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Carlos A.

Robles Rosa

Prof. Brenda A. Camara Walker

INGL 3104-117

Mach 31,2022

Research Project of: “A Descent into the Maelstrom” by Edgar A. Poe

In the story titled “A Descent into the Maelstrom”, we can see from beginning to end the

characteristics of what constitutes the “ecocritical approach”. Nature has a rather significant role

in this story, and the author shows us how powerful it is. “With the wind that now drove us on,

we were bound for the whirl of the Ström, and nothing could save us!” (Poe) This expression

made by the guide of the story reflects the power that this whirlwind had. We can also see how

nature is being represented, with an amazing force and of which we must always respect.

The ocean is not only the main element in the story, but it is also where many of the most

important concepts and approaches occur. How the ecocritical approach is present in the story? It

can be said that one of the ways nature is seen in this story is in the form of terror. “Ecocriticism

investigates the relation between humans and the natural world in literature. It deals with how

environmental issues, cultural issues concerning the environment and attitudes towards nature

are presented and analyzed.” (Mambrol 2) With this said, we can establish that one of the ways

nature is seen in this tale is in the form of terror and power. There is an encounter and a kind of

relationship between the men that is telling his experience to the narrator, and the natural

phenomenon called the “Maelstrom”.

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