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Assignment 1: Filters

Using the IMDB dataset, try to find the following answers using the filtering options.

Tip: Press ALT, A, A, T (shortcut) to switch on the filters.

You can make a new sheet and put your answers there.

1. Gross Revenues of all the movies released between 2007 to 2015, were produced in the
USA, and had ratings greater than 7. Find the average budget of these movies after hiding
the irrelevant columns.
2. Remove the filters, and apply new filers to get the following results: Get the top 5 movies by
Budget. Calculate the average of their Gross Revenue.
3. Clear the filter again. I want to know the average durations of all the ‘Horror’ movies in my
dataset. Also calculate the average duration of ‘Horror’ movies produced in Australia.
4. Clear the filer again. I want to know the bottom 5 movies (with the worst IMDB score).
Which movie made the best Gross Revenue out of them?

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