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Data Assignment

Genna Eisel
November 30, 2022

How well is the class doing as a whole group? Provide two statements.

Overall the class is doing poorly according to the data. I think that looking at it, if
the average is 66% there is a lot of room for improvement, and they might need
to go back over the information and retry the test.

Which individuals are doing well and in what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Juan, Cody, and Hannah are the three that are doing the best. Juan is doing well in
both subjects seeing as he got a 100% on the test. Cody is also doing well, as he
got a 93% on the test. He seems to have stronger abilities in subtraction rather
than addition though. Lastly, I think that Hannah was doing well. She got an
overall score of a 73% but was able to get all of the subtraction questions right.
She may need some improvement in the addition because she only was able to
get 60% of them right.

Who may need extra support and on what topics? Describe at least 3 students.

Patrick, Nathan, and Luke seem to be the ones who need the most improvement
from the test data. Patrick got an overall score of a 47% with only getting 50% of
the subtraction questions right, and 60% of the addition questions right. Nathan
got an overall score of a 47% as well, but only got 40% right of both the addition
and subtraction questions. Luke seems to be having the most trouble overall, with
a total score of a 40%. He also only got 40% of the questions right on both
addition and subtraction.

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