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Conversation: I am a nurse
Amira is Janet’s old friend. They have not met for several years. Once upon a time, they met
each other. Look at the following conversation between Amira and Janet!
Amira : Hi, Janet. Oh My God! It has been a long time we don’t meet. How are you?
Janet : Hi, Amira. Glad to meet you. I’m fine, thank you. What about you?
Amira : I'm fine too. We haven't met for years. And now ifferent. you look different. |
Janet : You're right. We haven't met since we graduated from senior high school.
Amira : Do you work in this hospital Janet?
Janet : Yes, I do. 1am a nurse of this hospital.
Amira : That sounds great. You must be very busy with your duty.
Janet : You're right. I must take care patients, make sure their health, help doctors in curing
patients, and many more.
Amira : Awesome! Any way do you enjoy your job?
Janet ; Sure. It’s my dream to become a nurse. So I feel happy with my job.
Amira : Nice to hear that.
Janet ; Anyway, have you worked?
Amira : Yes, I am an accountant of a private company in this city.
Janet : That's cool. You were really keen on accounting when we were in senior high school.
Amira : Thank you, Janet.
Janet : Anyway, I can’t be longer any longer. I must be back to nurse station.
Amira : Sure. Good luck withyour job,
Janet. : Thanks. You too, Amira.

The following are duties of a nurse

1. Perform physical exams and health histories
2. Provide health promotion, counseling and education
3. Administer medications, wound care, and numerous other personalized interventions
4. Interpret patient information and make critical decisions about needed actions
5. Coordinate care, in collaboration with a wide array of health care professionals
Practice: Discussion
In small group consist of four students, discuss the following question! After discussing the
questions, share the result of your group discussion in front of the class.
1 How fs the process for taking patient history in all hospitals?
2. Do they have sumulse process?
3. In your what should a he pital do in taking
Practice: Grammar Focus
1. Apa yang Anda rasakan?
2. Apakah Anda pernah datang kemari?
3. Dimana apotek terdekat?
4. Siapa yang memeriksamu?
5. Bisakah kau menunjukkan lukanya?
6. Sudah berapa lama kamu batuk?
7. Apakah kamu merasa pusing?
8. Berapa jenis obat yang dokter beri?
9. Apakah aku harus kembali lagi menemui dokter lagi?

Reading Exercise

Dear dr. Joko Pranata

ANYTOWN FACILITY is pleased to announce its recent acguisition of the ultra-premium
ACUSON SeguoiaTM C512 echocardiography system for our Cardiology Department.
The Seguoia C512 system will provide us with maximized diagnostic information and
increased exam efficiency through significantly advanced acoustic imaging. Using
proprietary transmit and receive ultrasound technology, Siemens has elevated the
performance of the Seguoia ultrasound platform by combining new system architecture
and transducer technologies. As a result, we have a better instrument to evaluate all of our
patients with.
Our Seguoia system supports all routine applications for adult, pediatric and neonatal
cardiology as well as cardiovascular imaging. Additionally, we are able to perform a
breadth of imaging capabilities including transthoracic, transesophageal, stress echo,
intracardiac, intraoperative and 3D cardiography, as well as routine and investigational
contrast agent imaging, vascular and abdominal imaging,
And, with the new syngo Arterial Health Package, we can evaluate cardiac risk
factors and guantify cardiovascular age with automatedintima-media thickness
measurements. Additionally, the new mitral valve assessment applications allows for a
rapid 3D/4D evaluation of mitral valve morphology and pathology.
Finally, with the DIMAO'M Integrated ultrasound workstation completely embedded
into the platform's architecture, we can digitally capture a complete patient study,
including demographics, static images, dynamic clips, measurements and calculations,
and then store in the native DICOM file format for instant access and review on the
We invite you to contact us at 000.000.0000 (contact phone) with any guestions you
might have regarding our new imaging capabilities with the Seguoia C512 system. In
addition, we welcome an opportunity to personally demonstrate the system's diagnostic
imaging capabilities for you.

Albert White
Answer the following guestion!
1. Why is this letter issued?
2. Who 'issues the letter?
3. 'Whyis the letter addressed to dr. Joko Pranata


Translate the following sentences into English!

1. Kita harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.

2. Kamu sebaiknya menghindari makanan cepat saji terlebih dahulu.

3. Agar tubuh kita sehat, sebaiknya kita berolahraga setiap hari.

4. Obat ini harus dihabiskan dalam waktu tiga hari.

5. Kamu sebaiknya tidak banyak bergerak karena tulangmu belum kuat.

6. Kamu harus pergi ke dokterjika sakit.

7, Semua bayi harus diimunisasi.

8. Pemerintah menganjurkan semua orang tua memberikan makanan bergizi untuk

9. Dokter menyarankan agar aku mengikuti terapi tulang.
10. Kamu sebaiknya berhenti merokok karena merokok sangat berbahaya.
Reading Exercise

How does heart work?

Your heart is made up of four chambers, two chambers on the right side and two
on the left. The walls of these chambers are made of special heart muscle. The
chambers at the top of your heart are called atria and the large chambers below
are called ventricles. Each ventricle has one valve at its entrance and one at its
exit to prevent blood from flowing backwards through the heart.
Your atria and ventricles work together by alternately contracting (systole or
systolic phase), to push blood out of the heart, and relaxing (diastole or diastolic
phase), to fill with blood. At the start of each heart beat a tiny electrical signal
near the top of the heart spreads through your heart muscle making it contract.
The atria contract first, pushing blood through the open valve into the ventricle.
The electrical impulse then travels into the muscle of the ventricle making it
contract and push blood out of your heart to your lungs and body. As the
ventricles contract the atria relax, allowing them to fill with blood and start the
next beat.

Answer the following guestion!

1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. Mention the parts of human heart and the function!
3. How does human heart work?



F. Exercise
Translate the following sentences into English
1. Terapi tradisional dianggap lebih sukses dibandingkan pengobatan lain.
2. Obat herbal terkadang lebih murah dari pada obat kimia.
3. Banyak pasien mengatakan bahwa mereka merasa lebih baik setelah
mengkonsumsi obat ini.
4. Panduan ini lebih mudah dipahami oleh para perawat.
5. Apotek Sehat buka lebih lama dari sebelumnya

Reading Exercise

Blood Pressure
There are two types of blood pressure: Systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure
inside your arteries when your heart is pumping: diastolic pressure is the pressure
inside your arteries when your heart is resting between beats. When your arteries are
healthy and dilated, blood flows easily and your heart doesn't have to work too hard.
But when your arteries are too narrow or stiff, blood pressure rises, the heart gets
overworked, and arteries can become damaged.
Blood pressure is measured with an instrument called a sphygmomanometer.
First, a cuff is placed around your arm and inflated with a pump until the circulation is
cut off. A small valve slowiy deflates the cuff, and the doctor measuring blood
pressure uses a stethoscope, placed over your arm, to listen for the sound of blood
pulsing through the arteries. That first sound of rushing blood refers to the systolic
blood pressure: once the sound fades, the second number indicates the diastolic
pressure, the blood pressure of your heart at rest.
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and recorded
with the systolic number first, followed by the diastolic number. For example, a
normal blood pressure would be recorded as something under 120/80 mm Hg.
Blood pressure readings can be affected by factors like:
 Smoking
 Coffee or other caffeinated drinks
 A full bladder
 Recent physical activity.
Blood pressure is also affected by your emotional state and the time of day.
Since so many factors can affect blood pressure readings, you should have your blood
pressure taken several times to get an accurate measurement.

Answer the following questions!

1. What is blood pressure?
2. According to the text, how is the blood pressure measured?
3. What affects blood pressure?

Look at the following blood pressure chart! Discuss the chart with your partner.


Dengue Fever Symptoms
Dengue fever Is endemic in tropical and subtropical areas. Dengue fever is
estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to cause about 50-100
million infections per year worldwide. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) considers dengue fever to cause the majority of acute
febrile illnessea in travelers returning to the U.S. The first clinical report of
dengue fever was in 1789 by B. Rush, although the Chinese may have
escribed the disease associated with “flying insects” as early as 420 AD.
Africans described “ka dinga pepo” as cramp-like seizure caused by an evil
spirit. The Spanish may have changed “dinga" to dengue since it means
fastidious or careful in Spanish, which describes the gait of people trying to
reduce the pain of walking.
Unfortunately, the disease incidence seems to be increasing.
Researchers suggest the surge in dengue fever may be due to several factors:
 Increased urban crowding with more sites for mosguitoes to develop
 International commerce that contains infected mosguitoes, thus
introducing the disease to areas previously free of the disease
 Local and world environmental changes that allow
mosguitoes to survive the winter months
 International travelers who carry the disease to areas where mosguitoes
have not been previously infected
Dengue has spread widely throughout the world, the WHO distribution
map shows that dengue fever mainIy occurs in tropical and subtropical areas.
In the U.S., dengue fever has been detected in California, Florida, Texas, and
Hawaii. Other areas where it has been detected or there has been an outbreak
of the disease include the Philippines, Taiwan, Samoa, Brazil, Puerto Rico,
Costa Rica, Thailand, and New Delhi. However, as climates warm, experts
suggest dengue will become more preva lent.
In 2015, an outbreak of dengue fever occurred in New Delhi, the worst
in five years. Over 10,000 people tested positive for dengue fever, there have
been at least 32 deaths attributed to this outbreak. State-run hospitals were so
overcrowded that patients were sharing beds. An independent group (Brandeis
Univercity) suggests the actual numbers of people in India with dengue are
vastly fe underreported.
Answer the following guestions based on the text!
1. What does the text mainly talk about?
2. What is dengue fever?
3. What are the factors of dengue fever?
4. Where does dengue fever commonly flourish?
5. What happened with dengue fever in India?


The epiglotts is a flexible flap at the superior end of the larynx in the throat. It acts as
a switch between the larynx and the esophagus to permit air to enter the airway to the tungs
and food to pass into the gastrointestinal tract. The epiglottis also protects the body from
choking on food that would normally obstruct the airway. The epiglottis is a thin, leaf-shaped
structure at the superior border of the larynx, or voice box. In its relaxed position, the
epiglottis projects into the pharynx, or throat, and rests just posterior to the tongue.
The epiglottis is made of elastic cartilage covered with mucous membrane. Its anterior
surface consists of nonkeratinized stratified sguamous epithelium that is consistent with the
tissues of the mouth and pharynx. On the posterior surface, it is covered with pseudostratified
columnar epithelium that is consistent with the tissues lining the larynx. Under the epithelial
layer is a thin layer of areolar connective tissue that provides a loose attachment for the
epithelium and supplies it with blood vessels and nerve fibers.
Throughout each day, the epiglottis spends the vast majority of its time relaxed at the
superior edge of the larynx just posterior to the tongue. In this position, air is able to enter the
pharynx from the nose or mouth and pass freely into the larynx and onward to the lungs. It is
only when we swallow food or drink that the epiglottis moves and performs its vital function.
The process of swallowing is a complex process involving many structures in the head and
neck. During this process, the pharynx, hyoid larynx are pulled superiorly to allow the
pharynx to widen and receive the material being swallowed.

1. When does the epiglottis perform its important function?

2. What is the function of pulling the pharynx, hyoid and larynx in the swallowing process?
3. Where is the thin of areolar connective tissue located?
4. In which lines does the author mention about the activity of epiglottis?
5. How to enable the air to enter the pharynx?

Practice: Exercises on Nominal vs. Verbal Sentences
Exercise 1. Nominal vs Verbal Sentences
Directions: Complete the sentences. Fill in the blanks using appropriate verb or to be.
1. The scenery... is beautiful.... (beautiful).
2. She... doesn't like... (not, like) reading sci-fi novel.
3. Felice and John ... went ... (go) to Bali last month.
4. My brother and sister ... (not, live) in Bandung.
5. John and Marry ... (smart) students.
6. TI... (cook) breakfast every morning.
7. They ... (curious) about the result of the test.
8. Dean... (lazy), he never studies at night.
9. She... (buy)a fancy dress yesterday.
10. My father... (not, read) newspaper every morning.
11. Noura ... (diligent), she studies every night.
12. TJ... (not, like) drinking coffee.
13. The teacher ... (not, come) to the class yesterday.
14. My little sister has three kittens. They ... (cute).
15. Smith ... (move) to Semarang few days ago.
Reading a Text
Read the article below and answer the guestions.

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-ofcontrol cell growth. There are over
100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially
affected. Cancer harms the body when damaged celis divide uncontrollably to form lumps
or masses of tissue called tumors (except in the case of leukemia where cancer prohibits
normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumors can grow
and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release
hormones that alter body function. Tumors that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited
growth are generally considered to be benign.
Cancer symptoms are guite varied and depend on where the cancer is located, where it
has spread, and how big the tumor is. Some cancers can be felt or seen through the skin -a
lump on the breast or testicle can be an indicator of cancer in those locations. Skin cancer
(melanoma) is often noted by a change in a wart or mole on the skin. Some oral cancers
present white patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue. Other cancers have
symptoms that are less physically apparent. Some brain tumors tend to present symptoms
early in the disease as they affect important cognitive functions. PanCreas cancers are
usually too small to cause symptoms until they cause pain by pushing against nearby
nerves Or interfere with liver function to cause a yellowing of the skin and eyes called
jaundice. Symptoms also can be created asa tumor grows and pushes against organs and
blood vessels.
Early detection of cancer can greatly improve the odds of successful treatment and
survival. Physicians use information from symptoms and several other procedures to
diagnose cancer. Imaging technigues such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and
ultrasound scans are used regularly in order to detect where a tumor is located and what
organs may be affected by it. Doctors may also conduct an endoscopy, which is a
procedure that uses a thin tube with a camera and light at one end, to look for abnormalities
inside the body.

1. How to increase the possibility of successful treatment of cancer?

2. According to the text what is jaundice?

3. How to detect abnormalities inside the body?

4. According to the text, how to increase the possibility of successful treatment of cancer?

5. According to the text, what is endoscopy?

6. In which paragraph does the author mention the symptoms of skin cancer?

Reading a Text
Read the article below and answer the guestions.

Alzheimer's disease also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease (AD) is

the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as
it progresses, and eventually leads to death. More often, AD is diagnosed in people
over 65 years of age, although the less-prevalent early-onset Alzheimer s can occur
much earlier. In 2006, there were 26.6 million sufferers worldwide. Alzheimer's is
predicted to affect 1 in 85 people globally by 2050.
Although Alzheimer's disease develops differently for every individual, there are
many common symptoms. Early symptoms are often mistakenly thought to be 'age-
related' concerns, or manifestations of stress. In the early stages, the most common
symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events. When AD is suspected, the
diagnosis is usually confirmed with tests that evaluate behaviour and thinking abilities,
often followed by a brain scan if available.
As the disease advances, symptoms can include confusion, irritability and
aggression, mood swings, trouble with language, and long-term memory loss. As the
sufferer declines they often withdraw from family and society. Gradually, bodily
functions are lost, ultimately leading to death. Since the disease is different for each
individual, predicting how it will affect the person is difficult. AD develops for an
unknown and variable amount of time before becoming fully apparent, and it can
progress undiagnosed for years. On average, the life expectancy following diagnosis is
approximately seven years. Fewer than three percent of individuals live more than
fourteen years after diagnosis.
Adult stem cell therapy will provide a cure by compensating the lost neuronal
systems, stem cells exhibit targeted migration towards the damaged regions of the
brain, where they engrafted, proliferated and matured into functional neurones. Neural
precursor cells can be intravenously administered and yet migrate into brain damaged
areas and induce functional recovery.

1. How is the early symptom of Alzheimer disease?

2. How many years are the life expectancy following the diagnosis of alzheimer disease?
3. What are the symptoms for advanced Alzheimer?
4. Canalzheimer's disease affect people before 65 years old?
5. How to cure Alzheimer disease?

Exercises: Exercises on Conjunctions Exercise 1. Coordinating Conjunction

Directions: Combine the sentences using a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
1. He has a lot of friends. He is very friendly.
He has a lot of friends, for he is very friendly.

2. I want to get a good grade. I will study hard

3. I had a cute rabbit. I lost him.

4. She studied really hard. She got a good grade.

5. Jean is beautiful. Jane is smart.

6. He can cook spaghetti. He can cook fried rice.

7. He didn't want to be late. He hurried.

8. He is not really smart. He is very diligent.

9. She wants to get good grade. She didn't study at all.

10. His mother lives in Bandung. He lives in Jakarta.

Exercise 2. Correlative Conjunction

Directions: Fill in the blanks using the appropriate correlative conjunction.
1. Both my brother and my sister live in London.
2. ___badminton ___soccer are sports.
3. ___I will come to your house___you will come here.
4. ___mymotorcycle___my car needs to be repaired.
5. ___my father___my mother supports my choice.
6. She is___friendly___kind.
7. ___my sister my brother like reading.
8. She is___ ___beautiful,___she is___diligent.
9. ___my father___ my mother will come here.
10. ___ ___is she honest___ she is___dependable.

Exercise 3. The Use of Is and Are in Conjunction Directions: Add is or are to each
1. Both Jane and Jimmy are smart.
2. Neither Boby nor Christie___here.
3. Neither my sister nor my parents___here.
4. Both my sister and my parents___planning to go on vacation.
5. Not only my sister but also my mother___planning to go on vacation.
6. Not only my brother but also my parents___planning to go on vacation.
7. Either my sisterormy brother___going to come here.
8. Either my sister or my parents___going to come here.
9, Neither my father nor my mother___going to come here.
10. Both my parents nor my brother___going to come here.
Exercises: Exercises on Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Present
Future Tense,

Exercise 1. Simple Present Tense

Directions: Complete the sentences using one of the following:
Speak(s) (open)s live(s) drink(s)
Study(ies) eat(s) work(s) close(s)

1. Toni... studies... every night.

2. I always...a cup of tea every morning.
3. My sister ... in Surabaya.
4. The 9 o'clock and... at 20.00 every day.
5. Inever... breakfast before going to school.
6. Andi... Arabic very well
7. Jono and Joni ... in a big company.

Directions: Put the verb into the correct form.

1. John ... doesn't go ... (not/go) swimming very often.
2. When ... does the shop close ... (the shop/close)?
3. Where ... (you/come) from? I’m Spanish'
4. I don't really understand. What ... (this word/ mean)?
5. It... (take) five hours to fix this.
6. Where ... (the woman/ live) ? 'She lives around here'.
7. What ... (you/do)? I’m a teacher,
8. Marry ... (play) the piano very well.

Exercise 2. Simple Past Tense

Directions: Complete the sentences using one of the following. (make sure to use an
appropriate tense):
go play buy come spend eat

1. I was very hungry. I...ate... the pizza very quickly.

2. John ... to the office by bus this morning.
3. Jenny ... a lot of money for shopping yesterday. She ... a fancy dress.
4. He ... late to the school this morning.
5. Jane and Smith ... badminton yesterday.

Directions: Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or
1.The show was boring. I ...didn't enjoy... it very much. (enjoy)
2. I was so tired, so I...went... to bed early. (go)
3. I knew you looked so hungry, so I ... this meal for you. (cook)
4. That was a funny movie, but nobody ... (laugh)
5. Jane seemed so busy, so I... her. (disturb)
6. I called you many times, but you ... me. (hear)
7. I wasn t hungry, so I... anything. (eat)
8. He looked so thirsty, so I ... him a glass of water. (give)
9. I went to library yesterday. I ... some books. (borrow)
10. The dress was so expensive, so... it. (buy)

Exercise 3. Present Future Tense.

Expressing Predictions

Directions: Use will and/or be Soing to with the verb in the parentheses.
1. Ryan and John (be) ... Will be/ are going to be .. here tomorrow.
2. Dina (graduate) ... will Sraduate/ is going to graduate September.
3. I (send)... a letter to my sister tonight.
4. My cousin from China (come) ... here next week,
5. My father and I (go)... fishing this afternoon.
6. It is said that the governor (visit) ... the exhibition.
7. Mrs. Johnson (teach) ... algebra and geometry in the next semester.

Expressing Prior Plan vs Willingness

Directions: Use be going to if you think the speaker is expressing a prior plan. f you
think he/ she has no prior plan, use will.
1. A: Doyouwant to go on vacation with me? I (go) ... going to go... to Bandung
next week.
B : Yes, sure.
2. A: I can't read without wearing glasses. Can you help me?
B : Sure. I (read) ...will read... it for you.

3. A : What does this word mean?

B : Im not sure. I (look) ... it up for you.
4. A : I (sell)... my car.
B : Really? why?
A : Treally need money right now.
5. A: Oh! Fve spilled coffee on my skirt
B : Don't worry, I (get) .. a napkin for you.
6. A : I (invite) ... around fifty people to my daughter's birthday party next week.
B : Oh? 1 didn't know you would hold a birthday party for your daughter.
7. A: Aren tyoubored spending the Saturday night alone? Join me, I (go) ... to the
B : All right, I (go) … with you.
8. A: These trousers are too tight for me
B : Oh, really? I (get) ....... the other ones for you.


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