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How the Zebra got it's stripes

By Blaga Cristian, Tămaș Paul and Pop Andreea Maria

There once was a beautiful horse named Juan it had snow white hair he was the
prettiest horse you would ever see. He had lots of friends because he was nice and sociable.

One day he and some friends of his were walking in a forest when they realized that
the forest was on fire. Suddenly they heard a rabbit screaming for help. His friends just ran
away (like cowards) but Juan went and helped the rabbit which was stuck in his den. By the
time he exited the forest with the rabbit on his back all the ashes that fell on him made his hair
black. Now he was ugly. His friends stopped seeing him and he became lonely. But because
God saw his heroic acts he decided to give him a new name „Zebra” and white stripes. The
Zebra 's new look made all his friends jealous.

That's how the Zebra got it's stripes.

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