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The bad effects of

Junk Food on health

1. Increase the risk of

digestive diseases;
Junk Food contains oil and spicy
which can increase acidity in the
stomach which then causes
irritation and other gastric diseases.

2. Increase the risk of

heart disease
Junk Food can increase cholesterol
and triglyceride levels in the blood
which are the main factors causing
heart disease. In addition, high fat
that does not break down can lead to
obesity, which is one of the risk
factors for heart attacks.

3. Increase the risk of

kidney disease

Junk food generally has a high salt

and flavoring content so that it can
increase blood pressure and further
affect kidney function.

4. Increases the risk of

liver damage
Junk food contains high fat which can
cause fat deposition in the liver, to
accumulate, which in turn can cause
impaired liver function.

5. Increases the risk

of developing cancer

Junk Food that is high in sugar

and fat can increase the risk of
developing colorectal cancer.

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