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The person I admire most (or) My favorite person

Many people have influences on my life. Some bring lessons to my life while others bring lessons. There
are also people I admire. They are the ones I look up to. But among them, my favorite person is my
teacher, Daw Thida. She is my favorite person for many reasons.

Daw Thida has been my teacher for three years. She has been teaching me English since I was eleven.
She is a wonderful person who carries out her duty as a teacher with passion and love. She is very good
at what she does. Daw Thida always puts her heart into her teaching, no matter how the students are.
Moreover, she explains the lessons in such an understandable way that I hardly miss out on the lessons.
Daw Thida often includes jokes and stories during her teaching period which makes it more fun and
interesting to learn English. So I never get bored during her teaching period. Also, she is very patient
with her students and always makes sure everyone understands the lessons.

Not only does she teach us efficiently, Daw Thida is also a very kind and heart-warming person. She is
very understanding towards her students. She never sets strict rules upon us unless it’ s needed to.
Furthermore, Daw Thida teaches us manners and morals rather than just lessons from the textbook. She
also shares her life experiences and moral lessons every now and then. I truly admire the fact that her
intention is not only to educate her students, but also to make us well-mannered, polite youths.

I unquestionably admire and respect my teacher. She has taught me so much more than just English
lessons. She has amazing teaching abilities, as well as a big heart. Which is why, without a doubt, she is
my favorite person.

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