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Angela D.

Solis ReEd 101


Based on the Video that you've watched, answer the following Questions;

1. Explain the Importance of the Bible in your life.

- I will answer this question honestly. Before, I don't know what is the
importance of the bible to my life because it is just a book like an academic
book that you just read and take a test. A few years later, I just discover
that the bible has its importance to my life. Because this is the way or
should I say the thing that will help me to talk sincerely to God. And also,
the bible is not just a bible because this is a sacred scripture that will
capture our hearts and minds.
2. How does God Speaks to us?

- God our father, speaks to us with the use of bible. And also, based on
the video and as what the speaker said that we can talk to God with the
use of Bible.

3. Who is the main author of the Bible?

- The main author of the Bible is God. The Bible's authors didn't even
write according to their own will or preference, but simply when the Spirit
of God moved or commanded them. God's own book, the Bible!

4. What are the different steps in reading the Bible?

- Based on the video that I have watched earlier, there is what we called
the “Lectio Divina” which means Divine Reading. Lectio Divina helps us
to read the bible effectively. There are four steps in reading the bible,
and these are READ, MEDITATE, PRAY, and CONTEMPLATE. The first
step in reading the bible is to read it. And after reading the passage, you
can mediate first before you pray. And the last thing to do is to
contemplate, we need to think fully about what you’ve read.

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