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NAME OF GROUP: _______________


______________ 1. Name of honorary title of the person whom the gospel of Luke and Acts
of the Apostles are addressed.
______________ 2. What do you receive after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you?
______________ 3. He was numbered with the eleven apostles in replace of Judas Iscariot.
______________ 4. In Ch.2, the apostles were filled with the Holy Ghost. What were they
______________ 5. How many souls were added when Peter preached in Ch, 3?
______________ 6. What was the gate of the temple called where Peter and John met the
lame man?
______________ 7. Complete the passage, “In the name of Jesus Christ of __________
rise up and walk.”
______________ 8. What chapter in the book of Acts where Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey
______________ 9. Captain of the 100 men in ancient Roman army, otherwise known as
the centurion.
______________ 10. Where did Cornelius live?
______________ 11. Pentecost comes how many days after the Passover?
______________ 12. What is the first word of the book of Acts?
______________ 13. Who wrote the book of Acts? And what is his profession?
______________ 14. To what city did Saul journey when he was blinded by a light from heaven?
______________ 15. He was born in Pontus and lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla.
______________ 16. What was the occupation of Aquila & Priscilla?
______________ 17. If Ananias is the spouse of Sapphira, then who is the wife?
______________ 18. In Acts 3:3, what did the lame man ask for upon seeing Peter & John?
______________ 19. His name is Joses and his surname is interpreted as the son of consolation.
W\ho is he?
______________ 20. What was the former name of Paul prior to his conversion?
______________ 21. What place did Paul & Barnabas go where they met the cripple, impotent in his
feet who’d never walked?
______________ 22. Because of the people’s astonishment toward Paul & Barnabas’ healing of the
cripple man, they were recognized as gods. What god Paul was likened to?
______________ 23. What did Lydia do for a living?
______________ 24. What was the name of the damsel who came to hearken Peter when he came
to the house of Mary the mother of John?
______________ 25. At Lystra, Paul & Silas were accompanied by the son of a Jewess woman, as
per Acts 16:1. What was his name?
______________ 26. Who did Peter say it’s better to obey: men or God?
______________ 27. He was a Jew and was born in Alexandria, an eloquent man and a mighty in
the scriptures.
______________ 28. What was the remarkable calamity occurred when Paul & Silas prayed at
______________ 29. What happened to Stephen in Acts Chapter 7?
______________ 30. How many chapters are there in the book of Acts?
NAME OF GROUP: _______________

Choose the correct answer from the options. Encircle the letter of your answer only.

1. During Paul’s escape, what kind of object did the disciples use to let Paul down by the wall?
a. basket b. net c. back hoe
2. What tongue did Paul hear from the voice speaking about his persecution to God?
a. Aramaic b. Hebrew c. Tagalog
3. The story of Peter restoring Tabitha to life is told in Acts 9:36-43. In what place did Dorcas live?
a. Joppa b. Antioch of Pisidia c. Lystra
4. In Acts 13, the Church at Antioch sent Paul & Barnabas off on a missionary journey to Asia Minor.
They set sail from Seleucia and landed at a place called Salamis. On what island in the
Mediterranean did they land?
a. Derbe b. Cyprus c. Athens
5. What time was it when a great light from heaven shone about Paul?
a. midnight b. ninth hour c. about noon
6. When the contention between Paul & Barnabas occurred, who did Paul choose?
a. Silas b. John Mark c. Peter
7. Name of the Roman Emperor who expelled Aquila & Priscilla from Rome.
a. Claudius b. Aristarcus c. Herod
8. Who was this person who told Aeneas that, “Jesus Christ maketh thee whole?”
a . Saul b. Peter c. Joses
9. How many soldiers were assigned by Herod to guard Peter in prison?
a. Four quartenions b. Five quartenions c. Two quartenions
10. When the angel of the Lord commanded Peter to gird himself, what specific object did the angel
instruct him to bind on?
a. sandals b. shoes c. blazer
11. Paul’s words were addressed to the Athenians for being superstitious on their devotions. Cite the
Four-word inscription which Paul found on their altar.
12. ‘Twas in Athens when Paul was stirred. To what reason Paul got stirred? “…saw the city wholly
given to _______.”
a. sin b. idolatry c. wickedness
13. While everyone was in accord in one place, what kind of sound from heaven did the apostles
hear as illustrated in Acts chapter 2?
a. a gust of wind b. mighty wind c. rushing mighty wind
14. Who was the chief man of the island of Melita who received & lodged Paul & his companies
a. Publius b. Pablo c. Tychicus
15. During Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey, what was their starting point? It is believed to be the
seaport of Syria?
a. Salamis b. Seleucia c. Derbe
16. As a result of Paul’s sermon, who besought that these words might be preached?
a. Gentiles b. Jews c. Grecians
17. At prison, who was saved?
18. A Jewish convert from Thessalonica whose house was assaulted for a reason of unbelief and
a. Matthias b. Stephen c. Jason
19. He was a silversmith who made silver shrines for Diana.
20. In Acts 22:20, it’s a reference where one person approved Stephen’s death. Who was this person
who stood by and consented Stephen’s death?
CATEGORY: Difficult

1. What chapter in the book of Acts depicts the conversion of Saul? ______________
2. Who was the Prophet pointed out by Peter when he tried to attest the speaking of diverse
languages? ___________
3. Stephen is first mentioned in Acts 6:5 as one of the seven deacons. How is Stephen described?
4. How old was the lame man during the time of healing which is believed to be the first documented
account of a specific miracle performed by the disciples?
5. As per Acts 27:27, Paul suffered shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea for how many days?
6. To be a _____________: This is how King Agrippa believed about having him persuaded?
7. There are 16 words which the Lord said to Paul in Chapter 9:5. Write the complete words God
uttered? __________________________________________________
8. What is the other name of Barjesus, who’s known to be the sorcerer, full of subtilty and all
9. In Acts 15:13, James answered and said, Men and brethren, hearken unto me. Who was the
James referring here? _______________________
10. It’s known to be the city in Egypt by Alexander the Great. __________________

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