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We are all born as Empty vessel which can be

shaped by moral values – Jenny Springer

Everything in this world has a different perception, everything is not permanent or what we
called it’s just only beginning we are all equal. We are all born in this wonderful world with a
happiness, joy, pleasant or etc. As we observe right now together with the other people no
one is perfect is this awesome world, wherever we go or whatever will happen in this world
no one can prove that they are perfectly correct. No matter what there is no perfect person
or it’s just like things or an object that sometimes there is no direction through the real way
so that we are called humans are born not all perfect but only our god can prove the he/she
are perfect.

Everyone are all empty no can have a full knowledge to think anything that’s why we are
called we are all empty vessels. Since we are all block in our wonderful world, we are all
empty we are all block or what we called we are living in the darkness places. No matter we
are empty person but if we have a good moral values in our lives we are consider to
ourselves that we have a little bit knowledge on how think slowly or directly, sometimes we
can make some bad things in our surrounding that’s the reason why we are born empty or
there is no something small thinking.

Whatever we are all empty vessels but there is a different ways or talent that’s god’s gave
us that god’s gave to each other through this kind of empty vessels that we have in our lives
but if we have a moral values that we adapt to our parent or families. It’s because one of the
greatest thing that god’s gave to us is our family, they are one who teach to us for being a
good person or a good moral values that we know already that we adapt to our beloved
parents, moral values are very important to us they teach everything god so that we can
make anything in this world.

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