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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

Opportunities and Strategies

for Breast Cancer Prevention
Through Risk Reduction
Martin C. Mahoney, MD, PhD; Therese Bevers, MD; Eleni Linos, MD, MPH; Dr. Mahoney is Associate Professor
Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPH of Oncology, Departments of Health
Behavior & Medicine, Roswell Park
Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY.
Dr. Bevers is Medical Director, Cancer
ABSTRACT Due to the high incidence of breast cancer among US females, risk-reduction Prevention Center and Prevention
strategies are essential. Before considering approaches to breast cancer risk reduction, it is Outreach Programs, The University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
important for clinicians to complete individualized qualitative and quantitative assessments of Houston, TX.
risk for their patients in order to inform physicians’ clinical decision making and management Dr. Linos is currently a Resident
and to engage patients collaboratively in a thorough discussion of risks and benefits. This review Physician with the Department of
Dermatology, Stanford University
will summarize information on potential pharmacologic, nutritional, surgical, and behavioral Hospital in Stanford, California. While
approaches to reducing breast cancer risk. working on the article, Dr. Linos was
a Doctoral Student, Department of
While there is no clear evidence that specific dietary components can effectively reduce Epidemiology, Harvard School of
breast cancer risk, weight gain and obesity in adulthood are risk factors for the development Public Health, Boston, MA.
of postmenopausal breast cancer. Alcohol consumption, even at moderate levels, increases Dr. Willett is Professor of Epidemi-
ology and Nutrition, Harvard School
breast cancer risk, although some of the detrimental effects may be reduced by sufficient folate of Public Health, Boston, MA.
intake. Women at increased risk of breast cancer can opt to reduce their breast cancer risk Published online through CA First Look
through the use of tamoxifen or raloxifene; other chemopreventive agents remain under inves- at
tigation. Surgical approaches to risk reductions are restricted to those patients with a substan- doi:10.3322/CA.2008.0016
tially increased risk of developing breast cancer. Patients should be encouraged to maintain a
healthy lifestyle for their overall well-being and to remain up to date with recommendations for screening and surveillance. (CA Cancer
J Clin 2008;58:347–371.) © American Cancer Society, Inc., 2008.
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While decreases in both breast cancer incidence and breast cancer mortality have been apparent in recent years, the
societal and economic impact of this malignancy continues to be huge.1 A 3.9% decrease in breast cancer incidence
has been observed between 2001 to 2004, along with a 2.2% decrease in breast cancer mortality between 1990 to
2004.1 Although a constellation of breast cancer risk factors has been identified, many of these are not easily modi-
fied. Further, many women worry about the potential impact of a breast cancer diagnosis on themselves and their
families. As a result, interest in strategies to prevent breast cancer remains strong.


Estimates from the American Cancer Society (ACS) project 184,450 new cases of breast cancer and 40,480 deaths
due to breast cancer among US women during 2008.2 Breast cancer continues to be the most commonly diagnosed
malignancy among females in the United States. A woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is about 1 in 8
or approximately 12%. As shown in Figure 1, marked disparities are apparent with regard to both incidence and mor-
tality patterns. A comprehensive overview of trends in breast cancer epidemiology has been published.4,5
Disclosure: Dr. Bevers is a consultant for and receives research funding from Eli Lilly.

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

FIGURE 1 Age-adjusted Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates, 2000 to 2004, by Race/Ethnicity.
Abbreviations: PI, Pacific Islander; AI/AN, American Indian/Alaska Native.3 SEER, NCI, DCCPS, Surveillance Research
Program, Cancer Statistics Branch, retrieved March 22, 2008, from

FIGURE 2 Age-specific Breast Cancer Incidence Among Females by Age Group and Race/Ethnicity, United States,
2002 to 2004.6 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program ( DevCan database:
“SEER 17 Incidence and Mortality, 2000–2003, with Kaposi Sarcoma and Mesothelioma”. National Cancer Institute,
DCCPS, Surveillance Research Program, Cancer Statistics Branch, released April 2006, based on the November 2005

Age-specific incidence rates increase dramat- As illustrated in Figure 3, the lifetime proba-
ically beginning at age 40 years, with peak inci- bility of being diagnosed with breast cancer tends
dence generally occurring among women aged to diminish as increased age ranges are achieved.
between 75 and 79 years; incidence peaks are For example, at age 30 years, a woman’s lifetime
not as pronounced among non-Whites (see Figure risk of breast cancer is 12.5%; at age 50 years,
2).1 The median age at diagnosis among all breast the lifetime risk of breast cancer is 11.1%; and at
cancer cases in the United States is 61 years.7 age 70 years, the lifetime risk of breast cancer is

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

FIGURE 3 Lifetime Risk of Developing Female Breast Cancer at Selected Ages, United States, 2002 to 2004.6
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program ( DevCan database: “SEER 17
Incidence and Mortality, 2000–2003, with Kaposi Sarcoma and Mesothelioma”. National Cancer Institute, DCCPS,
Surveillance Research Program, Cancer Statistics Branch, released April 2006, based on the November 2005 submission.

6.6%.7 The reason that the lifetime risk of breast nor whether the trend will continue.10 Despite
cancer declines with advancing age is that the this recent modest change in mammography
area under the age-specific incidence curve rates, breast cancer is typically diagnosed at an
decreases as one ages. early stage (61% local and 31% regional). Overall,
A review of incidence data shows that the 87.3% of women diagnosed with breast cancer
average annual age-specific rate of breast can- remain alive at 5 years, and 79.9% are alive at 10
cer for a White female aged between 60 to 64 years following diagnosis.1 During the period
years is 388.0 cases per 100,000 population or of 1988 to 2003, relative survival rates for local-
⬍4 cases per 1,000 women in the age interval; ized breast cancer were 97.6% and 93.5% at 5
in other words, 996 of these 1,000 women will years and 10 years, respectively, while for regional
not develop breast cancer. As shown in Figure disease, survival rates were 80.0% and 67%, respec-
4, the probability of an average-risk women tively.1 As of 2004, it was estimated there were
developing breast cancer between the ages of 55 2,407,943 female breast cancer survivors in the
and 59 years is 1.4%. United States.1
Population surveys, based on both the National
Health Interview Survey8 and the Behavioral ASSESSING BREAST CANCER RISK
Risk Factor Survey,9 have been used to assess
trends in cancer screening behaviors such as com- It is important for clinicians to determine
pletion of mammography and identification of whether a female patient is at “general popula-
subgroups who may require a targeted focus. tion risk” or at “increased risk” of developing
Data suggest a recent slight dip in the propor- breast cancer since this information can impact
tion of women aged 40 years and older who patient management decisions. General popu-
report having completed at least one mammo- lation risk refers to women who are not known
gram in the past 2 years; in 2000, the propor- to have any medical conditions, family history
tion was 76.4% compared with 74.6% in 2005.9 of malignancy, or specific exposures that would
While this dip appears to be consistent across increase the risk of developing breast cancer
White, Black, and Hispanic women, survey data above that of the general population. Screening
are unable to explain reasons for this decrease tests are used for the early diagnosis of disease

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

FIGURE 4 Risk of Developing Breast Cancer During 5-year Age Intervals, Females, United States, 2002 to 2004.6
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program ( DevCan database: “SEER 17
Incidence and Mortality, 2000–2003, with Kaposi Sarcoma and Mesothelioma”. National Cancer Institute, DCCPS,
Surveillance Research Program, Cancer Statistics Branch, released April 2006, based on the November 2005 submission.

in otherwise healthy persons at general popula- to annual mammography for women with an
tion risk. Mammography, performed at recom- estimated 20% to 25% or greater lifetime risk of
mended intervals, is used to identify breast cancers breast cancer based on risk models, including
among women aged 40 years and older in the women with a strong family history of breast or
general population not known to be at increased ovarian cancer, women who were treated with
risk of developing breast cancer. chest irradiation for Hodgkin disease (HD), and
In contrast, “increased risk” refers to persons other clinical considerations. Women judged to
who are known or are suspected to be at in- be at moderately increased breast cancer risk
creased risk of developing a certain cancer due (15% to 20% lifetime risk) should consult with
to personal and/or family history of medical their physicians about the benefits and limita-
conditions, exposures, and/or prior cancers. For tions of adding MRI screening to their yearly
example, a woman with a close relative (eg, mammogram. Yearly MRI screening is not rec-
mother or sister) who has been diagnosed with ommended for women whose lifetime risk of
breast cancer before age 60 years may warrant breast cancer is estimated to be less than 15%.11
surveillance based on clinical examination and use In general, personal or family histories of
of other imaging studies at specific intervals due cancer that may suggest increased susceptibil-
to an increased risk of developing breast cancer ity for certain types of cancer include (i) 2 or
compared with others without this family/ more affected individuals on the same side of
medical history. Surveillance refers to explicit the family (ie, maternal or paternal lineage) with
strategies for assessment and/or examination at the same or “related” cancers (such as breast
precise time intervals among persons at increased and ovarian cancers or colon and uterine can-
disease risk. It is important to note that levels of cers); (ii) age of cancer diagnosis is earlier than
increased risk vary and that surveillance plans the average age of onset in the general popu-
are frequently individualized. Guidelines on the lation in at least one individual; (iii) presence
use of breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of more than one primary cancer in an indi-
for breast cancer detection among women at vidual (not including metastases); and/or (iv)
high risk (⬎20% lifetime risk) are available.11 a history of specific medical conditions asso-
Screening MRI is recommended as an adjunct ciated with an increased risk of developing

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

Personal Risk Factors

Breast cancer incidence rates vary by age group

and by race/ethnicity. Beyond age and race, a
variety of risk factors contribute to an individ-
ual’s risk of developing breast cancer. Risk of
breast cancer is impacted by family history (rel-
ative risk [RR] ⫽ 1.8 for woman with a first-
degree relative aged 50 years or older with
postmenopausal breast cancer; RR ⫽ 3.3 for
woman with a first-relative with premenopausal
breast cancer; RR ⫽ 1.5 for woman with a
second-degree relative with breast cancer; and
RR ⫽ 3.6 for woman with 2 first-degree rela-
FIGURE 5 Factors Influencing Risk of Breast Cancer. tives with breast cancer)15; genetic factors (car-
riers of breast cancer 1 [BRCA1] and/or breast
cancer 2 [BRCA2] mutations, lifetime risk of
certain types of cancer. Patients and/or fami- breast cancer between 40% to 80%)16; reproduc-
lies with a history suggestive of increased suscep- tive factors (eg, late age at first live birth [RR ⫽
tibility should consider evaluation by a genetics 1.7 to 1.9])15; breastfeeding history (4.3% reduc-
professional to determine the significance of tion in risk, 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.9%
this family history and specific recommenda- to 5.8%, for each year of breastfeeding)17; men-
tions for surveillance and/or cancer risk man- strual history (eg, early age at menarche [RR ⫽
agement. Guidelines to assist clinicians in making 1.3], late menopause [RR ⫽ 1.2 to 1.5])15; and
decisions about referral for genetic risk assess- medical history (eg, woman with Hodgkin lym-
ments and counseling for women with a fam- phoma treated at age 25 years with a chest radi-
ily history marked by increased breast cancer ation dose of at least 40 Gray, cumulative absolute
susceptibility have been developed by a num- risk of breast cancer by age 55 years ⫽ 29.0%
ber of organizations, including the American [95% CI, 20.2% to 40.1%]).18 In addition, breast
Society of Clinical Oncology,12 the National density on mammograms is predictive of breast
Comprehensive Cancer Network,13 and the US cancer risk (odds ratio [OR] ⫽ 5.23; 95% CI, 1.70
Preventive Services Task Force.14 to 16.13).19 Other risk factors for breast cancer
have the potential of being modifiable: over-
weight (80th percentile versus 20th percentile
of body mass index, RR ⫽ 1.2 to 1.9)15; phys-
As indicated earlier, multiple risk factors for ical activity (for postmenopausal women risk
breast cancer have been identified. A compre- reduction of 20% [range 20% to 80%]; no clear
hensive medical history review can be used to relationship among premenopausal women)20;
stratify women by level of breast cancer risk. alcohol consumption (2 drinks daily versus none,
Women with known breast cancer gene muta- RR ⫽ 1.2)15; and use of exogenous hormones
tions or a history of chest irradiation would be (current user of estrogen + progestin for at least
classified at high risk. Women with multiple risk 5 years, RR ⫽ 1.2).15
factors or a strong family history of breast can- For postmenopausal breast cancer, strong evi-
cer would be at moderate risk, while those not dence for risk reductions of at least 20% was
in either of the 2 former groups would be clas- noted for leisure time physical activity (range,
sified as being at general population risk of devel- 20% to 80%). For pre- and postmenopausal
oping breast cancer. As summarized in Figure breast cancer combined, the evidence for an
5, breast cancer risk factors can be divided into association with leisure time or total activity was
those that cannot be modified and those that are much weaker (nil and indecisive, respectively)
modifiable (or potentially modifiable). using our a priori set criteria for defining levels

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

of evidence. However, when the criteria were QUANTITATIVE BREAST CANCER

changed to a risk estimate below 0.85 (instead of RISK ASSESSMENT
0.80), the evidence was strong and moderate, Breast cancer risk-assessment tools can be use-
respectively, indicating a 15% to 20% overall ful for quantifying the magnitude of risk for
breast cancer risk reduction. For premenopausal individual patients; the Gail and Claus models
breast cancer, the evidence for an association are among the most widely known examples of
with physical activity was indecisive. Evidence for these risk-assessment tools. These models were
a dose-response relationship was observed in developed based on 2 different studies (the Cancer
approximately half of the higher-quality stud- and Steroid Hormone Project for the Claus
ies that reported a decreased risk. model and the Breast Cancer Detection and
Demonstration Project for the Gail model).
Components of the Gail model
(, which
Families with 2 or more persons diagnosed
provides a risk estimate for the next 5 years and
with breast cancer and other related malignan-
an estimate of lifetime risk, include age at menar-
cies (ovarian) are suggestive of increased risk.
che, age at first live birth, number of first-degree
Mutations involving the tumor-suppressor genes
relatives with invasive breast cancer, patient age,
BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 are present in 1% to and number of prior breast biopsies and result(s)
2% of Ashkenazi Jews and confer a lifetime risk (atypical hyperplasia: yes, no, unknown). The
of breast cancer ranging between 40% and 80%, Gail model was initially developed based on a
as well as an increased risk of ovarian and colon cohort of White women.27 Recently, the model
cancers.16 The prevalence of BRCA1 mutations was updated using data from the Contraceptive
among non-Hispanic White populations without and Reproductive Experiences Study to pro-
Ashkenazi heritage has been estimated to be vide more accurate determination of risk for
0.24%, suggesting that more than 500,000 non- Black women.28 (The Gail model is not appli-
Ashkenazi Whites are at substantially increased cable to patients with a prior history of invasive
risk of breast cancer21; the prevalence of BRCA2 breast cancer, lobular carcinoma in situ [LCIS],
mutations is lower and would account for a lower or ductal carcinoma in situ [DCIS].)
number of susceptible individuals. In addition The Claus model includes information on up
to high-penetrance genes such as BRCA1 and to 2 first- and/or second-degree relatives with
BRCA2, several low-penetrance genes affect the invasive breast cancer, along with specification
risk of breast malignancies.22 as to maternal or paternal lineage, age of patient,
and age of relatives at time of breast cancer diag-
Medical Conditions nosis. An advantage of the Claus model is the
inclusion of expanded family history informa-
Increased rates of breast cancer have been tion; however, it can only be used among women
observed among female survivors of HD treated with a family history of breast cancer.29
with chest irradiation.23,24 Risk is proportional DCIS and LCIS of the breast are defined as
to the radiation dose to the breasts and the age noninvasive breast cancers, and both DCIS and
at time of treatment. 18,25 As an example, a LCIS cases are excluded from risk calculations in
female diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma at both the Gail and Claus models. These exclu-
age 20 years and treated with ⬎40 Gray of sions likely result in an underestimation of actual
chest irradiation and no alkylating agents has risk. Neither the Gail nor Claus model includes
an estimated cumulative breast cancer risk of a family history of ovarian or other related can-
19.1% (95 % CI, 13.0% to 27.4%) over the next cers when predicting the risk of developing breast
30 years.18 Surveillance guidelines for women cancer. This is significant because studies have
with this medical history recommend annual linked a family history of ovarian cancer to the
mammograms beginning either 8 years follow- diagnosis of breast cancer. Finally, race/ethnicity
ing treatment or beginning at age 25 years.26 also presents a limitation as Gail only considers

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

Black, White, and Hispanic race/ethnicity, while and antagonists. Tamoxifen citrate is a first-
Claus does not include race/ethnicity. generation SERM that competes with circulat-
In attempting to compare these 2 models, the ing estrogen for binding to the estrogen receptor
Gail model includes reproductive factors plus (ER). Depending on the target tissue, tamox-
breast biopsies, histology, and first-degree family ifen acts as an estrogen agonist or an estrogen
history but does not include information about antagonist. Like tamoxifen, raloxifene, a second-
the ages of affected relatives, breast cancers among generation SERM, has both estrogen agonist
second-degree relatives, or cases on the paternal and estrogen antagonist properties. Raloxifene dif-
side. The Claus model includes information about fers from tamoxifen principally by its lack of
up to 2 affected second-degree relatives, includ- stimulation of the endometrium.36
ing paternal cases, but does not include data on
the patient’s history of atypical hyperplasia, menar-
che, or age at first live birth. It can only be used The demonstration that tamoxifen prevented
among women who report a history of breast the development of contralateral breast cancers
cancer in a first- or second-degree relative.30 Both among women with a history of breast cancer
the Gail and Claus models were developed before serves as a model for the prevention of new breast
the BRCA1 and BRCA2 susceptibility genes for cancers in healthy women.37 For more than 30
breast cancer were identified, although additional years, tamoxifen has been used in the treatment
models are available to estimate an individual’s of breast cancer to reduce the risk of both recur-
risk of carrying these deleterious mutations.31 rence and contralateral breast cancers. In addi-
Newer risk-prediction models include additional tion to reducing the incidence of recurrent breast
variables, such as weight, body mass index, breast cancer by 42%, tamoxifen given for 5 years
density, and use of hormone therapy (HT), but reduced the incidence of contralateral breast
require further validation.32,33 These other breast cancer by 47%.38 For this reason, tamoxifen was
cancer risk-assessment models include the selected for further study as a potential breast
BRCAPRO31 and the Cuzick-Tryer34 models. cancer chemopreventive agent. Table 1 summa-
BRCAPRO incorporates data on BRCA1/2 rizes the results of selected clinical trials of tamox-
mutation prevalence and information on breast ifen as a breast cancer preventive agent.
and ovarian cancers among first- and second- In 1992, the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast
degree relatives to yield an estimate of both breast and Bowel Project, with the support of the
cancer risk and risk of BRCA1 and BRCA2 National Cancer Institute, launched the land-
mutations.31 The Cuzick-Tryer model includes mark Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT),
variables on family history, hormonal factors, and also known as the P-1 trial or the tamoxifen pre-
benign breast disease, as well as low-penetrance vention trial, to investigate the value of tamox-
genes.34 The Cuzick-Tyrer model performed ifen in reducing the risk of primary invasive
most accurately, compared with the Gail, Claus, breast cancer among women at increased risk
and BRCAPRO models, when tested against a for the disease.39 A total of 13,388 women aged
data set of women followed in a breast cancer 35 years or older who were at increased risk for
screening program for about 5 years.35 breast cancer were enrolled in the trial and ran-
domly assigned to receive either tamoxifen 20
mg or placebo daily for 5 years. Increased risk
STRATEGIES FOR BREAST CANCER RISK was defined as a personal history of LCIS, a
5-year risk of developing breast cancer of at least
Selective Estrogen-receptor Modulators 1.7% as calculated using the modified Gail
model,27 or age 60 years and older.
Several recent studies have reported on the In the BCPT, tamoxifen reduced the risk of
use of selective estrogen-receptor modulators developing invasive breast cancer by 49% (risk
(SERMs) to reduce breast cancer risk. This class ratio ⫽ 0.51; 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.66) (see Table 1).
of drugs, including tamoxifen (Nolvaldex) and Tamoxifen also reduced the risk of noninvasive
raloxifene (Evista), act as both estrogen agonists breast cancer by 50% (risk ratio ⫽ 0.50; 95%

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

TABLE 1 Summary of Selected Breast Cancer Chemopreventive Clinical Trials Using Tamoxifen

Annual Rate/1,000 Absolute Rate

Study (Publication)/Subjects/ Risk Ratio Difference Per 1,000
Eligibility/Follow Up Outcome Placebo TAM (95% CI) (Favors TAM) NNT

NSABP (BCPT, P-1) (Fisher B, Costantino JP, Invasive breast 6.76 3.43 0.51 (0.39 to 0.66) ⫺3.33 300
Wickerham DL, et al39)/13,388 women/ cancers
eligibility: 5-year Gail risk ⱖ1.66% or history ER⫹, invasive 5.02 1.58 0.31 (0.22 to 0.45) ⫺3.44 291
of LCIS/6 years of follow up; median breast cancers
follow up 54.6 months
Italian Tamoxifen Trial (Veronesi U, Maisonneuve P, Invasive breast 1.87 2.46 0.75 (0.48 to 1.18) No difference
Rotmensz N, et al43)/5,408 women/ cancers
eligibility: normal-risk women with prior
hysterectomy; 48% with oophorectory/
median follow up of 6.75 years
Italian Tamoxifen Trial (Veronesi U, Maisonneuve P, Invasive breast 2.07 2.48 0.84 (0.60 to 1.17) No difference
Rotmensz N, et al42)/median follow up of 11 years cancers
Royal Marsden Trial (Powles T, Eeles R, Ashley S, Invasive breast 4.98 4.71 0.94 (0.59 to 1.42) No difference
et al44)/2,494 women/eligibiity: women at cancers
increased risk due to family history of breast
cancer/median follow up of 5.83 years
Royal Marsden Trial (Powles TJ, Ashley S, Invasive breast 6.48 5.09 0.78 (0.58 to 1.04) No difference
Tidy A, et al45)/median follow up of 11 years cancers
ER⫹, invasive 5.36 3.58 0.61 (0.43 to 0.86) ⫺1.78 562
breast cancers
International Breast Cancer Intervention Study, Invasive breast 6.79 4.36 0.68 (0.50 to 0.92) ⫺2.43 412
IBIS-I (Cuzick J, Forbes J, Edwards R, et al46)/ cancers
7,152 women/eligibility: women at increased
risk of breast cancer/median follow up of 4.17 years
International Breast Cancer Intervention Study, IBIS-I Invasive breast 6.82 4.97 0.73 (0.58 to 0.91) ⫺1.85 541
(Cuzick J, Forbes JF, Sestak I, et al47)/ cancers, DCIS
median follow up of 11 years

All trials administered either placebo or tamoxifen 20 milligrams daily for 5 years except for Royal Marsden trail, where duration of treatment
was between 5 and 8 years.
Abbreviations: TAM, tamoxifen; CI, confidence interval; Risk Ratio, ratio of rates between treatment groups; NNT, number needed to treat to
prevent one case of breast cancer; NSABP, National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project; P-1, Breast Cancer Prevention Trial; LCIS,
lobular carcinoma in situ; ER⫹, estrogen receptor positive; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ.

CI, 0.33 to 0.77). Updated results from the P-1 the tamoxifen group (risk ratio ⫽ 0.31; 95% CI,
study based on 7 years of follow up noted sim- 0.22 to 0.45) without any significant change in
ilar reductions in breast cancer incidence.40 The the incidence of ER-negative breast cancers (risk
follow-up analysis demonstrated that tamoxifen ratio ⫽ 1.22; 95% CI, 0.74 to 2.03).39
had a persisting effect on breast cancer incidence, In addition to the BCPT, 3 European tamox-
with 43% fewer breast cancers in the tamoxifen ifen prevention trials have been completed and
arm (risk ratio ⫽ 0.57; 95% CI, 0.46 to 0.70) have reported long-term follow-up data of the
compared with placebo.40 effects of tamoxifen on breast cancer incidence.
Women with a history of LCIS showed a non- The initial paper from the Italian Randomized
significant decrease in breast cancer risk (risk Tamoxifen Prevention Trial presented a prelim-
ratio ⫽ 0.44; 95% CI, 0.16 to 1.06); however, inary analysis lacking statistical power to mean-
women with a history of atypical hyperplasia ingfully examine differences in breast cancer
demonstrated an 86% risk reduction (risk ratio ⫽ incidence.41 Two subsequent publications from
0.14; 95% CI, 0.03 to 0.47). The incidence of the Italian Trial reported no reduction in the
ER-positive breast cancers was reduced 69% in risk of breast cancer with tamoxifen use in

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

otherwise healthy women who had undergone stratified analyses revealed that these risks, while
hysterectomy.42,43 However, the updated report, present for all women in the trial, were restricted
based on 11 years of follow up, did show a reduc- to women aged more than 50 years. Also, increased
tion in breast cancer incidence in the tamoxifen risks of cataract development (risk ratio ⫽ 1.14;
arm (hazard ratio ⫽ 0.24; 95% CI, 0.10 to 0.59) 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.29), as well as the need for
among women at high risk of developing hor- cataract surgeries (risk ratio ⫽ 1.57; 95% CI, 1.16
mone receptor-positive breast cancers (high risk to 2.14), were seen in this trial. In terms of poten-
defined as ⬎median height among study par- tial harms resulting from use of tamoxifen, 437
ticipants, at least one intact ovary, ⬍14 years at women aged more than 50 years would need to
menarche, and no full-term pregnancy before be treated to cause one case of endometrial can-
age 24 years).42 The Royal Marsden Hospital cer, and 1,449 women aged more than 50 years
Tamoxifen Prevention Pilot Trial randomized would need to be treated to cause one case of
women at increased risk of breast cancer result- PE. One cataract would be expected to occur
ing from a positive family history to tamoxifen among every 323 women treated with tamox-
or placebo for 8 years. Initial results, at a median ifen. To put these risks into perspective, the pro-
of 5.83 years of follow up, showed no decrease tective benefit of tamoxifen in preventing breast
in breast cancer risk.44 Analyses after 11 years of cancers resulted in an absolute-risk reduction of
observation also failed to demonstrate any signif- 3.33 per 1,000, meaning that 300 women would
icant reduction in the overall incidence of inva- have to be treated with tamoxifen to prevent one
sive breast cancer (hazard ratio ⫽ 0.78; 95% CI, breast cancer.
0.58 to 1.04); however, a significant reduction Commonly reported side effects with tamox-
in ER-positive invasive breast cancers was noted ifen use included hot flashes (77.7% versus 65.0%
(hazard ratio ⫽ 0.61; 95% CI, 0.43 to 0.86).45 for tamoxifen and placebo groups, respectively),
The International Breast Cancer Intervention night sweats (66.8% versus 54.9%), vaginal dis-
Study randomized women at increased risk of charge (58.8% versus 34.1%), and genital itching
breast cancer to tamoxifen or placebo for 5 years. (47.1% versus 38.3%). Weight gain and depres-
Initial results showed a 32% reduced risk of inva- sion were not associated with use of tamoxifen
sive breast cancer (OR ⫽ 0.68; 95% CI, 8 to 50; therapy.49 No effect was seen on the incidence
P ⫽ .013)46; recent follow-up data showed a of ischemic heart disease, fractures, deep vein
27% reduction in invasive breast cancer (OR ⫽ thrombus (DVT), or stroke.
0.73; 95% CI, 0.58 to 0.91).47 The preventive
effect of tamoxifen was fairly constant for the
entire follow-up period, and no diminution of Raloxifene has reduced the incidence of breast
benefit was observed for up to 10 years after ran- cancer in preclinical models and several clinical
domization.46,47 A meta-analysis of all the tamox- trials that evaluated this agent for the preven-
ifen prevention studies demonstrated that tion of osteoporosis and heart disease.50–56 The
tamoxifen reduced the risk of breast cancer by results of selected clinical trials, which included
38% (95% CI 28 to 46; P ⬍.0001) and con- the use of raloxifene as a breast cancer preven-
firmed the risks of endometrial cancer and venous tive agent, are presented in Table 3.
thromboembolic events.48 Raloxifene was initially Food and Drug
As summarized in Table 2, use of tamoxifen has Administration (FDA)-approved for the preven-
potential risks that must be considered when tion and treatment of osteoporosis in post-
evaluating its use in healthy women. The National menopausal women. In the Multiple Outcomes of
Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Study Breast Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE) trial,use of ralox-
Cancer Prevention Trial, which included more ifene was associated with a 30% (relative risk ⫽
than 13,000 participants, noted an increased risk 0.7; 95% CI, 0.5 to 0.8) reduction in the risk of
of endometrial cancer (risk ratio ⫽ 2.53; 95% vertebral fracture in postmenopausal women with
CI, 1.35 to 4.97) and pulmonary embolus (PE) osteoporosis.53 The MORE trial studied selected
(risk ratio ⫽ 3.01; 95% CI, 1.15 to 9.27) for those bone outcomes among postmenopausal women
participants assigned to use of tamoxifen. However, with osteoporosis (3 treatment groups: placebo,

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

TABLE 2 Summary of Selected Outcomes in the NSABP Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (P-1)

Comparing Placebo Versus Tamoxifen (nⴝ13,388 Subjects) Absolute Rate

Difference per 1,000
Annual Rate/1,000
Risk Ratio (Favors (Favors NNH (Favors NNT (Favors
Outcome Age Placebo Tamoxifen (95% CI) Placebo) Tamoxifen) Placebo) Tamoxifen)

Endometrial cancer ⱕ49 years 1.09 1.32 1.21 (0.41 to 3.60)

ⱖ50 years 0.76 3.05 4.10 (1.70 to 10.90) 2.29 437
Deep vein thrombosis ⱕ49 years 0.78 1.08 1.39 (0.51 to 3.99)
ⱖ50 years 0.88 1.51 1.71 (0.85 to 3.58)
Pulmonary embolus ⱕ49 years 0.10 0.20 2.03 (0.11 to 119.62)
ⱖ50 years 0.31 1.00 3.19 (1.12 to 11.15) 0.69 1,449
Stroke ⱕ49 years 0.39 0.30 0.76 (0.11 to 4.49)
ⱖ50 years 1.26 2.20 1.75 (0.98 to 3.20)
Fracture (hip, spine, radius) ⱕ49 years 2.24 1.98 0.88 (0.46 to 1.68)
ⱖ50 years 7.27 5.76 0.79 (0.60 to 1.05)
Ischemic heart disease All ages 2.37 2.73 1.15 (0.81 to 1.64)
All cataracts All ages 21.72 24.82 1.14 (1.01 to 1.29) 3.10 323
Cataracts with surgery All ages 3.00 4.72 1.57 (1.16 to 2.14) 1.72 581
Breast cancer All ages 6.76 3.43 0.51 (0.39 to 0.66) ⫺3.33 300
ⱕ49 years 6.70 3.77 0.56 (0.37 to 0.85) ⫺2.93 341
50 to 59 years 6.28 3.10 0.49 (0.29 to 0.81) ⫺3.18 314
ⱖ60 years 7.33 3.33 0.45 (0.27 to 0.74) ⫺4.00 250

Abbreviations: NSABP, National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project; Risk Ratio, tamoxifen group compared with placebo group;
Absolute Rate, difference between groups (placebo minus tamoxifen); NNH, number needed to harm/number need to cause one undesired
outcome; NNT, number needed to treat to prevent one undesired outcome.
Adapted from Fisher B, Costantino JP, Wickerham DL, et al.39

raloxifene 60 mg per day, or raloxifene 120 mg per person years in the placebo group (number
day); breast cancer was a secondary endpoint in needed to harm ⫽ 1,111).
this study.52 After 4 years of follow up, a 62% Because women in the MORE trial were
reduction in breast cancer incidence was seen not selected based on specific breast cancer risk
among the raloxifene-treated group.51 factors, their breast cancer risk was not calcu-
The Continuing Outcomes Relevant to Evista lated. The results of this study led investigators
(CORE) trial extended the MORE trial to to conduct a Phase III, comparative, random-
examine an additional 4 years of raloxifene (20 ized trial of raloxifene versus tamoxifen in 19,747
mg per day) on breast cancer incidence.55 Results postmenopausal women at increased risk for
showed a 50% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer.57 In the Study of Tamoxifen and
breast cancers among the raloxifene-treated Raloxifene (STAR) trial, increased risk was
group; the CIs for the rates of breast cancers and defined as a personal history of LCIS or a
ER-positive invasive breast cancers overlapped for 5-year predicted risk of breast cancer of at least
the MORE and CORE trials. The number 1.66% as determined by the Gail model. 27
needed to treat to prevent one case of breast Women were randomly assigned to receive either
cancer based on the MORE and CORE stud- tamoxifen 20 mg or raloxifene 60 mg daily for
ies was in the range of ∼300 to 350. When 8 5 years. The primary endpoint was the inci-
years of follow up (both MORE and CORE) dence of breast cancer.
was examined, the incidence rates for venous Raloxifene was found to be equivalent to
thromboembolic events was 2.2 per 1,000 per- tamoxifen in reducing the incidence of breast
son years in the raloxifene and 1.3 per 1,000 cancer in postmenopausal women at increased

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

TABLE 3 Summary of Selected Breast Cancer Chemopreventive Clinical Trials Using Raloxifene

Absolute Rate
Annual Rate/1,000 Difference NNT
Study (Publication)/Subjects/ Risk Ratio per 1,000 (Favors
Eligibility/Follow Up Outcome Placebo TAM RAL (95% CI) (Favors RAL) RAL)

STAR (P-2) (Vogel VG, Costantino JP, Invasive breast 4.30 4.41 1.02 (0.82 to 1.28) No difference
Wickerham DL, et al57)/19,747 subjects/ cancers between TAM
eligibility: postmenopausal women with ER⫹, invasive 3.04 2.86 0.93 (0.72 to 1.24) and RAL
5-year Gail risk ⱖ1.66%/6 years of follow up breast cancers
MORE (Cauley JA, Norton L, Lippman ME, All breast 5.3 1.9 0.38 (0.24 to 0.58) ⫺3.4 294
et al51)/7,705 participants/eligibility: cancers
postmenopausal women with osteoporosis; ER⫹, invasive 3.7 0.6 0.16 (0.09 to 0.30) ⫺3.1 323
mean age 66 years/4 years follow up breast cancers
CORE (Martino S, Cauley JA, All breast 5.5 2.7 0.50 (0.30 to 0.82)* ⫺2.80 357
Barrett-Connor E, et al55)/5,213 subjects; cancers
4-year extension of MORE trial/ ER⫹, invasive 3.9 1.3 0.34 (0.18 to 0.66)* ⫺2.60 385
follow up to 8 years breast cancers
RUTH (Barrett-Connor E, Mosca L, Collins P, All breast 2.9 2.0 0.67 (0.47 to 0.96)* ⫺0.90 1,111
et al50)/10.101 subjects/eligibility: cancers
postmenopausal with documented CHD ER+, invasive 2.1 0.9 0.45 (0.28 to 0.72)* ⫺1.20 833
or multiple risk factors for CHD; mean age breast cancers
67 years/median follow up 5.6 years

*Risk estimate based on hazard ratio.

Abbreviations: TAM, tamoxifen; RAL, raloxifene; Risk Ratio, ratio of rates between treatment groups; CI, confidence interval; ER⫹, estrogen
receptor positive; NNT, number needed to treat to prevent one undesired outcome; CHD, coronary heart disease.

risk of developing the disease but with fewer uterine hyperplasia (risk ratio ⫽ 0.16; 95% CI,
adverse events than tamoxifen (see Tables 3 and 0.09 to 0.29), with or without atypia, compared
4). The raloxifene group developed 168 inva- with the raloxifene arm.57 Additionally, 56% more
sive breast cancers compared with 163 cases in hysterectomies were performed in the tamox-
the tamoxifen group (incidence 4.41 per 1,000 ifen group: 244 hysterectomies in the tamoxifen
versus 4.30 per 1,000; risk ratio ⫽ 1.02; 95% arm compared with 111 in those assigned to
CI, 0.82 to 1.28). The numbers of invasive breast raloxifene (risk ratio ⫽ 0.44; 95% CI, 0.35 to
cancers in both groups of women were statisti- 0.56).57 As a result, these differences may poten-
cally equivalent. Based on the risk reduction tially obscure the benefits of raloxifene with
seen in the BCPT for tamoxifen, both drugs regard to lower rates of endometrial cancer.
reduced the risk of developing invasive breast As summarized in Table 4, there were no sig-
cancer by about 50%. While tamoxifen reduced nificant differences in the occurrence of DVT,
the incidence of LCIS and DCIS, raloxifene did PE, stroke, transient ischemic attack, fractures
not have an effect on these diagnoses. (hip, spine, or wrist), or heart attacks among par-
It is important to understand that more than ticipants in the STAR trial.57 Combining DVT
half of the women who joined STAR had a hys- and PE events together under a “thromboem-
terectomy before enrollment and, therefore, were bolic” category yielded a 30% reduction favor-
not at risk for uterine cancer. While the incidence ing use of raloxifene (risk ratio ⫽ 0.70; 95% CI,
of uterine cancer among women with an intact 0.54 to 0.91). While individually, the rate ratios
uterus at time of study entry was not statistically for DVT and PE did not reach significance, the
different in the raloxifene arm (risk ratio ⫽ 0.62; combined effect is clinically important. Also, it
95% CI, 0.35 to 1.08), these findings do have is important to note that women at increased risk
clinical relevance (see Table 4). Women in the of stroke (those with uncontrolled hypertension
tamoxifen arm (with an intact uterus at time of or uncontrolled diabetes or a history of stroke,
enrollment) had an 84% greater incidence of transient ischemia attack, or atrial fibrillation)

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

TABLE 4 Summary of Selected Adverse Outcomes in the NSABP Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (STAR,
P-2) Comparing Tamoxifen Versus Raloxifene (n ⫽ 19,747 Subjects)

Annual Rate/1,000 Absolute Rate

Difference Per 1,000 NNT (Favors
Adverse Outcomes* Tamoxifen Raloxifene Risk Ratio (95% CI) (Favors Tamoxifen) Raloxifene)

Endometrial cancer 2.00 1.25 0.62 (0.35 to 1.08)

Deep vein thrombosis 2.29 1.69 0.74 (0.53 to 1.03)
Stroke 1.39 1.33 0.96 (0.64 to 1.43)
Pulmonary embolus 1.41 0.90 0.64 (0.41 to 1.00)
Fracture 2.73 2.51 0.92 (0.68 to 1.22)
Ischemic heart disease 3.00 3.29 1.10 (0.85 to 1.43)
Cataracts 12.30 9.72 0.79 (0.68 to 0.92) ⫺2.58 388
Cataracts with surgery 8.03 6.62 0.82 (0.68 to 0.99) ⫺1.41 709
Breast cancer 4.30 4.41 1.02 (0.82 to 1.28)

*Outcomes not stratified by age group since only 9% of the study population was ⬍age 50 years.
Abbreviations: NSABP, National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project; P-2, Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene
(“STAR”) for the Prevention of Breast Cancer; CI, confidence interval; Risk Ratio, raloxifene group compared with
tamoxifen group; Absolute Rate Difference Between Groups, raloxifene minus tamoxifen; NNT, number needed to treat to
prevent one undesired outcome.
Adapted from Vogel VG, Costantino JP, Wickerham DL, et al.57

were not eligible to participant in STAR. Raloxi- symptoms or quality of life as a result of their
fene resulted in fewer cataracts (risk ratio for participation in the trial. There were few dif-
raloxifene to tamoxifen ⫽ 0.79; 95% CI, 0.68 to ferences noted in the resolution of symptoms
0.92) and cataracts requiring surgery (risk ratio ⫽ between users of tamoxifen and raloxifene.59
0.82; 0.68 to 0.99); PE events appeared to occur More recently, results from the Raloxifene
less frequently but were of borderline signifi- Use for the Heart (RUTH) study affirmed the
cance (risk ratio ⫽ 0.64; 0.41 to 1.00).57 benefit of raloxifene with regard to reduced risk
Side effects associated with the use of both of breast cancer. This trial, designed to focus on
drugs were mild to moderate in severity, and heart disease, randomized more than 10,000
quality-of-life measures did not differ.58 The postmenopausal women with coronary health
percentage of women who reported vasomo- disease or multiple coronary health disease risk
tor symptoms during follow up was 4.3% to factors to receive either raloxifene 60 mg per
6.2% higher among those assigned to tamox- day or placebo.50 No differences were found
ifen than among those assigned to raloxifene. between groups for cardiovascular disease end-
Reports of vaginal discharge, vaginal bleed- points. Rates of breast cancer (hazard ratio 0.67;
ing, and genital itching or irritation were also 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.96) and vertebral fractures
higher in the tamoxifen group, ranging from (hazard ratio 0.65, 0.47 to 0.89) were signifi-
2.9% to 13% greater than in the raloxifene cantly lower in the raloxifene group. Rates of
group. Also higher in the tamoxifen group venous thromboembolic events (hazard ratio
were reports of difficulty with urinary blad- 1.44; 1.06 to 1.95) and fatal strokes (hazard ratio
der control (7.5% higher when laughing or 1.49; 1.00 to 2.24) were increased among the
crying and 6.6% higher at other times) and raloxifene group.50 The larger estimate noted
reports of leg cramps (8.8% higher). Vaginal for the number needed to treat (n ⫽ 11,111) to
dryness and pain with intercourse were higher prevent one case of breast cancer based on the
among women in the raloxifene arm (3.4% RUTH trial reflects a study cohort that approx-
and 2.4% higher, respectively). Self-reported imated the general-population risk for develop-
weight gain was also higher in the raloxifene ing breast cancer—postmenopausal with a mean
group (2.9% higher). Women who participated age of 67 years at enrollment, either cardiac dis-
in the STAR trial to date appear to have had ease or multiple cardiac risk factors, and women
no lasting adverse consequences in terms of without a prior breast cancer diagnosis. The risk

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

of breast cancer among study participants was As with any medication, raloxifene is not
low (15 cases of breast cancer per 1,000 over 5 appropriate for all women. A risk/benefit pro-
years, or 3/1,000 per year, in the placebo group). file based on breast cancer risk, as well as fam-
Raloxifene recently received 2 FDA indica- ily and medical history, should be performed
tions for breast cancer risk reduction among to determine which option is best for any
postmenopausal women: those with osteoporo- given woman. 61,63 A significant component
sis and those with an increased risk of develop- of the risk/benefit assessment is the patient’s
ing breast cancer. The approved indication for therapeutic goals. Through a shared decision-
use of raloxifene for breast cancer risk reduc- making process, the patient and the clinician
tion does not include women at general popu- can ascertain which SERM is most appropri-
lation risk. ate for her.
Although raloxifene is equivalent to tamox-
Use of SERMs in Clinical Practice ifen in reducing invasive breast cancer risk, it
does not have the benefits for preventing non-
Tamoxifen has been approved by the FDA invasive breast cancers. While raloxifene is the
since 1998 for breast cancer risk reduction. only one to have an FDA indication for the man-
Despite the significant reduction in breast can- agement of osteoporosis, it is important to
cer risk conferred by tamoxifen, it has not been remember that the osteoporotic fractures in
widely accepted in the primary care commu- STAR were equivalent for both tamoxifen and
nity, and utilization has only been limited. 60 raloxifene. Thus, the decision to use raloxifene
This is likely due to a myriad of factors, includ- is not solely predicated on the osteoporosis ben-
ing the risks of tamoxifen therapy, as well as the efit. Risks, in general, are fewer with raloxifene.
relative unfamiliarity of the drug among pri- However, scenarios can be envisioned in which
mary care practitioners. Primary care clinicians a woman, appropriately counseled, might elect
have generally been unenthusiastic about ta- tamoxifen over raloxifene. For example, a woman
moxifen for chemoprevention given its origi- who has had a hysterectomy and, therefore, is
nal use by oncologists in breast cancer treatment, no longer at risk of endometrial cancer might
combined with concerns about serious adverse perceive that the benefit in preventing both inva-
events.61,62 As a result, many women who were sive and noninvasive breast cancer with tamox-
at increased risk of developing breast cancer ifen outweighs the differences in risks between
were not considered to be candidates for tamox- the 2 agents.
ifen chemoprevention therapy and were not For breast cancer risk reduction, the goal is 5
offered risk-reduction therapy. years of risk-reduction therapy. After 5 years of
The recent addition of raloxifene as another therapy, tamoxifen should be discontinued. There
FDA-approved breast cancer risk-reduction agent are no data indicating additional benefit with
will likely contribute to the expanded use of continued therapy. Additionally, follow-up data
breast cancer chemoprevention in general med- from the International Breast Cancer Intervention
ical practice since raloxifene is already familiar Study has shown that the benefit of breast can-
to primary care clinicians in the treatment of cer risk reduction appears to persist for 10 years,
osteoporosis. but most side effects disappear after discontin-
While tamoxifen is the only agent approved uation of tamoxifen.47 Use of raloxifene beyond
to reduce breast cancer risk in premenopausal 5 years of therapy would, at this time, be based
women at increased risk of breast cancer, post- on osteoporosis treatment factors as no data yet
menopausal women now have 2 options: tamox- exist to suggest further breast cancer risk reduc-
ifen or raloxifene. For many postmenopausal tion with continued use, although this possibil-
women, the benefits of raloxifene outweigh its ity cannot be excluded.
risks in a way that is not achieved with tamox- The paradigm for breast cancer management
ifen. For example, the STAR trial observed a has expanded to include the reality of breast can-
30% reduction in thromboembolic events for cer prevention. Modeling by Freedman et al com-
raloxifene compared with use of tamoxifen.57 pared the number of women in the United States

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

who would be eligible for tamoxifen with the plus celecoxib, and placebo among 5,100 post-
number of women who would benefit from menopausal women at increased risk. Exemestane
tamoxifen chemoprevention.64 While there are was to be given for 5 years while celecoxib was
limitations to their analysis, results suggest that to be administered for 3 years. It was hypothe-
approximately 2.5 million American women aged sized that the addition of celecoxib to exemes-
35 to 70 years could benefit from chemopreven- tane would prevent both hormone receptor-
tive therapy with tamoxifen. Acknowledging that negative as well as hormone receptor-positive
the benefits of tamoxifen therapy do not out- breast cancers. Shortly after the MAP-3/ExCel
weigh the risks for all women, this estimate rep- trial opened in late 2004, data from colorectal
resents only 25% of women in that age range who adenoma prevention trials using the cyclooxy-
are considered at increased risk for breast cancer. genase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors rofecoxib74 and
The opportunity exists for a significant impact of celecoxib75 noted an increased risk of cardio-
these drugs on the incidence of breast cancer. vascular events with these agents. As a result,
the MAP-3/ExCel trial was modified into a
Aromatase Inhibitors
two-arm trial comparing exemestane with
Aromatase inhibitors (AIs), including anas- placebo among 4,560 subjects.
trozole (Arimidex), exemestane (Aromasin), and AIs are not FDA approved for breast cancer
letrozole (Femara), lower circulating estrogen prevention. Current clinical practice does not
levels by blocking the conversion of androgens support a role for AIs in the primary chemo-
to estrogens catalyzed by the enzyme aromatase. prevention of breast cancer.72,73
AIs have proven effective in breast cancer
Other Pharmacotherapy for Breast Cancer
treatment among postmenopausal women with
hormone-sensitive tumors. In the adjuvant set- Risk Reduction
ting, third-generation AIs (anastrozole, letrozole, Regular use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal
and exemestane) have been found in numerous anti-inflammatory agents has been reported to
studies to be superior to tamoxifen.65–69 Clinical decrease the risk of breast cancer in a few stud-
trial data from 3 studies show that AIs decrease ies,76,77 but this has not been supported in other
the incidence of contralateral breast cancers by studies.78 More recently, a publication based on
37% to 55%.68,70,71 The safety profile for AIs the Women’s Health Study reported no differ-
appears relatively favorable compared with tamox- ence in breast cancer incidence with use of 100
ifen. The principle toxicity of AIs is accelerated mg of aspirin on alternative days after 10 years
bone resorption. AIs are generally well toler- of follow up.79
ated, with the primary side effects being mus-
Other Chemopreventive Agents
culoskeletal and joint discomfort.
Prospective studies are underway to investigate Under Investigation
the role of AIs as potential breast cancer chemo- Important priorities for breast cancer preven-
prevention agents. The International Breast tion are to develop a variety of new prevention
Cancer Intervention-II launched in 2003 in the agents that have fewer side effects, that are com-
United Kingdom will randomize 6,000 post- patible with postmenopausal HT, and that are
menopausal women at increased risk of breast effective in preventing hormone-negative breast
cancer to anastrozole or placebo. A parallel trial cancers.
is comparing anastrozole to tamoxifen among To develop new drugs in a short period and
4,000 women diagnosed with hormone recep- at reasonable cost, more efficient clinical testing
tor-positive DCIS; women will receive treat- models are being developed for Phase I and II
ment for 5 years. 72,73 The National Cancer prevention trials. These models use potentially
Institute of Canada (NCIC) Clinical Trials Group reversible morphological and molecular bio-
designed a three-arm trial, called MAP-3 (Mam- marker targets that will enhance short-term risk
mary Prevention trial #3, also referred to as the prediction, improve the probability of response
ExCel trial), to compare breast cancer incidence by matching the biomarker profile in precan-
in three groups: exemestane alone, exemestane cerous tissue to agents in the appropriate drug

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

class, and assess response in a preliminary fashion the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) reported that
before completion of a randomized trial. 80 longer duration of use of unopposed estrogen
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, retinoids, rexinoids, was associated with increased risk of breast can-
vitamin D analogs, green tea derivatives, non- cer (P-trend, P ⬍.001); however, risk increased
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, both selec- only among those with 20+ years of unopposed
tive (eg, COX-2 inhibitors) and nonselective estrogen use.85,86
(eg, aspirin and ibuprofen) cyclooxygenase inhibi- These results are generally consistent with
tors, statins, soy/isoflavones, and gonadotropin- an earlier report based on the NHS, which
releasing hormone agonist regimens combined concluded that 10 years of postmenopausal
with low-dose HT as well as statins are under- estrogen increased the risk of breast cancer by
going active investigation in premenopausal and about 23% (RR ⫽ 1.23; 95% CI, 1.06 to 1.72)
postmenopausal women.81 and that 10 years of postmenopausal combined
HT (estrogen + progesterone) increased the
risk of breast cancer by 67% (RR ⫽ 1.67; 95%
POSTMENOPAUSAL HORMONE USE In summary, the current evidence suggests
that combination postmenopausal hormone use
A meta-analysis consisting of 51 studies exam- (with estrogen + progesterone) increases breast
ining the relationship between breast cancer risk cancer risk, even within 5 years of use. In con-
and use of postmenopausal HT reported an trast, estrogen alone increases breast cancer risk
increased risk among women who ever used HT more modestly, although no increase is seen until
for at least 5 years (RR 1.35; 95% CI, 1.21 to 10 to 15 years of use. For estrogen alone, excess
1.49), and risk increased with duration of use.82 risk declines rapidly after stopping; however, fur-
However, women who had discontinued use ther follow up of the WHI cohort is needed to
more than 5 years previously did not demon- understand whether this is similar for use of
strate any excess risk. Also, among current users estrogen plus progesterone.
of HT or those who discontinued use within the
last 4 years, the RR of breast cancer was 1.023
(95% CI, 1.01 to 1.046); however, risk was not ele- STRATEGIES FOR BREAST CANCER RISK
vated among former users of HT who had dis-
continued use more than 5 years previously.82
Participants in the Women’s Health Initiative Links between adult diet and risk of breast
(WHI) aged 50 to 79 years at time of enroll- cancer have been extensively investigated, but
ment were randomized to either estrogen (con- many topics remain controversial. Because it is
jugated equine estrogen, 0.625 mg daily) and difficult to randomize large numbers of women
progesterone (medroxyprogesterone acetate, to specific diets and maintain good long-term
2.5 mg daily) or placebo for a mean of 5.6 years compliance, we necessarily rely on evidence from
when the intervention was terminated and then large, well-conducted cohort and case-control
were observed for a mean of 2.4 years. While studies to draw inferences about causal relation-
breast cancer risk was not elevated over the 2.4 ships. The long latency of breast cancer makes
years of observation (HR ⫽ 1.27; 95% CI, 0.91 evaluation of diet during early life, a period when
to 1.78), when examined across the overall environmental exposures may play a strong role,
8-year study window, a 27% increase in breast a further methodologic challenge.
cancer risk was observed among those in the The large body of literature on nutrition and
active hormone-intervention arm (HR ⫽ 1.27; breast cancer has been recently reviewed and
95% CI, 1.06 to 1.51).83 summarized.87–89 An international panel of the
WHI participants randomized to the estro- World Cancer Research Fund and American
gen-only arm exhibited a borderline significant Institute for Cancer Research concluded that
reduction in breast cancer risk (HR ⫽ 0.77; 95% there is convincing evidence that alcohol intake
CI, 0.59 to 1.01).84 In contrast, a paper based on raises the risk of breast cancer at all ages, while

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

body fatness increases the risk of breast cancer after insulin levels, insulin resistance, insulin-like
menopause. Taller height is related to elevated growth factors, and sex hormone bioavailabil-
risk of breast cancer, possibly because it is a ity. However, the 12 prospective cohort studies
marker for genetic, environmental, hormonal, to date have not shown consistent associations
and nutritional factors affecting growth, and between total carbohydrate, glycemic index,
body fatness is probably related to a decreased glycemic load, and breast cancer risk, and most
risk of premenopausal breast cancer. The panel results have been null.88,94
found limited evidence and drew no fir m
conclusions on the role of individual foods and Red Meat
nutrients on overall breast cancer risk.
Several hypotheses exist to explain how con-
Dietary Fat sumption of red meat could induce carcino-
genesis: its highly bioavailable iron content,
Whether dietary fat is a risk factor for breast growth-promoting hormones used in animal
cancer has been a topic of extensive investiga- production, carcinogenic heterocyclic amines
tion. The hypothesis originated from ecological formed in cooking, and its specific fatty acid
and case-control studies showing a positive asso- content may all contribute. A meta-analysis of
ciation between higher total fat intake and breast case-control and cohort studies showed a mod-
cancer. Potential mechanisms include an influ- est association of red meat intake with breast
ence on steroid hormone levels or higher energy cancer incidence (RR ⫽ 1.17; 95% CI, 1.06 to
density affecting other established risk factors, 1.29),90 but no association was noted in a pooled
such as weight gain or age at menarche. However,
analysis of prospective studies.95 More recent
evidence from large, prospective cohort studies
reports from 2 large prospective cohorts noted
has been largely unsupportive,and clinical trials have
an elevated risk with higher red meat consump-
not supported a strong association with total fat.
tion. In an analysis of the NHS II (n ⫽ 1,021
Two meta-analyses of cohort studies showed non-
cases that were largely premenopausal), a posi-
significant increased rates of 6% and 11%, respec-
tive association between red meat and breast
tively, among women consuming higher levels of
cancer risk was seen, especially for ER- and
total fat,87,90 and a pooled analysis of cohort stud-
ies showed a reduced risk of 0.96 (0.86 to 1.08) progesterone receptor-positive cancers96 (RR ⫽
per 25 gram increase.91 A nonsignificant decrease 1.97; 95% CI, 1.35 to 2.88), comparing more
in breast cancer risk was observed in the WHI than 1.5 servings per day to 3 or fewer servings
trial (RR ⫽ 0.91; 95% CI, 0.83 to 1.02 compar- per week. In the UK Women’s cohort study
ing low- to high-fat groups).92 Furthermore, in (n ⫽ 678 cases), an increased risk of breast can-
a recent prospective study of 188,736 post- cer was observed among women with high red
menopausal women with 3,501 cases of invasive meat intake, with a 12% increase (95% CI, 3%
breast cancer, a small increase in risk was seen to 22%) in risk per 50 gram increment of meat
among women with the highest intake of dietary each day.97 A study of postmenopausal Danish
fat.93 The World Cancer Research Fund/American women (n ⫽ 378 cases) showed an elevated risk
Institute for Cancer Research panel concluded of breast cancer in those women consuming red
that there is only limited or suggestive evidence meat and processed meat (RR ⫽ 1.15; 95% CI,
that total fat may increase the risk of breast can- 1.01 to 1.31 and RR ⫽ 1.23; 95% CI, 1.04 to
cer after menopause.87 Considering the results of 1.45, respectively, per 25 grams per day). This
more than 70 studies on this topic, any effect of association was confined to women genetically
dietary fat during midlife on risk of breast cancer susceptible to carcinogenic aromatic amines due
is likely to be small if it exists at all. to polymorphisms in N-acetyl transferase.98

Carbohydrate Fruits and Vegetables

Carbohydrates and carbohydrate quality could The antioxidant and fiber content of fruits
influence breast cancer risk by affecting circulating and vegetables has been hypothesized to protect

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

from breast cancer. A pooled analysis from 8 inconsistent, intake during early childhood or
prospective cohorts including 7,377 cases found adolescence may be protective.
no significant association (for highest versus low-
est quartiles, vegetables: RR ⫽ 0.96 [95% CI, Alcohol

0.89 to 1.04] and fruits: RR ⫽ 0.93 [95% CI,

Alcohol consumption consistently predicts
0.86 to 1.00]). A more recent large prospective
higher breast cancer rates in epidemiologic and
study from Europe (N ⫽ 3,659 cases) found lack
animal studies. The effects of alcohol may be
of association for both fruits and vegetables.
mediated by direct carcinogenic effects of
Furthermore, no reduction in breast cancer recur-
metabolites such as acetaldehyde or oxygen
rence or mortality was noted in the Women’s
radicals. Other hypothesized mechanisms include
Health Eating and Living trial in which over increased solubility of carcinogens, interference
3,000 women with early-stage breast cancer were with folate or estrogen metabolism, or nutrient
randomized to a diet very high in vegetables, deficiencies associated with high alcohol use. A
fruits, and fiber and low in fat.99 meta-analysis of cohort studies showed a 10%
increase in breast cancer risk for every 10 grams
of alcohol consumed each day and a similar mag-
The relationship between breast cancer and nitude of association was noted in 2 pooled
micronutrients, including folic acid, vitamins, analyses.108,109 A dose-response relationship with-
out a threshold effect has been observed, such
and carotenoids, has been investigated in large
that even one drink per day predicts modestly
prospective studies using questionnaires and
elevated breast cancer risk.110,111 Menopausal sta-
biomarkers of intake. Two recent meta-analy-
tus and type of alcoholic drink do not seem to
ses noted a possible protective effect of folic
modify this association. However, an interaction
acid, especially among women who drink alco-
between folate and alcohol intake suggests that
hol.100,101 Vitamin D intake has been inversely
an adequate folate intake (most commonly
related to breast cancer in the NHS102; more-
achieved by taking a multiple vitamin) seems to
over, high serum levels of dietary vitamin D
reduce or eliminate the excess risk due to alco-
were inversely related to risk of breast cancer hol consumption.100,112,113
in a dose-dependent manner.103 Caffeine was
not linked to breast cancer in a large prospec- Early-life Nutritional Exposures
tive study of Swedish women. 104 Although
some studies have shown significant protective Plausible biologic explanations support evi-
effects of high serum carotenoid levels,105 stud- dence that exposures in early life may be par-
ies of dietary intake of carotenoids remain ticularly important in predicting later breast
inconclusive. cancer risk. Breast tissue develops during puberty,
although terminal differentiation of the end buds
Soy and Phytoestrogens is attained during lactation after first pregnancy.
This window of undifferentiated cell division
Phytoestrogens present in soy are structurally appears to result in a period of susceptibility and
and functionally similar to estrogen and have increased sensitivity to environmental risk fac-
hence received significant attention as potential tors. Data from animal studies suggest that mam-
dietary modifiers of breast cancer risk. A meta- mary tissue is especially sensitive to carcinogenic
analysis of published studies on soy intake and exposures that occur after menarche and before
breast cancer noted a significant protective effect first pregnancy.114,115 Ecologic studies also high-
of high soy intake on risk of breast cancer.106 light the importance of time of exposure in pre-
Data on phytoestrogen intake and breast cancer dicting breast cancer risk in humans. 116–119
incidence and recurrence have recently been Moreover, nutrition in early life can affect height
reviewed in this journal.107 The authors con- and age at menarche, which are established breast
cluded that although studies on adult intake are cancer risk factors. Therefore, the relationship

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

between the diets of children and adolescents responses. The aromatization of adrenal andro-
and subsequent risk for breast cancer have been gens in adipose tissue generates estrogens, and
of particular scientific interest. circulating estrogen levels are much higher in
Case-control studies of diet in adolescence obese postmenopausal women compared with
have reported decreased risk for cancer with leaner women. 138 Moreover, sex hormone-
diets high in fat from dairy foods,120 milk, and binding globulin levels are lower in overweight
vitamin D,121 an increased risk with frequent women, resulting in more bioavailable estrogen
consumption of meat with visible fat,122 and a in their circulation.139 Because plasma estrogens
marginally significant relation with high-fat are known to contribute to breast cancer,140,141
meats.123 Using dietary data collected after the higher concentrations after menopause are likely
diagnosis of breast cancer, consumption of veg- to increase the chance of developing this disease.
etable fat and vitamin E was inversely associated A pooled analysis of prospective cohort stud-
with breast cancer in the NHS-II, which used ies including over 4,300 cases and 337,000 par-
a validated food-frequency questionnaire124,125 ticipants showed significantly increased breast
to assess the diet of 45,947 nurses while they cancer risk among fatter women. Participants
were in high school.126 This study also showed with a BMI of 28 kg/m2 or higher were 26%
a positive association between the consumption more likely to develop postmenopausal breast
of foods with a high glycemic index and the cancer compared with lean women (95% CI,
incidence of breast cancer. High soy and phy- 9% to 46%).142 Weight gain during adult life
toestrogen consumption in adolescence are significantly increases risk for breast cancer after
related to lower breast cancer rates in several menopause,143–145 and an estimated 15% of breast
case-control studies.127–129 cancers within the NHS are attributed to weight
gain in adulthood.146 Excess body fat and weight
Body Size/Body Mass Index gain are stronger risk factors for postmenopausal
breast cancer among women who do not use post-
Compelling evidence supports a higher risk menopausal HT.142,144,147 In a recent prospective
of postmenopausal breast cancer among over- study including over 2,000 cases that exam-
weight and obese women.87 However, women ined weight gain at multiple time points
with higher body mass index (BMI) are at lower throughout adulthood, weight gain of 20 to
risk for breast cancer before menopause.87 Because 29 kg was associated with a 56% higher risk
breast cancer is much more common after meno- of breast cancer, and weight gain of 40 to 49
pause, the beneficial effect of body fatness on kg was associated with a doubling in risk of
premenopausal cancer is outweighed by its detri- breast cancer compared with maintaining a sta-
mental role on postmenopausal cancer. Also, it is ble weight among HT nonusers.144 One expla-
likely that overweight premenopausal women nation is that high circulating hormone levels
do not experience lower breast cancer mortal- caused by exogenous estrogens could mask the
ity than lean women because tumors are diag- effects of estrogens produced by excess fat tis-
nosed at later stages in women with fatter sue. Because HT use is declining, the relative
breasts.130 Weight gain during adulthood and contribution of obesity could become even
abdominal fatness are also associated with higher more pronounced in the future.
risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.87 Losing weight after menopause can reduce
The associations between foods/nutrients and circulating estrogens and increase sex hormone-
breast cancer risks among females stratified by binding globulin,148,149 making weight loss a
menopausal status are summarized in Table 5. plausible target for risk reduction, especially for
women who are not using postmenopausal HT.
Postmenopausal Breast Cancer
The effect of weight loss on reducing post-
Possible mechanisms through which excess menopausal cancer risk has been examined in
body fat could contribute to the initiation and prospective observational studies. In one of the
progression of breast cancer include influence largest studies able to assess long-term weight
on steroid hormone levels and inflammatory change, which included 4,393 cases of invasive

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

TABLE 5 Summary of Associations Between Foods/Nutrients and Breast Cancer Risk Among Females, by Menopausal Status

Effect Among Premenopausal Effect Among Postmenopausal Level of Evidence Based Upon
Food or Nutrient Women Women Selected References

Alcohol 5% to 10% increase in risk per 10 5% to 10% increase in risk per 10 grams of Pooled analysis of 6 prospective studies87,108
grams of alcohol per day alcohol per day
Total fat No association Equivocal findings Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health Study131;
randomized study, Women’s Health Initiative,
pooled analysis of 8 studies: observational
cohort, AARP Diet and Health Study91–93
Type of fat Inconsistent associations overall, trend Weak positive association for saturated fat Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health Study131;
of increased risk with increased animal intake; mixed results for unsaturated fats pooled analysis of 8 studies: observational
fat intake cohort, AARP Diet and Health Study91–93
Total carbohydrate No association No association Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health Study132

Carbohydrate quality No association No association Observational cohorts, Cancer Prevention

(glycemic index and Study II, Nurses’ Health Study and Women’s
glycemic load) Health Study132–134

Fiber No association No association Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health Study132

Red meat Inconsistent association overall; Inconsistent association overall Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health Study
increased risk with increased meat and UK Women’s Health Study; pooled
consumption may be restricted to analysis of 8 prospective studies95–97
hormone-sensitive breast malignancies
Dairy/milk No association No association Pooled analysis of 8 prospective studies;
observational cohort, Nurses’ Health

Fruits and vegetables No association No association Pooled analysis of 8 prospective studies135

Soy/phytoestrogens ~30% reduced risk among those ~20% to 25% reduced risk among those Meta-analysis; review106,107
reported highest intakes reporting the highest intakes
Caffeine No association No association Observation cohort, Swedish Mammography
Vitamin D Reduced risk among women with high Possible reduced risk among women with Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health
serum vitamin D high plasma vitamin D Study102,103
Vitamins E, A, and C Weak association for decreased risk No association Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health Study;
with increased intake, which may be reviews88,136,137
modified among women with a family
history of breast cancer
Folic acid No association, but increased intake No association, but increased intake may Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health
may moderate risk of excess alcohol reduce excess breast cancer risk due to Study100,113
consumption alcohol consumption

Carotenoids Trend favoring risk reduction among Trend favoring risk reduction among Observational cohort, Nurses’ Health
highest quintiles of carotenoid highest quintiles of carotenoid Study88,105,112
consumption; may be variable by consumption and serum carotenoid levels;
carotenoid class may be variable by carotenoid class

Micronutrients, specifically carotenoids, exhibit a great deal of interindividual variation in their absorption, metabolism, and excretion.86,103

breast cancer, women who lost 10 kg or more hormones.146 Additionally, results from the Iowa
after menopause and maintained this weight loss Women’s Study suggest that maintaining weight
halved their risk for breast cancer (RR ⫽ 0.43; 95% in adulthood, as opposed to the usual pattern of
CI, 0.21 to 0.86), a result that was particularly gaining weight, is protective for postmenopausal
clear among women not using postmenopausal cancer.150

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

Premenopausal Breast Cancer salpingo-oophorectomy. This approach is lim-

ited to women at markedly increased risk based
Contrary to the findings for postmenopausal
on the presence of known or suspect genetic
cancer, overweight women seem to have a lower
mutations (BRCA1, BRCA2, p53, PTEN) and/or
risk for breast cancer before menopause.142,147
a family history of breast and/or ovarian can-
In a pooled analysis of cohort studies, the risk
cers among first- and second-degree relatives.13
of premenopausal breast cancer was lower by
Among women at moderate and high risk, bilat-
14% for every 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI.142 Al-
eral risk-reduction mastectomy can reduce breast
though exact mechanisms are not clear, one
cancer risk by 89.5% to 100% (95% CI, 41% to
hypothesis is that obesity can cause anovulation
100%).152,153 Women with BRCA1/2 mutations
and, in the extreme, reduced hormonal cycling
reduced their risk of breast cancer by 53%
and reduced total hormone exposure. Another
(HR ⫽ 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29 to 0.72) and their
hypothesis is that obesity in early life may induce risk of ovarian cancer by 96% (HR ⫽ 0.04; 95%
earlier breast differentiation, reducing the period CI, 0.01 to 0.16) after undergoing an elective
of carcinogenic susceptibility. Finally, serum bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy compared with
insulin-like growth factor 1, which is higher in women of similar risk who did not complete
women who were leaner in childhood and ado- this risk-reduction procedure.154 However, this
lescence, may increase premenopausal breast surgical procedure may impact negatively on
cancer risk.151 quality of life by inducing menopausal symp-
In summary, breast cancer represents a het- toms and increasing the risk of osteoporosis.
erogeneous disease, and diet may interact with a Use of bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy as a
variety of other genetic and environmental fac- breast cancer risk-reduction strategy should be
tors to impact risk. The study of nutrigenomics limited to women with BRCA1/2 mutations,155
and future studies of breast cancer classified although further surgical indications have been
according to different subtypes of this disease offered.156 For women wishing to contemplate
may provide additional avenues for prevention risk-reduction surgery, presurgical evaluations at
through diet. To date, there is sufficient evidence comprehensive cancer centers are recommended.
to conclude that weight gain and body fatness These evaluations include consultations with a
in adulthood are risk factors for postmenopausal genetics professional (including genetic testing)
breast cancer. Additionally, alcohol, even at mod- and a psychologist to assure that patients fully
erate levels, increases breast cancer risk, although understand the magnitude of risk and the breadth
some of the detrimental effects may be reduced of potential harms and benefits.155
by sufficient folate intake. Therefore, women The impact of either reduction mammoplasty
may reduce their risk of cancer by maintaining or augmentation mammoplasty on breast can-
a healthy body weight and reducing alcohol con- cer risk remains under study. These procedures
sumption. Women who drink should take suf- remain appropriate for cosmetic reasons or to
ficient folate through diet or supplements. relieve the discomfort of macromastia but should
Although much is already known about the not be undertaken specifically for breast cancer
dietary predictors of breast cancer, promising risk reduction.
areas for future research include the effects of
red meat, phytoestrogens, and micronutrients,
with particular attention to exposures in child- REDUCTION—SUMMARY
hood and early adult life.
Risk-reduction strategies for women at gen-
eral population risk of developing breast cancer
are focused primarily on lifestyle modifications.
Aside from following general dietary recom-
Surgical options for women judged to be at mendations for healthy eating, there is no clear
substantially increased risk of breast cancer in- evidence that specific dietary components can
clude prophylactic mastectomy and prophylactic effectively reduce breast cancer risk.

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CA Cancer J Clin 2008;58:347–371

While all patients should be advised to mod- increased risk of breast cancer (RR, 1.18; 95%
erate their alcohol use, in particular, women CI, 1.03 to 1.35).161
judged to be at moderate or high risk should Physical activity and obesity are closely related
be counseled to moderate their alcohol intake through many factors that may independently
or even to avoid alcohol. A meta-analysis based or jointly influence breast cancer risk (eg, estro-
on data from 53 studies concluded that alco- gen levels, body-fat distribution, insulin levels,
hol increased the RR of breast cancer by 7.1% insulin-like growth hormone, and mammo-
(95% CI, 5.5% to 8.7%) for each daily serv- graphic density). Although observational stud-
ing of alcohol consumed.109 Results from this ies provide evidence that higher levels of physical
meta-analysis suggest that about 4% of all breast activity result in lower rates of breast cancer,162
cancers in developed countries may be attrib- some researchers have argued that intervention
utable to alcohol consumption. trials are needed to better define this relation-
Although prescribing patterns for post- ship,163 even though the feasibility of maintain-
menopausal HT have changed dramatically as a ing compliance for a sufficiently long time is
result of recent reports from the WHI, use of doubtful. Moreover, regular physical activity is an
HT for the management of menopausal symp- important weight-control strategy. All persons,
toms had been a common practice. A large ret- regardless of gender, should be encouraged to
rospective study determined that use of HT was engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-to-
associated with an increase of about 10% in the vigorous intensity physical activity on at least
risk of developing breast cancers for each 5 years 5 days per week.
of use,157 which suggests that brief use of HT Use of pharmacotherapy for breast cancer
risk reduction should be individualized to each
may be considered for postmenopausal symp-
patient based on their medical history, family
tom management after weighing individual risks
history, quantified estimate of developing breast
and benefits. While current evidence suggests
cancer, and patient preferences. Clinicians are
that the use of combination postmenopausal HT
strongly encouraged to engage patients in a
consisting of estrogen plus progestin increases
thorough discussion of risks and benefits as part
breast cancer risk even if used for short inter-
of shared decision-making process. Clinicians
vals (eg, 5 years), use of estrogen alone increases
should be aware of potential drug-drug inter-
breast cancer risk more modestly, without an actions with tamoxifen. While serotonin reup-
increase in breast cancer risk until 10 to 15 years take inhibitors are known to decrease the
of use. Also, breast cancer risk declines rapidly formation of the active metabolite of tamoxifen
after discontinuing use of estrogen-only HT. (endoxien), the clinical impact of this is unclear.
Patients should be counseled on the impor- Citalopram and venlafaxine are not known to
tance of maintaining a healthy body weight, disrupt tamoxifen metabolism.
since gaining over 20 pounds during adulthood The P-1 and STAR trials, as well as the
has been reported to result in an increased risk MORE, CORE, and RUTH studies, all enrolled
of breast cancer. 158,159 Data from the WHI a limited proportion of non-Whites, and find-
Observational Study revealed that among never ings from those trials may be difficult to gener-
users of HT, baseline BMI in excess of 31 resulted alize to other population subgroups. While
in a doubling of the risk for postmenopausal racial/ethnic factors impact screening, from a
breast cancer.160 The impact of weight gain is practical perspective, the issue of limited minor-
more apparent for hormone receptor-positive ity enrollment is relatively minor since breast
breast cancers.158 cancer risk factors are generally similar across
A recent report based on data from the NHS racial/ethnic groups, with biologic differences
reported that a weight gain of more than 25 kg in breast cancer more related to differences in
since age 18 years was associated with a 50% hormone-receptor status among racial/ethnic
increased risk of invasive breast cancer (RR, groups. These clinical trials also excluded other
1.45; 95% CI, 1.27 to 1.66), while women who groups of women at increased risk of develop-
gained over 10 kg since menopause had an ing breast cancer, such as patients with a prior

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Opportunities and Strategies for Breast Cancer Prevention Through Risk Reduction

history of chest wall irradiation. Both the P-1 events, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding and
and STAR trials included women with atypical vision problems.
hyperplasia; in fact, these studies represent the Patients being considered for breast cancer
largest prospective studies on the management of chemoprevention should be counseled regard-
women with atypical hyperplasia.155 ing modifiable lifestyle factors as an initial
Women who opt to take pharmacotherapy approach to risk reduction. Qualitative and quan-
to achieve breast cancer risk reduction, as well titative approaches to risk assessment should be
as those participating in clinical trials of breast used to identify women at increased risk of breast
cancer prevention, should understand the cancer for whom genetics consultation, individ-
importance of adhering to surveillance rec- ualized surveillance, and/or chemoprevention
ommendations for the prompt detection of may be appropriate. Women interested in breast
breast cancer, as well as the need to seek med- cancer chemoprevention are urged to consider
ical evaluation for specific symptoms of adverse participating in clinical trials.

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