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Benjamin Hernandez

Flying Carpets of Ebony Silk

Robert Ruben

Manta Rays are an endangered species that are closely related to sharks. They

can grow very large, up to 29 feet. Most of their length comes from their large wings that

they use to glide around in the vast ocean. They have smaller fins that they can curl up

to create a vortex that can pull food into their large mouth. They eat small plankton and

krill that group up in large quantities. Sometimes, mantas will work together to feed on

these large groups of food. Their small fins can also help with awareness in the water.

They could tell two people apart. Although they like to be near the surface of the water,

they can dive very deep, to around two thousand feet. They may do this for the colder

water, different food options, or habitat preferences.

I really liked the presentation that the speaker gave. I found it interesting that

manta rays are able to distinguish two humans apart. Sometimes I forget that a lot of

animals are very intelligent, especially when they have specific body parts to help with

that. I think it is sad that many of them are getting killed even though they are

endangered. I believe that it is important to preserve endangered species because

animals like the manta ray are beautiful creatures that shouldn’t go extinct because

people like to hunt them. Like the presenter said, people think that the filters in its gills

are stripped from the manta ray, dried out, and then blended up to make a powder that

some people believe helps your liver. I don’t think it is worth killing a manta ray for some

Flying carpets of Ebony silk

Gliding gracefully through the currents

Lie basking in the sun

Or hidden among the deep fog

Their beauty blinds the beholder

Their gaping maw pulls in with a ravenous vortex

To its prey, they are demons

These flying carpets of Ebony silk

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