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Lazzat Zholayeva

The topic of survey is Graduate Employment, the aim of the survey the employment
conditions of graduates. To propose a suitable classification model that can be used in making
prediction and assessment of the attributes of the student’s dataset to meet the selection criteria
of work demanded by the industry of the graduates in the academic field. In addition, the
analysis outcomes need to provide prospective students with timely and comparable data to assist
them in making informed course decisions. The survey will cover the UK graduates from all
universities. I have sent the enquiry to the HESA Information and Analysis Unit to get access to
the fresh graduates employment dataset, otherwise I need change the topic of research but I am
going definitely do data analysis. To do this I am going to do selected data pre-processing to
reduce noise and handle missing values; data modeling, that can be done by testing and trying
different techniques model with different properties; evaluating, that involves evaluating the
modeling results. Finally, to obtain a suitable model to predict employment status among fresh
graduates, to compare the test sample provided with examples of exercises that are similar to it.
In short, I am going to write a literature review on data modeling and analysis in education, what
is it and how important in education.

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