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07 East Asia
Name: Johnny Daugherty

Date: 11/30/2022

Step 1: Identify at least one significant bit of Japanese

history for each of the five Japanese periods.

1. Heian : The Heian period led to new developments in art and literature, but there was no
peace, because many in Japan were fighting just for power.

2. Kamakura : The Kamakura period was ruled by Minamoto Yoritomo, while the political power
of the court was gone or destroyed. Samurai became icons for the culture, it represented
courage, and also loyalty and battle skills.

3. Ashikaga : During this time, the imperial court was shared by the Southern court and the
Northern court. Emperor Go-Daigo wanted full power, and all the systems broke down. After
this, civil war erupted.

4. Azuchi-Momoya : This period had a weak government and there were a lot of battles. This
period ended with a conflict that was successful, it was that Tokugawa Ieyasu established the
Tokugawa Shogunate.

5. Tokugawa : This was the last period, this was when the Shogunate ruled. This period was
also called the Edo period. There was also Economic growth in this period.

Step 2: Create your mnemonic or mnemonics.

Remember, a mnemonic is simply a tool to help you remember something. It can be a haiku
poem, a rhyming song, a drawing with key words, or a short fantastical story—anything you can
think of making that will help you remember the important parts of Japan's major historical eras.
Don't overthink it!

I arrived in Japan and it is very interesting. It is very peaceful from The Heian period with
Kammu. All of the people here like this emperor. They have a lot of poetry here, as well. Such
as, Tanka poetry and Haikus. The Kamakura period had a ruler named shogun. In the Ashikaga
period, the Southern and Northern courts shared the imperial court. I also found out that the
Azuchi-Momoyama period was a rough period, it had a weak government and there were too
many battles. After this I found out there was good economic growth in the Tokugawa period.

Step 3: Explain how your mnemonic(s) helps you

remember the content.

This helps because it creates a story in my head when I read it that I can remember easily.

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