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Being objective, games of violence are not very good for society.

But there is a large

community of people who consume them because they are entertained or they like the
background story of the game or simple fashion, since it may be a game that has been
advertised a lot, but the problem is not in video games but in some audiences who play them,
such as: minors, people with emotional or personality problems, among others.

Well, although some of the video games that are selling the most in the world tend to promote
values contrary to those promoted in education: violence as a strategy for coping with
conflicts, competitiveness and triumph as unquestionable goals or the contempt for weak or
different people. Thus, socialization in a patriarchal culture is consolidated, a gender key that
explains much of the cultural and structural violence in our societies. The school cannot remain
passive before this model of socialization. You must provide tools and strategies so that your
students are able to understand and critically analyze these powerful “toys”. In order to help
teachers and families in this work, a free didactic guide has been created.

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