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Submitted To


“In The Name Of ALLAH who is The Most Beneficial and Merciful”

First of all I would like to thank my teacher ARIF ALI who gave us an
opportunity to write this report and for their excellent lectures. Also we
would like to thank and appreciate all those who guided us, supported,
encouraged us, and those who provided us information to complete this

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Vision and Mission......................................................................5
Mission Statement.............................................................................................................................5
Vision Statement...............................................................................................................................5
Core Values of MAJU......................................................................................................................5
TRADITIONAL WAY OF EDUCATION............................................................................................6
ADVANTAGES OF TRADITIONAL WAY OF EDUCATION......................................................6
DISADVANTAGES OF TRADITIONAL WAY OF EDUCATION................................................7
Electronic Learning (E - Learning)........................................................................................................8
ADVANTAGES OF E – LEARNING..............................................................................................8
DISADVANTAGES OF E – LEARNING........................................................................................9
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University E - Learning System.....................................................................10
IQRA University Vision and Mission..................................................................................................12
IQRA UNIVERSITY E – LEARNING SYSTEM...............................................................................13

Starting with the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful, our topic is to
design an electronic learning (E-Learning) system for university or college students.
We selected MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH UNIVERSITY E-Learning system
which needs improvement we approached many other universities in order to see
who’s E-Learning system is working Good so we came to a result, E-Learning system
of IQRA UNIVERSITY is consider one of the best E-Learning system they use
blackboard.It is an American educational technology company with corporate
headquarters in Washington, D.C. Founded in January 1997. It has many benefits
which we will discuss in detail in this report.

a private university located in Karachi, Sindh. It was established in 1998, Mian
Amer Mehmood is the chancellor and Dr Zubair Shiekh is the President of this
university. It gives many chances to undergraduate and graduate students to
provoke and enhance their abilities in order to give talented and educated
citizens to Pakistan. When it comes to education MAJU offers 24 different
programs and 124+ faculty members, M.A. Jinnah University has always been
in the forefront for accepting and adapting best practices in the field of
Education. Recognizing the role that it has to play in higher education sector,
M.A. JINNAH UNIVERSITY has established a Quality Enhancement Cell.
This cell has the responsibility to ensure that the university’s quality assurance
procedures are compatible with international standards and are designed to
improve the quality of higher education. At M.A. JINNAH UNIVERSITY we
believe, that quality enhancement and assurance is a collective responsibility
and that it is the professionalism and creativity of staff, individually, that makes
the most vital contribution to the enhancement of provision, through their
attention to their students’ experience as learners, to the development of their
disciplines, and their engagement with their teaching practice.

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University
Vision and Mission
MAJU - The Mohammad Ali Jinnah University aims is to be recognized as
world class institution that not only imparts education to students but make
them responsible citizens who can work for the welfare of the society. The main
focus of the university is to bring ethical values, moral values & social
responsibilities that makes them a good human being.
Mission Statement

To provide quality research, promote scholarship with service to the humanity.

To support innovation, inculcate creativity while following the key moral values
and promote sustainable development.
Vision Statement

To serve the humanity as a dynamic and competitive center of research and

Core Values of MAJU

Our core values are Honesty, Creativity, Competitiveness, Academic Freedom,

Innovation, Excellence, Self-Reliance, Equal Opportunity, Respect for
Diversity, Institutional Culture and Corporate Governance.

Traditional way of education is a classroom consisting of 4 walls 30-40 chairs and
desk a blackboard or whiteboard. It was adopted since ancient time when a teacher
used to teach 10 -20 students in a classroom. There are so many advantages and
disadvantages of traditional way of learning.


Question) what is the advantage of having physical classes?

In traditional education system students physically go to their institutes where they
meet different types of people they make friends and learn ups and downs of their life
they can have a better contact with their teacher because they can talk to their teacher
face to face and sort out the problem they are facing.

Students can have meaningful relationships which will last for years.
Question) how it helps in building confidence in students?
In college and university faculty organizes many activities where students interact
with their colleagues and can have new friends interaction with new people can result
increase in the confidence of the student which seems quite impossible in E-Learning.


Question) why there are fewer outcomes from traditional education?

All the students are present in the class physically but many of them are absent
minded due to many reasons, but if they would not listen to the lecture of their
teacher, then how they will be able to learn, they can miss their important lectures and
that can also be not repeated missed lecture wasn’t taught again by the teacher.
Question) Classroom capacity problem?
The teacher can teach certain amount of students at one time in a class all the students
need to learn everything which is taught in the class no matter they are interested in
that topic or not, fruitful for them or not it doesn’t matter which means that they are
not acquiring knowledge. Students just memorize what is being taught and write that

in exams just to pass the exam and get promoted in the next class.
Question) why teacher cannot give complete attention to its students?
There is only one teacher teaching 60 students in a class if the class is of 60 minutes
than 1 teacher even cannot give his 1 minute to 1 student. If a teacher is able to cover
the whole course in fixed time then he’s consider one of the best teacher but in reality
if his students haven’t learned anything then he isn’t even a teacher. The whole focus
of the teachers is just on the completion of the course they have no concern whether
the students are getting it or not.
Another Disadvantage of traditional way of education is that some introvert students
don’t ask question from the teacher because he thinks that what will the other students

think that he doesn’t even know this thing just not be bullied by their friends students
don’t even ask question from the teacher.

Electronic Learning (E - Learning)

In this technological era, knowledge has become a necessary part to be successful and
to survive in this world. Anyone who has the knowledge and skills then success is
just a step away from him. For the sake of knowledge concepts of student should be
clear from their basics whether if they miss a lecture it can be repeated and it is now
made possible just because of Electronic Learning (E-Learning). E-Learning is also
termed as digital learning where students don’t need go physically to their institutions
they can take classes sitting at their home.


Question) how E-Learning system helps student who are doing job and they are
at distance from their institute?
Just because of the E-Learning it is now made possible that no matter where the
students are whether they are in the same city or in another country a teacher can teach
them no matter what the geographical distance is more than one teachers can teach
students which has benefited many people who do job and they are studying as well.

Question) how it helps student to clear their concepts?
If they miss the classes they can also see the recording of that lecture so that they
would not miss any of their class. You can access the recorded lecture unlimited
numbers of time and at the time of preparation it is mostly needed because in
traditional education if someone misses the lecture than they have to prepare for that
topic on their own.

Question) how it increases understanding of student?

Listening the recorded lecture again and again the concept of student is clear which
makes easier to understand and results in saving time and students who are slow
learner don’t need to worry anymore because they can access the recorded lecture
again and again learning can be consistent because everyone is getting same kind of
notes and training .


Question) how E-Learning system is impacting the social interaction of students?

The biggest Disadvantage of E-Learning is that there is very less social interaction of
students because there isn’t any physical class everything is virtual teachers is not
available face to face to their students which may also result in cheating in
examination, Students know that no one is watching so they also share the answer of
the question with their friends.

Question) internet issues?
Assume if you are living in a area where internet connection isn’t available or the
signals are not much good than how you will be able to attend the lectures. Definitely
you have to study it on your own and as everything is virtual so you have keep
yourself motivated to study.
There can also be lack of confidence in that student because he has never presented
anything physically in front of 40-50 students, lack of time management can also take

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University E -

Learning System
In E-Learning system of MAJU most of the task is done through different GOOGLE
apps which includes GOOGLE CLASSROOM AND GOOGLE MEET. All of our
recorded lectures, slides, assignments and quizzes are posted on Google classroom
and we have to submit them over there for quizzes we only have one attempt and if we
submit our assignment or quizzes after the due date it marks them as done late.

Link of class is available at our calendar by using that link we connect with the
Google meet and join our online sessions.

And our Marks, attendance, transcript, time table
etc. are available at our Student portal so instead of using multiple apps MAJU should
create a one E-Learning Applications which will do all the task convenient like IQRA
UNIVERITY is using BLACBOARD as their E-Learning app where everything is
available on one app.

IQRA University Vision and Mission
Chartered by the Government of Sindh, Iqra University was established in Karachi in 1998. The
University is a brainchild of Mr. Hunaid Lakhani, Founding Chancellor & Chairman of Iqra University,
whose aim was to establish a premier institution of higher learning.

Mission Statement
The mission of IU is “to be a world-class institution of higher education and research, promoting
technical skills, critical thinking and public duty, to help develop a prosperous and progressive

Vision Statement

To transform the lives of youth through world class education at an affordable prices.

Core Values of IQRA

Our Core Values are Respect, Merit, Courtesy, Excellence, Equality, Honesty, Innovation, Dedication,
Develop Leadership, Promote Entrepreneurship, Promote Advance Learning Methodology, Promote
Training, Promote Lifelong Learning, Uphold Islamic Values and Promote Industry and University

If we talk about E-Learning system of IQRA University everything done through the
portal named Black Board like the announcements related to classes, holidays, mid or

final examination always appear on the main page of the portal.

On Black Boardwhich is controlled by IQRA University teacher shares everything like their personal
contact, Quizzes, assignments, announcements, projects, retaking of examination, attendance and
so on with the students on the portal.

If teacher doesn’t provide his personal contacts than there is an email option on the Black Board
through which you can contact your teacher with email.

Recording are also available on the same portal as if student is unable to understand the one teacher
concept than he or she can repeat the recordings of respective teacher to clear the concept as for
the upload at the end of the online class recording will be uploaded automatically.

There is a forum available where questions are provided to discuss the lecture it will ensure that the
student were able to understand the concepts of previous or present day lectures. Student can
provide answers to these questions in detail by using word format.

After a detailed system analysis of the E-Learning system of both Universities now at some
points the MAJU E-Learning system was good but there are some changes that should be made
which are as follows

 Automatic attendance should be marked in Iqra University E-Learning system teachers

don’t take the attendance of the students system itself marks their attendance and it
also check that how many times a student have disconnected from the class because
most of the students just come to have attendance where there is manual attendance
system like in MAJU.

 Lectures of all the teachers should be provided to students respectively of their courses
like if there is 2 teachers of same course so the recorded lecture of both teachers
should be uploaded because if a student is unable to understand the lecture of one
teachers so he/she can listen to the lecture of the other teacher

 Students should be given more than 1 attempt for their online quizzes and exams. There
can be internet issue or a server crash can take place so in order to overcome this
problem there should be more than 1 attempt for the students.

 There should be more convenient way for the students to have contact with their
respective teacher like in Iqra University they have provided a link of group of every
teacher on telegram by clicking on that link a student can directly enter in the group
made by their teacher on telegram.

 All the announcements related to any event being held in university or announcements
for holiday should also appear on the main page of the portal because in case of
emergencies or whenever there is strike in the city so students won’t panic if any kind of
notification or announcement is provided on the portal.

 In Iqra University E-Learning system there is also a separate section for question and
answers if a teacher asks a question in the class so they also provide that question on
their portal which also helps students in preparation of their exams that what their
teacher have taught in the class.

Now at the end if we compare e-learning system of both universities we saw
that at some points Mohammad Ali Jinnah University is behind because as you
can see everything from online classes to assignment or teachers query every
single thing is done on IQRA university portal which is controlled by university
while if we talk about Mohammad Ali Jinnah University the university is using
third party applications such as google classroom for assignments, google meet
for recording and for contact teacher through emails. And if we talk about the
portal of Mohammad Ali Jinnah Universitythe UI is basically not Browser
supported and some even it contains error as well which has to be fixed, beside
on the portal everything is available on the portal such as time table, date sheet,
marks, attendance, and notifications as well but we are not saying that it’s not
good its need to be improved.
Now let’s talk about e learning, E-learning is not just a change of technology. It
is part of a redefinition of how we as a species transmit knowledge, skills, and
values to younger generations of workers and students. I will end this book by
daring to make a few predictions of how e-learning and the functions it serves
will continue to develop.
The new models lead us to some interesting new visions of how education will
be acquired in the future.
Society has undergone a dramatic transformation in these last years due to the
influence of globalization in our world. Concerning education, students seem to
experience difficulties in identifying the main concepts as well as organizing
their ideas. Consequently, they end up trying to memorize content without
understanding it. In this way, learning does not take place.That is why, the role
of the teacher is fundamental in these times, in which we are overloaded with
information and data.
Teachers need to provide students with useful tools that not only will help them
at school but also in their daily lives.
We are not saying that e-learning is not useful, E-Learning is effective and
powerful. It makes information easy to grasp and absorb. It imparts enhanced
ability to learn and implement among the learners. The Audio-Visuals help in

remembering knowledge for a longer time. But the main issue is it depends on
the student who are serious and who’s not.


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