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1. Yes, because for me friend is very important, humans cannot live alone because humans are need
each other, friend is emotional support for me. When I'm alone I need friend, and we can help each

2. Yes, for me communication is key. I think that communication can maintain friendship, for example,
my friends and I can tell each other, one of which is telling us what we like and don't like. If we have
something in common we will feel happy, because with friends we must accept, understand, and trust
each other.

3. Yes, because confidence is important. when we are friends we must give trust by giving trust we will
feel comfortable, and it will be mutually beneficial of course, will be very disappointed if our trust is

4. It's easy for me to just be a friend, I can immediately say hello and get to know the person and make a
good first impression, but for close friends it's very difficult because they usually don't match or don't
have one frequency, plus putting trust in someone is difficult.

5. Two keys for keeping friends are flexibility and respect means, to keeping friends we should respect
each other because it makes a good friendship and . And we have to be able to make friends with
anyone, but we also have to be a good influence for everyone in making friends.

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