set apart for a purpose

12. amenable
disposed or willing to comply

13. anguish
extreme distress of body or mind
14. animosity
a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility

15. appease
make peace with

16. ardent
characterized by intense emotion

17. astounding
bewildering or striking dumb with wonder

18. attest
provide evidence for

19. avert
turn away or aside

20. averse
strongly opposed

21. baffle
be a mystery or bewildering to

22. barren
an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation

23. beckon
summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture

24. bashful
self-consciously timid

25. bland
lacking taste or flavor or tang

26. blatant
without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious

27. blemish
a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something

28. blissful
completely happy and contented

29. blunder
an embarrassing mistake

30. capacious
large in the amount that can be contained
31. cherish
be fond of

32. circumvent
surround so as to force to give up

33. clumsy
lacking grace in movement or posture


34. coerce
cause to do through pressure or necessity

35. commence
set in motion, cause to start

36. commend
present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence

37. commodity
any good that can be bought and sold

38. conspicuous
obvious to the eye or mind
39. contend
compete for something

40. convey
transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

41. counterfeit
not genuine; imitating something superior

42. covert
secret or hidden

43. cumbersome
difficult to handle or use because of size or weight

44. curtail
terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end

45. defer
yield to another's wish or opinion

46. deter
turn away from by persuasion

47. delusion
a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea

48. devoid
completely wanting or lacking

49. diffuse
spread out; not concentrated in one place

50. dilute
lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

51. diligent
quietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness

52. discard
anything that is cast aside

53. disclose
expose to view as by removing a cover

54. disguise
any attire that conceals the wearer's identity

55. dwelling
housing that someone is living in
56. dubious
fraught with uncertainty or doubt

57. edible
suitable for use as food

58. emaciated
very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

59. embellish
make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

60. embezzle
appropriate fraudulently to one's own use

61. endeavor
attempt by employing effort

62. enraptured
feeling great rapture or delight

63. ensue
take place or happen afterward or as a result

64. equate
consider or describe as similar or analogous

65. erratic
liable to sudden unpredictable change

66. exalt
praise, glorify, or honor

67. exacerbate
make worse

68. exhilarate
fill with sublime emotion

69. expenditure
the act of spending money for goods or services

70. extenuating
partially excusing or justifying

71. extrinsic
not forming an essential part of a thing

72. exult
feel extreme happiness or elation
73. extrude
form or shape by forcing through an opening

74. factitious
not produced by natural forces; artificial or fake


75. fastidious
giving careful attention to detail

76. feasible
capable of being done with means at hand

77. flamboyant
elaborately or excessively ornamented

78. flaunt
display proudly

79. flee
run away quickly

80. flicker
flash intermittently
81. fortuitous
lucky; occurring by happy chance

82. frantic
marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion

83. gallant
having or displaying great dignity or nobility

84. groove
a long narrow furrow cut by a natural process or a tool

85. grueling
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion

86. gullible
naive and easily deceived or tricked

87. hail
precipitation of ice pellets

88. harass
annoy continually or chronically

89. heedless
marked by or paying little attention

90. hideous
grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror

91. hinder
be an obstacle to

92. hoax
something intended to deceive

93. hurdle
a light barrier that competitors must leap over in races

94. hustle
move or cause to move energetically or busily

free from undue bias or preconceived opinions

95. impending
close in time; about to occur

96. impel
urge or force to an action; constrain or motivate

97. incite
provoke or stir up

98. inception
an event that is a beginning

99. incur
make oneself subject to

100. indulge
yield to; give satisfaction to

101. infatuate
arouse unreasonable love or passion in

102. inflict
impose something unpleasant

103. inherent
existing as an essential constituent or characteristic

104. inscribe
carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface

105. inquisitive
given to questioning
106. insidious
working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way

107. instigate
provoke or stir up

108. intrude
enter uninvited

109. lavish
very generous

110. languish
become feeble

111. laudable
worthy of high praise

112. legitimate
in accordance with accepted standards or principles

113. linger
remain present although waning or gradually dying

114. loathe
dislike intensely; feel disgust toward

115. lodge
a rustic house used as a temporary shelter

116. lucid
transparently clear; easily understandable

117. lure
provoke someone to do something through persuasion

118. malevolent
wishing or appearing to wish evil to others

119. malnourish
provide with insufficient quality or quantity of nourishment

120. merger
an occurrence that involves the production of a union

121. mirage
optical illusion in which hot air distorts distant objects

122. moan
an utterance expressing pain or disapproval
123. miscellaneous
having many aspects

124. moisten
make moist

125. momentous
of very great significance

126. mundane
found in the ordinary course of events

127. naive
marked by or showing unaffected simplicity

128. nauseous
causing a sick feeling

129. negligence
failure to act with the prudence of a reasonable person

130. niche
a small concavity

131. nonchalant
marked by casual unconcern or indifference

132. nuisance
anything that disturbs, endangers life, or is offensive

133. oblivious
lacking conscious awareness of

134. obscure
not clearly understood or expressed

135. obsolete
no longer in use

136. obstinate
marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

137. obtrusive
sticking out; protruding

138. ornament
something used to beautify

139. peculiar
beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
140. parsimonious
excessively unwilling to spend

141. percussion
the act of exploding a detonator that explodes when struck

142. persevere
be persistent, refuse to stop

143. pioneer
one the first colonists or settlers in a new territory

144. plausible
apparently reasonable, valid, or truthful

145. ponderous
having great mass and weight and unwieldiness

146. posterity
all future generations

147. precarious
not secure; beset with difficulties

148. precipitous
extremely steep

149. prevail
be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

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