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5 Steps of the News Writing Process:

1. Report specific information, meaning you have to focus on individual details and try to
find what would best support the storyline and make it intriguing to listen to as a
interested reader
2. Focus on the significance behind the information provided from sources, in order to
make the details and evidence have meaning behind it where the reader doesn't have to
ask “so what?” when a statement is made.
3. Organize the story into a formal outline so that it looks presentable and easy on the eye.
This is so because long texts and paragraphs and run-on sentences can biore the
reader and lose your interest.
4. Draft the story and give a nice flow to it, meaning not having, as previously stated, run-
on sentences, long paragraphs, lack of indents, lack of spacing, incorrect punctuation,
and anything that can confuse the reader.
5. Rewrite the story with final touches to make it as good as possible. This is
straightforward but make sure that the whole story is a fun story and enjoyable for all.

Hardest Guidelines for me to Follow Paragraph:

Rewriting is a really hard step for me mainly because it is one of the last steps and I tend to lose
focus near the end of long assignments, causing me to slack off and usually skip this step, or do
it very poorly and miss easy grammatical errors and such. This is and always has been a
problem for me and I don't enjoy writing either but it’s simply something that I have to learn one
way or another so I have to just deal with it. Putting thoughts on paper can be hard for me to
start but once I get going I can run on until the first draft is done easily. Then the hard part
comes as expected and I don't feel like doing the revisions and grammatical stuff but it’s ok. For
the future, my goal is to learn to be more tolerant and flexible with doing things I don't like such
as this but we will see what happens.

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