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1. Ndiyimba mphamvu ya Mlungu, wolenga mapiri,
Yemwe anapana zinyanja ndi mlengalenga;
Ndiyimba nzeru imene inapanga dzuwa;
Mwezi uwala usiku, ndi nyenyezi zomwe

2. Ndiyimba ubwino wace, Wakupatsa kudya;

Analenga zonse ndi mau, nayamikira.
Mbuye munazikhazika mozizwitsa ndithu!
Zinthu za m’dziko lapansi ndi zam’mbwamba

3. Mbeu ndi maluwa omwe, zidziwitsa Inu;

Mitambo yonse ndi namondwe, Zimwera Inu.
Za moyo zonse zimasamalidwa ndi Inu,
Tiribe kothawira’ko, koma kwanu kokha.
Good health; God’s priority
3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things
that thou mayest prosper and be
in health, even as thy soul

Eclesiastes 10:17

Blessed [art] thou, O land, when

thy king [is] the son of nobles, and
thy princes eat in due season, for
strength, and not for drunkenness!
Poor Cooking a Sin
• It is a sin to place poorly prepared food on the table,
because the matter of eating concerns the well-being
of the entire system. The Lord desires His people to
appreciate the necessity of having food prepared in
such a way that it will not make sour stomachs, and in
consequence, sour tempers. Let us remember that
there is practical religion in a loaf of good bread.—
Manuscript 95, 1901, Counsels on Diet and Foods
Appropriate Epitaphs
• Scanty, ill-cooked food depraves the blood by weakening
the blood-making organs. It deranges the system and brings
on disease, with its accompaniment of irritable nerves and
bad tempers. The victims of poor cookery are numbered by
thousands and tens of thousands. Over many graves might
be written: "Died because of poor cooking;" "Died of an
abused stomach." {MH 302.2}
Proper kitchening: a must for every woman
Our sisters often do not know how to cook.
To such I would say, I would go to the very best
cook that could be found in the country, and
remain there, if necessary, for weeks, until I
had become mistress of the art,—an
intelligent, skillful cook. I would pursue this
course if I were forty years old. It is your duty
to know how to cook, and it is your duty to
teach your daughters to cook. When you are
teaching them the art of cookery, you are building
around them a barrier that will preserve them
from the folly and vice which they may otherwise
be tempted to engage in.—Testimonies for the
Church 2:370, 1870
Much effort needed
In order to learn how to cook, women should study, and then
patiently reduce what they learn to practice. People are
suffering because they will not take the trouble to do this. I say
to such, It is time for you to rouse your dormant energies, and
inform yourselves. Do not think the time wasted which is
devoted to obtaining a thorough knowledge and experience in
the preparation of healthful, palatable food. No matter how
long an experience you have had in cooking, if you still have
the responsibilities of a family, it is your duty to learn how to
care for them properly.—[Christian Temperance and Bible
Hygiene, 49] Counsels on Health, 117, 1890
Men not exempted
Many who adopt the health reform complain that it does not
agree with them; but after sitting at their tables I come to the
conclusion that it is not the health reform that is at fault, but
the poorly prepared food. I appeal to men and women to
whom God has given intelligence: Learn how to cook. I make
no mistake when I say “men,” for they, as well as women,
need to understand the simple, healthful preparation of food.
Their business often takes them where they cannot obtain
wholesome food. They may be called to remain days and even
weeks in families that are entirely ignorant in this respect.
Then, if they have the knowledge, they can use it to good
purpose.—[Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 56, 57]
Counsels on Health, 155, 1890
James 1:5. If any of lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all
[men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

The same God who gave the children of Israel manna from heaven lives
and reigns. He will give skill and understanding in the preparation of
health foods. He will guide His people in the preparation of wholesome
food. He desires them to see what they can do in the preparation of
such food, not only for their own families, which is their first
responsibility, but for the help of the poor. They are to show Christlike
liberality, realizing that they are representing God, and that all they
have is His endowment.—Letter 25, 1902
Self must die

Those who are given a knowledge of how to prepare such foods

must use their knowledge unselfishly. They are to help their poor
brethren. They are to be producers as well as consumers. (CD 401)
Simple, Easily Prepared, Healthful
• Deal in foods that are much less costly, and
which, prepared in a nutritious form, will answer
every purpose.... Endeavor to produce less
expensive preparations of the grains and fruits.
All these are freely given us of God to supply
our necessities. Health is not ensured by the
use of expensive preparations. We can have just
as good health while using the simple
preparations from the fruits, grains, and the
vegetables.—Manuscript 75, 1906
As affordable as possible

It is our wisdom to prepare simple, inexpensive, healthful foods. Many of our

people are poor, and healthful foods are to be provided that can be supplied at
prices that the poor can afford to pay. It is the Lord’s design that the poorest
people in every place shall be supplied with inexpensive, healthful foods. In many
places industries for the manufacture of these foods are to be established. That
which is a blessing to the work in one place will be a blessing in another place
where money is very much harder to obtain.(CD 270.3)

As famine and want and distress shall increase more and more in the world, the
production of the health foods will be greatly simplified. Those who are engaged
in this work should learn constantly of the Great Teacher, who loves His people,
and keeps their good ever in view. (CD 271)
• The lion’s share of the recipes contained in here will rely on
measurements of the one cooking for some of such
measurements are not yet ascertained. Thus, the description
given here will accredit and take advantage of the practical
lessons that we had as a supplement. Minus which, there is
only one recipe that has just been added whose practical
was not done; thus, salads, as a bonus.
Bread: The Staff of life

•Religion will lead mothers to make bread of

the very best quality.... Bread should be
thoroughly baked, inside and out. The
health of the stomach demands that it be
light and dry. Bread is the real staff of life,
and therefore every cook should excel in
making it.—Manuscript 34, 1899
Religion in a Good Loaf

• Some do not feel it is a religious duty to prepare food

properly; hence they do not try to learn how. They let
the bread sour before baking, and the saleratus added
to remedy the cook’s carelessness makes it totally
unfit for the human stomach. It requires thought and
care to make good bread. But there is more religion in
a good loaf of bread than many think.—[Christian
Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 49] Counsels on
Health, 117, 1890
Teach thy child in his way
• It is a religious duty for every Christian girl and
woman to learn at once to make good, sweet,
light bread from unbolted wheat flour. Mothers
should take their daughters into the kitchen with
them when very young, and teach them the art
of cooking.—Testimonies for the Church 1:684,
Shun soda: baking powder
• The use of soda or baking powder in breadmaking is
harmful and unnecessary. Soda causes inflammation
of the stomach and often poisons the entire system.
Many housewives think that they cannot make good
bread without soda, but this is an error. If they would
take the trouble to learn better methods, their bread
would be more wholesome, and, to a natural taste, it
would be more palatable.—The Ministry of Healing,
300-302, 1905
Hot Yeast Bread

• Bread should be light and sweet. Not the least taint of

sourness should be tolerated. The loaves should be small,
and so thoroughly baked that, as far as possible, the yeast
germs shall be destroyed. When hot, or new, raised bread of
any kind is difficult of digestion. It should never appear on
the table. This rule does not, however, apply to unleavened
bread. Fresh rolls made of wheaten meal, without yeast or
leaven, and baked in a well-heated oven, are both
wholesome and palatable....

• Zwieback, or twice-baked bread, is one of the most easily

digested and most palatable of foods. Let ordinary raised
bread be cut in slices and dried in a warm oven till the last
trace of moisture disappears. Then let it be browned slightly
all the way through. In a dry place this bread can be kept
much longer than ordinary bread, and if reheated before
using, it will be as fresh as when new. (CD 317.1) (It can be
baked at 1000C for 1 hour)
Old Bread Preferable to Fresh

• Bread which is two or three days old is more healthful than

new bread. Bread dried in the oven is one of the most
wholesome articles of diet.—Letter 142, 1900
• The stomach has not power to convert poor, heavy, sour
bread into good food; but this poor bread will convert a
healthy stomach into a diseased one. Those who eat such
food know that they are failing in strength. Is there not a
cause? Some of these persons call themselves health
reformers, but they are not. They do not know how to
Radical decisions
• They prepare cakes, potatoes, and graham bread, but there is the
same round, with scarcely a variation, and the system is not
strengthened. They seem to think the time wasted which is devoted
to obtaining a thorough experience in the preparation of healthful,
palatable food....
• In many families we find dyspeptics, and frequently the reason of
this is the poor bread. The mistress of the house decides that it
must not be thrown away, and they eat it. Is this the way to dispose
of poor bread? Will you put it into the stomach to be converted into
blood? Has the stomach power to make sour bread sweet? heavy
bread light? moldy bread fresh? ...
Thou shalt not kill
• Many a wife and mother who has not had the right education and
lacks skill in the cooking department, is daily presenting her family
with ill-prepared food which is steadily and surely destroying the
digestive organs, making a poor quality of blood, and frequently
bringing on acute attacks of inflammatory disease and causing
premature death. Many have been brought to their death by eating
heavy, sour bread.
A case study
• An instance was related to me of a hired girl who made a batch of
sour, heavy bread. In order to get rid of it and conceal the matter, she
threw it to a couple of very large hogs. Next morning the man of the
house found his swine dead, and upon examining the trough, found
pieces of this heavy bread. He made inquiries, and the girl
acknowledged what she had done. She had not a thought of the
effect of such bread upon the swine.
• If heavy, sour bread will kill swine, which can devour rattlesnakes,
and almost every detestable thing, what effect will it have upon
that tender organ, the human stomach?—Testimonies for the Church
1:681-684, 1868
• 10-11 cups whole wheat
• 5 cups pure warm water
• 3 Tablespoons yeast
• 5 tablespoons sweetener
i.e honey, jaggery, sweet
• 1/4 cup soy oil
• 1 Tablespoon sea salt
• Mix warm water with sweetener, then add the yeast, wait for 2 min, then stir
• Add cooking oil, salt and mix to form a milky mixture
• Add flour. Start with the minimum amount of flour. Slowly knead just enough to
make a springy soft dough. Knead the dough thoroughly for about 10 min.
Kneading develops gluten from the protein in flour and produces a smooth, even
texture. If the dough is not kneaded enough, the bread maybe coarse, crumbly,
heavy and dry.
• Cover the dough and let it rise double its size.
• Knead the dough again for 2 minutes and let it rise again double its size.
• Knead the dough once more and then shape into a loaf and put it in a pan and let
it rise almost double and then bake in a preheated oven for 20-30 min at 2500C
• The same dough can be shaped into buns etc
2. Gluten
• 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
INGRIDIENTS • 1 ½ cups of bread crumbs and
• 12 cups of whole wheat flour • Salt to taste.
• 4-6 cups of water
• 7-8 tomatoes (medium in size)
• 1 teaspoon lemon juice
• 1 tea spoon honey
• 1 tea spoon molasses
• 1 full table spoon paprika
• 1 bulb of garlic (medium in size or 6 cloves)
• 2 bulbs of onion (medium I size)
• Make a dough of whole wheat flour, knead it thoroughly such that
it no longer sticks to the basin or bowl or board that you are using.
• Soak the dough in water and leave it to stay overnight; thus, for 7
to 8 hours.
• Then, start washing the dough whilst in water. Keep on changing
the water for washing until all the white staff that is being as
soluble as possible ceases to do so. The washing is thus done when
you see that there is no foam being formed and the gluten is as
elastic as possible (just like a chewed gum).
• With an aid of a knife, cut it into
pieces for easy readiness during
the next stage of boiling.
• NB: This gluten made will be
useful in the next recipe.
• Grate your tomatoes and onions
• Sauté your onion in one table
spoon cooking oil; add your
grated tomatoes. Let it simmer
for 5 to 10 minutes and sieve
when ready.
• Sauté your clashed garlic in 1 table spoon of cooking oil until brown.
Then add some chopped onion and your sieved tomatoes.
• Then add all the other ingredients except bread crumbs.
• Add the sliced gluten to the mixture and 7 cups (250ml) of boiled
water. Let the mixture simmer for 1 hour (or until it is beautifully
• Let it cool and then remove the gluten from the soup and thereafter
dip each piece of gluten in bread crumbs and finally bake till brown
and return them into the soup again.
• Add 1 cup of water to increase soup quantity and then let the mixture
simmer for 3-5 minutes. (You can garnish with green pepper, green
beans, nsawawa)
• You can serve with nsima or rice.
3. Vegan sausage
INGRIDIENTS • NB: For this case, the amount of
• Gluten flour used to make a dough for the
needed gluten weighed 6kgs. As a
• Chana flour result, the measurements to
• Garlic follow will take that into
• Paprika, basil
• Cooking oil
• Fennel (somph)
• Salt
• Water
• Plastic tubes.
• Take the boiled gluten (advisedly,
add salt in the course of
• boiling) and break it into small
• To this, add 1 tablespoon of
grinded somph, 3 to 4 bulbs of
• garlic grated, 3 tablespoon of basil,
3 to 4 tablespoon of
• paprika and 3 to 4 tablespoon of
cooking oil and mix them well.
• Add chana flour so as to have your
mixture as thick as possible only
not to make it too hard. In case the
mixture is too thick, add some
water to make it smooth.
• Tie your plastic tubes on one
closed end and start filling them
with your mixture so much so that
you have another space at the end
where you can tie also.
• Boil the tied plastic tube in the
water for about 20 minutes.
• Using a razor blade or any sharp object remove the plastic
tubes and you finally have your sausage held together.
• In case of lack of plastic tubes, you can
improvise by using any of the local
materials that can give you the same
desired shape like banana leaves or
corn leaves.
• In our case, we tried improvising
banana leaves and it worked only that
some water could go in while boiling
causing the sausage to lose some
quality hence a need to make the
piece of banana leaf as large as
possible. Make sure that the leaves
are left on direct fire until you see an
oily shin being made which leaves the
leaves soft and flappy.
• Otherwise, try other means to attain
the same desired product.
• Using dried banana leaves, tie the
rolled piece of the leaf on one end, fill
in the contents tie again ready for
• When all your sausage are out of the tubes, you can bake them in the
oven until they are golden brown. You can cut them into pieces or
not. In the absence of a cooker, you can add two spoons of cooking oil
into a flying pan; lay your sausages there; cover it and put on very
minimal fire (preferably a charcoal burner).
• Make soup and add your baked sausages.
• You can serve with nsima, rice, spaghetti etc.

NB: Sausages that have not been added into soup are more palatable.
3. Vegan pancake
INGRIDIENTS Beside the mentioned items, you will also
need the following:
This can be made from one of the • Cooking oil
• Sweet potatoes • Salt to taste
• Irish potatoes • Honey
• Ripe bananas • Carrot
• Whole wheat • Onion
flour • Whole wheat flour and
• Water.
Just like our practical, we will use sweet
potatoes in this description for easy
• Wash your sweet potatoes thoroughly and grate them.
You can also use a knife and be crashing your potatoes
into smaller pieces.
• Chop your onions into smaller pieces and grate your
• To your sweet potatoes (grated) add grated carrots,
chopped onion, honey and salt; mix them well.
• To this, add your whole wheat flour and make a dough
that is neither watery nor too dry. In case you have
added too much flour, add some water and mix well
• Into your pan, add a spoon or two of cooking oil to
cover the base alone.
• Add a portion of your mixture
and start rolling your pa gently
and constantly until the base is
brown. When that one side is
ready, flap it to have the top side
down and continue rolling until
the other side is also brown.
• You can serve with as a snack
together with a meal that will
have no contradiction with
4. Soymilk
• Soybeans
• Water
• Salt.
• Soak the soy beans overnight or for 8-10 hours
• Boil the soybeans for 15-20 min while removing the foam; this is
essential for it removes the bean flavor of which most don’t like.
• Peal your soybeans and pound them. You can also use a blender
• Add boiled water (which helps to dissolve the fat contained in the
soybeans) into that stuff.
• Sieve your stuff thoroughly using a fine material. An organza cloth is
• Boil your milk for 20 to 25 minutes while removing foam that forms.
• You can add your salt (it should be as small as possible).
• Your soymilk is now ready. You can sweeten with honey.
• Handle it the way you take care of any milk. It goes sour when it stays
for more than 6 hours outside the fridge.
• In case it goes sour, don’t throw it away …………… You can make soy
buttermilk. Buttermilk is an excellent article of diet and is especially
beneficial in malnutrition, tuberculosis, toxic conditions and intestinal
infections. Soy buttermilk has the advantage of producing an alkaline
effect, more nourishing and is rich in minerals.
• Use unsweetened soy milk. Let stand until sour as desired or just
clabbered and not sour; beat up with an eggbeater and salt to taste
5. Vegan tofu
• Soybeans
• Epsom salt or lemon juice
• Water
• Have your soybeans selected to have the best quality of them.
• Soak them in water overnight or for 12 hours
• Pound them or blend to have them in their finest state.
• Now you have to choose between these two:
 You can add water and boil together for 10 to 15 minutes. Whilst
boiling, be stirring them constantly to avoid them from forming a
burnt smoky layer under your pot; otherwise, your product will be
smoky smell. Then, sieve.
 You can sieve first before boiling. Use boiled water for dissolving your
pounded or blended stuff. Then boil for 10 to 15 minutes.
• While the milk is on fire add your lemon
juice or Epsom salt while stirring gently.
• When well coagulated, transfer them on
a piece of cloth and squeeze to remove
the water within.
• When ready cut it into reasonable sizes
and soak it in water which you need to
be changing every day.
• When you are about to serve, you can
bake them with herbal spices of your
choice and add soup. You can serve
with nsima or rice. OR you can prepare
it as scrumbled eggs.
6. Tomato sauce

• 1 kg of tomatoes
• 3 large onions
• 2 large bulbs of garlic
• Salt to taste
• 1 to 2 tablespoon paprika
• Lemon juice (optional) and
• Cayenne pepper (just a pinch).
• Chop or grate your tomatoes, onion and garlic.
• Boil them for 10 minutes with your salt added. You can
add some water if your tomatoes are not watery.
• Sieve them to have the watery stuff only.
• To this, add your honey, paprika and lemon juice and
• again with medium heat.
• Be stirring them constantly until it is too thick to that
• desired sauce texture.
• You can add your pinch of cayenne pepper when you
have your pot out of fire.
• You can use your sauce for 2 days without going bad if
you don’t have a refrigerator. If you have one, you can
keep for so long.
7. Zinc (pumpkin seeds) balls
Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
• The only seed that is alkaline forming
• 100g seeds provide 30g protein
• Can reduce levels of LDL Cholesterol
• Used traditionally to kill parasites i.e. Njoka za mmimba (use unroasted seeds, just grind
them into powder and add a little salt to taste)
• Reduce inflammation for Arthritis
• Prevent Kidney stone formation
• Good for prostrate health
• Promote good sleep
• Filled with minerals
• High in zinc
• Pumpkin seeds
• Water
• Herbal spice like onion,
garlic, masala, cumin, green pepper etc.
• Roast your pumpkin seeds for reasonably short time.
• Grind the pumpkin seeds; you can mix with maize when pounding for it not
to be too oily.
• Sieve and pound until you collect enough fine powder.
• Mix the powder with herbal spices i.e. fine onion, garlic, masala, cumin,
green pepper etc.
• Put the mixture in a mortar and pound. Add hot water little by little until
the dough becomes somehow oily.
• Make balls and put them in boiling water on fire and let it boil on low heat
for about an hour. The flavor is improved if boiled in earthen pot
• Add soup into the pot and let it simmer for few minutes. Then the food is
now ready. It can be served with nsima or rice.
7. Chana tofu

• 500g Chickpeas (Chana/Garbanzo
• 300g Oats
• 1 tsp salt
• Herbal Spices i.e. garlic powder, lemon powder
• 2 litres of water
• Soak Chickpeas overnight. Wash them several times with water.
Divide the chick pea in half and then mix with some of the oats. Put in
a blender and add 1 liter of water in it; blend till smooth. Do the same
with the remaining chickpea and oats (adding 1 litre of water as well).
Blend. Sieve the mixture using a clean cloth. Add the salt and spices
• Then boil for 25 minutes till it thicken. Put in container and let it cool
• Then put in a fridge for 3-4 hours. Remove from fridge and then cut in
small pieces and bake. Note that it is not as firm as soy tofu so when
baking, be checking constantly. The ideal way is to air-fry.
• Lastly, make your soup and mix. Best served with rice or spaghetti.
8. Chigumu

• 3 cups soy flour
• 1 cup corn flour (if possible, yellow corn) or any grain four
• Soy milk
• 1 tablespoon yeast
• 4 tablespoons honey
• A pinch of salt
• 1 teaspoon lemon zest
• Mix flour and honey (with hands till they mix
• Add salt and then gradually add soy milk till
chikhale chiphala. Add yeast and then beat for 2
- 3 minutes
• Fold in zest
• Bake at 2000 C from 30 -40 min
9. Cake
INGRIDIENTS • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
• 3/4 cup pure water hot • 2 cups whole wheat flour
• 1/2 cup honey or maple syrup • 3 1/2 teaspoon healthy baking
• 1/4 cup soy oil powder or 1 tablespoon yeast
• 1/2 cup date or raw sugar • 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
(substitute; cassava flour)
• 1 tablespoon lecithin
• 2 teaspoons orange zest
• 2 tablespoons barley malt,
optional • 1/2 cup nuts, chopped
• Blend the first 7 ingredients. Pour into mixing bowl.
• Sift next 3 ingredients; add to blended mixture in bowl, stirring just
enough to combine.
• Fold in zest and nuts
• Put into 2 layer cake pans treated with non-stick coating.
• Bake at 2000C 35-45 min or until toothpick inserted in center comes
out clean.
• Frost as desired
Caramel Frosting
• 2/3 cup maple syrup; raw honey or honeycomb
• 2/3 cup cashew meal or ½ cup cashew butter
• 2 tablespoon coconut oil or almond butter
• 1 teaspoon pure vanilla; pinch of sea salt
• ¼ - ½ cup soymilk powder, coconut meal or flax meal.
• Cream together in order to given until smooth.
• Good on Swedish Tea Ring, sweet rolls, cakes etc.
• Carob frosting: add 2 – 3 tablespoon carob powder.
10. Salads
Salad can be made of the
• Cabbage
• Chinese cabbage
• Lattice
• Mustard
• Rape
Other needed materials include the following

• Tomatoes
• Onions
• Lemon juice
• Carrots
• Cucumbers
• Green pepper
• Cooking oil
• Salt.
• Wash your vegetables thoroughly
• Cut them into beautiful pieces except for lattice which can be taken
without cutting or just rarely.
• Have your tomatoes, onion, carrots, cucumbers and green pepper
nicely cut also.
• Into your lemon juice, add your reasonable cooking oil and salt. Beat
them thoroughly until you make a cream white solution.
• Mix them thoroughly as prior to meal time.

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