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Answer the following questions.

1. Look at the following pictures.

The ratio of the number of the orange to the number of the apple is ............

2. A mother has 24 apples, 16 mangoes, and 12 oranges. The ratio of apples : mangoes : oranges is ..........

3. The ratio of Bobby's money to Dika's is 4 : 6. If Bobby gaves Rp10.000,00 to Dika's they will have same
amount of money. What is their total money?

4. The map distance between the train station and the house is 15 cm. The actual distance 45 km. The map
scale is ................

5. Look at the following picture.

Scale 1 : 350

The actual height of the tree is ................

6. The ratio of children who love pizza to meatball to noodle is 8:6:5. If there are 24 children who love
pizza, the total number of children is ................

7. The ratio of Sani's weight to Hanna's weight is 3:4. If the difference of their weight is 8 kg. Sani's weight
is ................

8. The ratio of green balls to yellow balls in a box is 5:2. If the total is 112 balls, the total number of yellow
balls in the box is .................
9. The actual distance between Town Y and Town Z is 30 km. The map scale used is 1: 600.000. The map
distance between Town Y and Town Z is ..............

10. A particular map shows a scale of 1: 350.000. If the map distance is 7 cm, the actual distance is
................ km.

11. The ratio of the number of marbles between Brother's and Sister's was 2:5. Brother had 32 marbles.
What was the total marbles did they have?

12. The ratio of father's age to mother's age is 4:3. The ratio of father's age to sister's age is 6:2. If father is
48 years old, what is the total age of father, mother and sister?

13. Look at the following map of a garden.

Scale 1 : 400
a. What is the actual perimeter of the garden? (in meter)

b. What is the actual area of the garden? (in meter)

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