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Class Xl


Important Questions

Q1 The grandmother had a divine beauty. How does the author bring it out?

Q2 Describe the author’s grandfather as he looked in his portrait.

Q3 When people are pious and good, even nature mourns their death.

Q4 How does the author describe Wavewalker?

Q5 How did the narrator celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Day during his voyage?

Q6 Why did Ile Amsterdam appear to the narrator the most beautiful island in the world?

Q7 List the steps taken by the captain

to protect the ship when rough weather began

to check the flooding of the water in the ship

Q8 How does the story suggest the optimism helps to “endure the direst stress”?

Q9 Give reasons for the following:

(i) King Tut’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny

(ii) Howard Carter’s investigation was resented.

(iii) Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the king’s remains.

(iv) Tut’s body was buried along with gilded treasures

.(v) The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun

Q10 Question 2:

(i) List the deedsWhat does the word ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?
that led Ray Johnson to describe Akhenaten as ‘wacky’.

Q11. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you?

Q12 What is the meaning of the line “Both wry with the laboured ease of loss”.

Q13 Why, do you think, does the poetess say nothing about her mother’s depth?
Q14 What do you notice about the beginning and the ending of the poem The Laburnum TOP?

Q15 Why is the image of the engine evoked by the poet?

Q16 What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?

Q17 How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem? Compare it with what you have learnt
in science.

Q18 Why are the last two lines put within brackets?

Q19 What did the narrator think of Mourad?

Q20 What were the chief traits of the members of his family that the narrator could recall?

Q21 What were the chief traits of the members of his family that the narrator could recall?

Q22 How did Aram justify the act of stealing the horse?

Q23 Who was John Byro? What concern did he express at Aram’s place?

Q24 What did John Byro mean when he said, “A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his

Q25 What did the narrator recall about her first meeting with Mrs Dorling

Q26 Explain: “I stopped, horrified. I was in a room I knew and did not know

Q27 Describe the narrator’s second visit to Mrs Dorling’s place.

Q28 Discuss the aptness and significance of the title of the story The Address.

Q29 How was the narrator convinced that she had come to the right address and met Mrs Dorling?

Q30 There is a parallel drawn between rain and music. Which words indicate this? Explain the similarity
between the two.

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