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Paulo Dicdican


Protecting Children

Amidst the COVID 19 pandemic, numerous lives have been affected. The ECQ forced
people to stay and work from home which had effects on numerous businesses and industries
whether positive or negative. One of the few industries that were on the positive side during the
ECQ was Globe Telecom. Since people had to stay home, there is the growing need to acquire
internet services in order to connect with other people. Although this seems entirely beneficial
for Globe, the dangers from this are still apparent.

The growing cases of the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC)
made Globe aware of its task to obstruct this rise. With the desire to protect its customers,
particularly children, Globe has partnered with a major fiber internet player, Converge ICT
Solutions Inc., in combating online crooks. They developed new technologies and programs in
order to block different shady and illegal sites. This is done to reduce the spread of the explicit
and malicious content. The development and implementation of new Firewalls and Secure
Domain Name Solutions also assist in the fight against this modern problem. Globe has also
partnered with the United Nations Children’s Fund in raising awareness of the rising cases of
OSAEC. Globe and Converge will continue to implement safety and security measures so that
these explicit and malicious content will never be seen by any person.

Globe, Converge battle crooks preying on children online | Inquirer Business

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