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Name: Millan, Tricia Anne B.

Course Code: MDW105

Module #4 Instructor: Ms. Claire Cruz
Module Title: Instructional Method

Guide Questions:
1. Since this methodology is “teacher-directed” justify its use in teaching science, a subject which,
by nature, does lends itself more to the exploratory, discovery and inquiry approach, support your
answer by defining the term instructional method.
2. List at least three (3) various types of instructional methods and explain.
3. Discuss how to use each method effectively.
4. Give at least three (3) advantages and limitations of each method.

Instructional Method is how the educators teach the learners in the most effective and efficient way using
different strategies, tools techniques and approaches. The use of this in science, although it is a subject
that deals with nature, they're able to explain and justify what the learners see and experience. They can
use different approaches like relating what is written in the book and what is actually happening, make
use of laboratory, and more.

There are various types of instructional methods that are useful in teaching. One of those is the Lecture
wherein the teacher has a verbal communication with the learners in order to give the information
containing the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Second, in Group Discussion, learners gain more
information sharing each other’s knowledge. In this method, learners are divided into groups to exchange
opinions and come up with a conclusion. Third, One-to-One instruction has a private lecture with the
learner. This is where they teach them directly.

There are different teaching methods, the way it is used and its advantages also varies. In using the
Lecture Method, the general guidelines must be used. Highlight the key concepts, be creative in making
presentations, and make sure that they can see, read, and hear well the instructional materials and
audiovisual. The advantage of this method is that in one teaching, many learners are learning and the cost
of this method is effective. Also, the cognitive ability of the learners have higher chance of developing.
Second, in the method of Group Discussion, the teacher must divide the learners into different groups and
give tasks that requires team work and brainstorming. The advantage of this is it enables the learners to
share information and formulate new ideas. The learners are becoming more active because of the
interaction and helps their cognitive and social ability develop. Third, in One-to-One Discussion method,
the educator must deliver the message privately and directly in a place without distractions to help the
learner focus. The advantage of this method is it can make the learner active knowing that he's the only
one involved. Also, they're able to know each individual's strengths and weaknesses and is like a basic
foundation to the three learning domains. Fourth, the Demonstration method whereas the educators must
show the learners how a particular skill is done. They must be knowledgeable about the topic and practice
what they're performing because the learners will look up on them and imitate what they do. The
advantage of this method is the learners will have an idea on how the skill is executed and is useful in
activities using physical strength. Fifth is the Return Demonstration, where in this method, the educators
must have a task that will give opportunity to the learners to show and perform the skill they learned. The
advantage of this method is it makes the physical ability of the learners be more active and developed.
Also, their skills can be corrected and monitored individually. Lastly, the Gaming method, where in the
educators must set a game that will motivate the learners to be competitive and make use their physical
and cognitive strengths abiding to the rules. The advantage of this method is the learners are having fun
while learning. This makes them more active and encourage them to be participative inside and outside
the class.

There are various techniques and approaches to use when teaching and these are designed in various way
in order to meet the particular needs of every learner. The educators must know their students most
effective and efficient way of learning in different areas of education.

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