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Look at the two people below. They have both been convicted of erimes. Read about their crimes, then answer the questions. 4 oa: Came: 65 shopiting bread and mic from local shop erence: hunger ‘Ace: 20 ‘ewes CAI: drug dealing Ff Derence: need for 1A Read this paragraph about the British legal system and each space. ‘The legal system (2) from country to country, as do the kinds of punishment that 1 ityou were a judge, what kind of sentences would you give to these two people? [vorbal warning reprimand; prison sentence) Do you think people should be given lighter ‘sentences or even be let off when there are extenuating circumstances? choose the best answer (4, 8, C or D) for are given for different crimes. In Britain, for 18029 -Behangos_ Caters example, there is no death [2] even for 2 oertaate payment Cpunishment @peraty the most serious of crimes but in the USA, capital punishment is still quite [3] in 3Atrequent @eommon Gordinary regular some states. In Britain, trials take place either in the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court, 4ASmal_— @Petty insignificant’ DLight [4] __crimes, such as traffic offences, are oo 7 tried at the former, and more serious crimes, SANAPPENS —Bworks operates goes o i such as murder, atthe latter. Itis in the Crown @up Bat) ciat | pas CQ) Court that the jury system (5) __. The jury a LX” is made [6] of twelve people whose 7Adecision Bresut ©verdict. ~——Dclatm responsibility it fo docide if the defendant is : guilty or not, If the jury return a [7]__ of | ®Asuted Busted right @riting Faulty, it is the judge's job to decide what amare gio. ©pass Danae would be a (8]___ punishment and to (9)__ ' sentence on the defendant. Those found guilty 10Ain Gon cat D with of committing murder will probably find themselves facing life imprisonment. Unfortunately, however, they may be released (10) ___parole after serving approximately ‘wo thirds of their sentence. in the paragraph above collocetions such as pass sentence are used. Fill in the correct form of the appropriate verb to complete the sentences. 1 Anyone, king_ the law deserves to be punished, even in the case of minor offences. 2 Hthe defendant is___feund__quity of a serious crime such as murder, life imprisonmentis the only acceptable punishment. 3 The death penalty was __abolisied__ many years ago and under no circumstances must it be reintroduced, 4 Harst f punishments wil certainly ___aet_as a deterrent to young people, 5 Murderers should never be __ released __ on parole. A life sentence should always mean life. 6 There have been cases where the police have __withheld__evidence that could have prevented an i innocent person from being sent to prison i 1 Wiebe by munporirs of th dneth penwly "6 Walrus apiack ol against pa! punter He that ths form of punishment will put people off @® verbally protest about B speak in support of | commiting cna acts e pple _— 6 we keep letting young offenders of, how wi they lou gh bar arg? | dink and ave l @ bo stricter with B ty to avoid 7 Nobody should be allowed to get away with tnett, even there are extenuting oreumstances such 3 tis not uncommon for rioting to aK out in as poverty, prisons. A receive a lenient punishment Abe caused by ® bogin sucseniy @® escape punishment 4 How can violent crime be stamped cut without 8 The committee put forward vatious schemes to sffective punishments? improve te prison but rone of them were A be reduced @ be eraivated implemented 2B think of © suggest BA Correct whore necessary. oO 4 Without @ doubt. ur legal system has room for Prisoners shoul have the chance ta coma ta improvement. terms with what they have done. Psychological of support would help them inthis. «7 2 He was falsely accused af murder and spent five a Z Sicitencl teat 7 There should be no mercy for those who Kil ir cold blood. 3 The jury was unanimous of their decision to acquit to the defendant, 8 He was condemned at death for a cme he had’ against committed, Fortunately, the tre facts came to 4 While reform is a good idea, we should guard font’ ight and he was released. being too lenient towards pri : ake 9 Prisoners need to be prepared to face life on the 5 Those convicted of murder should not be given ‘outside once they are released from prison. the death penalty 3 the off.chance that they are 40 Mucdggys and rapists deserve to ohn innocent, bbe putts bare for Ifo, 9 & Some of the sentences contain an incorract preposition, correct them where necessary, The punishment should always fit ithe crime, She was released on ball, 7 9 All prisoners must comply with prison regulations, »” 2 We need to approach te the problem of prison reform with care, Even ifthe Jury reach ie" decision of ‘not guity’ we can never be completely certain that hey are correct. Facing x6 a death sentence when you ae innocent must be absolutely terrifying, Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. You must use between three and eight words. 1 The reforms will not succeed unless we all support them, CAUCIAL Our support _Is crucial to the sues the reforms. 2 While conditions in prisons need to be improved, nobody is suggesting they become luxury hotels. While conditions in prisons need to be improved, nobody is suggesting (that) they (should) be J are turned into luxury hotels 8 Insome cases, itis clear that the judge should be lenient. CALLED TURNED Leniency is in some cases, lary called for Qwaina Tass) 1 Ppfisan Geta ally, they will continue to Look at this example. 4 Victims and their families often feel the need to avenge the wrong done to them. TAKE Victims and thelr families offen fee the need __folake revenge for _ the wrong done to thern, 5 Hardened prisoners do not usually have a positive influence on young, first-time offenders. EXERT Hardened prisoners rarely exert a positvé influence _on young, first-time offenders, 6 In my opinion, most prisoners are not sorry for what they've dona RENORSE In my opinion, very few prisoners _shaw / feo! remorse for their actions. Read the following two texts. Write an essay surnmarising and evaluating the key points from both texts. Use your ewn words throughout as far as possible, and include your ain ideas in your answers. Unless we reform our prisons ra be ineffective and inhumane institutions which do not properly prepare prisoners to enter society again. Whatever is; they do not deserve to live in crowcled, dirty cells, with little or no their crime, prisoners are people and they have exercise or access to fresh pretend that such prisons have a rehabilitative fun is no way in the world that criminals treated in such a way will be anything hut more dangerous when it is finally How can we continue to # There Young Offenders ‘The practice of putting prisoners just turned elghteen into the generat prison population is counter-productive. First of all, these are the ones who are most likely to respond to a programme that emphasises educational opportunities, psychological support and work release days, vy eventual goal of full rehabilitation and the removal of a potential re-offender from the system. This i highly unlikely ‘when an impressionable youth, in prison forthe first time, comes under che influence of more hardened criminals: the most probable result in such cases is che acquisition of a Criminal education and the contacts to help put that newly acquired knowledge into practice. 8 Introduction: introduce the subject; explain the role of ___prisons__ Paragraph 2: discuss the bad __conditions_ in prisons an negative influence of other prisoners the Paragraph 3: discuss the positive results an _ educator and a better __ environment “would have Conclusion: state what will happen if prisons remain the way they are {tis important not to copy too much from the input texts when writing your essay. Look at these words, taken from the texts above, and think of other ways in which to express them. 1 reform: change forthe beter, improve, make better — 2 inhumane: crue, barbarie 3 crime: offence, eviminal act eso 5 dirty: ity, squad, unhyaienic Fea i i | 6 in prison: imprisoned, locked up, serving a sentence, behind bars \ i 4 Fillin the correct werd / phrases to complete this essay, which a student wrote in response to the task ‘The prison system is primarily ax of punishing people for the crimes they have d, but most prisons also claim they play a role in each prisoner's rehabilitation. Yet to what extent is this true? (1) ones ono 5 WE NEWM t0 examine the Conditions in which most inmates live. The majority of prisons are overcrowded, which can lead to a variety af problems. Arguments and fights, (2) .f9fstaaee inevitable when so many people co-exist in such a small space. To compound the problem, the cells are far from, Intact hysienie; (8) » they could be deseribed as squalid in some cases, This only serves to create a feeling of despondency and worthlessness in people. (4) sof one the mingling of first-time and young, offenders with hardened criminals makes prisons into a kind of school of rime, and many ofthe former prisoners leave determined to become the latter. (One very simple way to improve things would be to clean prisons up and give prisoners more access to fresh air and exercise, in order to burn off excess energy. In addition, programmes should be made available which offer education and training to inmates, This could even include work release, once the prisoners had proved they can be trusted. Such programmes should be aimed exclusively at those prisoners who could benefit from them: frst offenders, the young and so on. (5)... FUtRenmere.., they should be given psychological support to help break What is often a vicious eycle of criminality, and he kept separate from hardened criminals (6)... Ta.gonetude... is clear that something must be done to make 0% prisons more effective. When writing long sentences, make sure you punctuate them properly. Commas are especially important. Look at the paragraph below and add commas where necessary. ere will In many prisons, where inmates ae living in cramped, dirty conditions, be regular outbreaks of violence. On occasion, these take the form of riots ‘and,as such,are usally aimed atthe prison staff rather than ot More often than not however the dissatisfaction which prisoners fee causes olent conflicts beoveen inmates. Surely there is litle to be gained by Allowing the situation to continue? While iti clear tha prisons should not, sander any circumstances, be tuned ino lucrious hotel thy should be Improved forthe sake of those inmates who genuinely hope to beable £0 turn their lives around, : 48 Look at the task below. Read ihe two texts below. Write an sssay summarising and evelvating the Key points from both texts. Use your own words throughout as far as possible, and include your own ideas in your answers, ddime box wotthes Be 3 ler no circumstances can capital punishment be condoned. It is @ barbaric form of i | { | 7 iY i t punishment, which sarves no useful purpose as it obviously dees not act as a deterrent. | | 1 | In the USA, for example, the use of capital punishment increased yrvally Uwing the eighties and nineties, but with no corresponding effect on the crime rate. Another argument says that i effectively deals with people who are a danger to sociely. But in end years, even decades, on death row while thelr appeals are used Up, and might as wall just be sentenced to life Imprisonment with no possibilty of parole, any case, they tnnacents ol Tho systom by which people are convicted is simply ot 8 elproot as yo james td: Peas le, fe fis ice acd Wt kaseee com, kilo ee just too high While the fk ofthis happening romaine a very real jochy oe daa mectonot ls aconptel, fle ga OMA oko ory’ poate i Aritean pésare marny maczien fw beer Perel to be convciod ofa ere, they ae tkaly to got a worse sortance they ae from an ate rivay, ad & doproponicranny niga martber ot hone palpi ec executed every year inthe States L i i 2 Planning your essay. Hi Discuss the following: 1 Are there any instances where you feel capital punishment could be justified? What are they? I calt-blooded murder; murder of age numbers of people ' | 3 Think of countries where they stl have this form of punishment, Do you think it reduces crime \ i by putting potential criminals of What effective deterrents can you think of? \ hates the in ie or some eres i's the only stable punishment can meke sume puople wore -ifteyre | {going tobe execued fr hting one person, vy nt kl somo more; iprsonment long sentences lnvalieg hard fabour: no contact wth et of society a | 4 Is justice bind? Do innacent people atfon get convicted of crimes they have not committed? i Can you think of any cases you've heard about? E 46 ‘remember to avold copying too much from the input texts in the exam task. Bid words / phrases in the texts that could be rephrased in the ways given below. approve of, advocate, support inhumane, crue! deter people from, discourage people from, put people off infatibie, safe ‘executed, put to death 4. How to organise your CPE writing task. ‘The plan below will help you write your essay. 0 Introduction: introduce subject; explain the role of capital punishment Paragraph 2: discuss whether capital punishment does the job it says it does “Paragraph 9: discuss the falings In the system of capital punishment Conclusion: sum up; say whether capital punishment can ever be effective REMEMBEI ** Check your punctuation carefully - use commas where necessary. ©), * Don't copy too much from the input texts a7

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