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Agnesa Beladinna / 201010600546 / Multicultural

Doctor Strange
By Marvel Studios

Doctor Strange (2016) tells about a man named Dr.

Stephen Strange who lives in America and works as
a neurosurgeon. He is brilliant but arrogant. Dr.
Strange has succeeded in saving a patient who was
diagnosed with brain death. He performs surgery to
save him by taking the bullet stuck in the patient's
brain [07:48].
One day, Dr. Strange gets in an accident on his way to
have dinner with Palmer. That accident caused his hands
to become paralyzed due to severe damage to the nerves
in his hands. The doctor said that it is impossible to
recover even after several surgeries. He becomes
depressed and does not want to believe all this is happening. He tries to follow some therapies to
make his hands normal. But he is still pessimistic by saying, "it is useless" [15:07]. In the next
scene, he meets Jonathan Pangborn, who has had a
spinal cord injury. He survived his paralyzed without
doing the medical treatment because no one doctor
wanted to help him (including Dr. Strange) with the
surgery by saying he was untreatable [19:44]. Pangborn
went to the
place named
Kamar-Taj to
find another
way to
recover. In Kamar-Taj, Pangborn met a sacred woman who helped him by healing his mind so
that his body also healed. He became normal and was able to walk again.

Based on Pangborn's explanation, he decides to go to Kathmandu, Nepal, to look for a place

named Kamar-Taj. In Nepal, people wear overalls and beads as necklaces or bracelets. He gets
help from someone to find Kamar-Taj and meets a woman called the Ancient One. Dr. Strange
still refuses all of her explanations about spiritual treatment. He feels vain in spending his money
to get there. "I spent my last dollar getting here, a one-way ticket, and you are talking to me
about healing through belief?" [27:42]. He refuses to believe in the power of chakras, energies,
or the power of faith. The Ancient One tries
to prove it by pushing him and making his
astral body out from his body. It makes him
believe. In the next scene, the Ancient One
teaches him to learn spiritual power. She
tells what spiritual power is and how to get
that power [34:57].

Dr. Strange starts to learn about spell books in the library with the book's guardian, Wong. The
more he learns, the more he learns about the spell books. He knows there is also a spell book that
can only be retained by the great magician when Wong says, "The Ancient One's private
collection" [36:48]. Especially a Cagliostro book which studies time and a fanatic person named

Dr. Strange tries his best to follow the practice, even though he fails initially. Then, the Ancient
One shows him a person with no hand but can
still make the spell work. The point is that it is
not about his hands but his belief. [40:54]
In the final scene, he manages to master the
spells and controls his mind to recover his
hands. He needs to help the Ancient One to beat
the most prominent dark magician in the multiverse named Dormammu by saying, "Only
together do you stand a chance of stopping Dormammu" [1:25:26] and being the guardian of the
sanctums in New York.

To sum up, American and Nepalese beliefs in

healing are very different. Americans believe that
recovery can only be treated with medicine, while
the Nepalese still believe that healing can be
treated by spiritual treatment. In addition,
drinking utensils such as glasses and also the
clothes they use are very different. Nepalese still
use cups made of ceramic, while Americans are
already using glasses made of glass. As well as
the clothes they wear, Americans are already
using clothes with a modern style. It is different
from the clothes worn by Nepalis. They still wear overalls and also the old style.

In this movie, Dr. Strange is the protagonist since he helps and becomes a guardian of the earth.
Palmer and the Ancient One are the protagonists because they assist Dr. Strange in recovering
human souls.
The antagonist in this movie is Kaecilius since he tries to destroy the world and becomes a
fanatic of heresy. Dormammu is also an antagonist because he is the leader who wants to destroy
the world.
Cargill, C. R. et al. (2016). Doctor Strange. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

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