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Over the past decade, the use of asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) has increased
exponentially, largely spurred by ongoing technological progress and shifts to remote work.
Although prior research shows interview design can influence applicant reactions, the effect of
video interview design factors on interviewee reactions remains unclear. The present study
determines the influence of AVI stimulus format (text-based vs. audio-visual questions) on
applicant perceptions of social presence, fairness and organisational attractiveness. To this end,
a between-subjects posttest-only experimental design was used in two separate samples (South
African sample, N = 58; USA sample, N = 169, Combined samples, N = 227). Participants were
randomly assigned to either the control or experimental group. Participants completed a mock
interview on a commercially available AVI platform and then answered a questionnaire
measuring perceptions of social presence, fairness, and organisational attractiveness.
Bootstrapped independent sample t-tests and serial mediation were used to test the hypotheses.
Within Sample 1, applicant perceptions of social presence, fairness and organisational
attractiveness were higher for the audio-visual and text-based AVIs, thereby supporting the
proposition that audio-visual stimuli lead to higher perceptions of social presence, fairness and
organisational attractiveness. Conversely, Sample 2’s findings were non-significant (p > .05).
While there were mixed results, the findings of this study provide preliminary evidence which
suggests that within the South African context, audio-visual stimuli can be used in AVIs.
Organisations in the American context should pay close attention to the effects of AVI stimulus
format on applicant reactions as the findings from the American sample were not conclusive.
Future research should investigate applicant reactions to different forms of AVI stimulus
during a multi-stage selection process.

Keywords: asynchronous video interview, applicant reactions, fairness, social presence,

organisational attractiveness, selection interview, modular approach, experiment, multi-
sample, mediation

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