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Assignment 2: This assignment focusses on inheritance topic and related issues

Consider the following Class Hierarchy

1. Create a class named FacultyCourse

Data fields:
• department (for example, ENG),
• courseId (for example, CSCI1306),
• credits (for example, 3)
• fee computed at per credits
• CHARGE: constant value (e.g., $ 120) for all courses
• numberOfCourses: holds the number of created courses
• profitRate data field (constant float value less than 1 greater
than zero (0-1)) .
Methods :
• constructor ():
All of the fields are required as arguments to the
constructor, except for the fee, which is computed at
fee = credits * charge
e.g., fee = 3 * $120 = $360).
• The necessary set and get methods
• display () method that displays the course data.
2. Create a subclass named TheoryCourse that has
Data fields
• profitRate for theory course is 0.4;
• constructor ():
adds $30 to the course fee.
• Override the parent class display () method to indicate that the
course is a theory course and to display all the data.
• Override the parent class getProfit (): show why?
• The necessary set and get methods

3. Create a subclass named LabCourse that

Data fields:
• profitRate for Lab course is 0.2;

• adds $50 to the course fee.
• Override the parent class display () method to indicate that the
course is a lab course and to display all the data.
• Override the parent class getProfit (): show why?
• The necessary set and get methods

4. Create a Driver class UseCourse

Write an application named UseCourse and do the following

Data fields:
• Courses: an array of courses:

• Initialize the array of courses with capacity = 10 ;
• Creates an array of three TheoryCourse and four LabCourse
• prompts the user for the course type
If the user enters "Theory" as a course type
o TheoryCourse is created
o prompts the user for the course information:
✓ department: any of the following (BIO, CIS, PHY)
✓ course id,
✓ credits
If the user enters "Lab" as course type
o LabCourse is created
o prompts the user for the course information:
✓ department: any of the following (BIO,CIS, PHY)
✓ course id,
✓ credits
write a method PrintOutReport to display the following
o number of Created Courses.
o Total profit, computed as in the following
Totalprofit = totalProfit = ∑𝑛𝑘=0 courseProfit 𝑘
courseProfit= profitRate * courseFee.
Main method:
Call the constructor of the driver class
call printOutReporty

Then Save the files as,, and

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