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Since the model free approaches can only achieve limited performance on the
limited training instances in real applications. To enhance the generalization
ability of image tagging models the second paradigm of image tagging
approaches proposes to learn parameterized models from training data. One
of the representative works from the early research of model-based concept
representation is visual synset. Which shares similar motivation to the work of
view dependent concept representations Visual synset applies multi-class one
versus all linear SVM which is learned from the automatically generated visual
synsets from a large collection of web images To further relieve the problem
of limited training instances, some pioneer works propose to leverage the
integration of transfer learning schemes and deep learning techniques.
Transfer deep learning targets at the transfer of knowledge from a source
domain to a target domain using deep learning algorithms. A typical model
based image tagging framework by transfer deep learning is shown in. In
transfer learning problems are divided into two categories. One class tries to
improve the classification performance of categories that have deficit training
examples by discovering other similar categories and transferring knowledge
among them. The second class of works aims to solve the different data
distribution problems, so as to effectively transfer the knowledge learned from
the source domain to the target.

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