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New: Sexual harassment in the workplace was unnoticed and many times ignored until recent times. It is a very complicated issue which includes many aspects like legal, emotional, civil rights, and personal. Most of the time women are the victims but men could also be a victim. Bangladesh being a culturally conservative country, girls who have faced such incidents hardly speak out or seek legal help. In most of the cases finding no other way they leave the job. Sometimes parents do not permit their daughter to have a job to avoid such incidents. Because these incidents can have a serious impact on their family, social, and most importantly in their personal & emotional life. As a result many girls end up just being a home maker despite of the fact that they might have the capabilities to excel in their career. Previous: Sexual harassment in the workplace was unnoticed and many times ignored until recent times. Because many are not clear of what counts under the term sexual harassment . For many it occurs only when someone touches intentionally in an inappropriate way or ask for sexual favor in exchange of some sort of reward. But it includes a range of behavior from seemingly mild transgressions to actual sexual abuse. Most of the times the women are the victims but sometimes the male are also the victim. In the workplace this sort of behavior is a serious offense. Though not many people speak out especially in Bangladesh which is a culturally conservative country. But it has serious impacts in the work force. Many girls finding no other way leave jobs after facing such incidents repeatedly in the office. Many families do not even allow their daughters to do job even though they might have the capabilities to excel in their career. Therefore I would try to find out the current situation as well as the causes, effects, ways to stop the crime.

Bangladesh is a conservative country and concerning girls it is even more conservative. So, when girls face any sort of sexual harassment in the workplace they do not make any complain thinking what the society may think of her rather they try to solve the problem silently or leave the job. They sometimes do not even discuss the problem with their near and dear ones fearing misunderstanding. Even if anyone talks about it with her family members they suggest her to not to make much noise and leave it behind. And after repeatedly facing all these harassments in workplace they decide to stay at home and look after their family. Many time families do not prefer their girls to work to save them from the lusty eyes of the officials. As a consequence, despite of being educated and capable many girls never reach the position or even have a career they supposed to have.

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