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Linux Characteristics
Find Command
Shell Script
Partitioning disk

A1)Explain all the steps and commands to configure the DHCP server.

Step 1: Ensure that Your Systems Meet All the Specifications

Step 2: Install DHCP Server

Step 3: Start Your DHCP Service

Step 4: Configure the DHCP Service

To confi gure a DHCP server, you could copy the dhcpd.conf.sample fi le from the
/usr/share/doc/dhcp-4* directory and replace the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf fi le.
Then modify it as you like. Before using that fi le, you want to change the domain-name
options to refl ect your domain and IP address ranges to suit those you are using. The
comments in the fi le will help you do this.

A2) Explain all the steps and commands to configure the DNS server.

In Linux, most professional Domain Name System (DNS) servers are implemented using
the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) service. This is implemented in Fedora and
RHEL by installing the bind, bind-utils, and bind-libs packages. For added security,
some people install the bind-chroot package.
By default, bind is confi gured by editing the /etc/named.conf fi le. Hostname-to-IP
address mapping is done in zone fi les located in the /var/named directory. If you install
the bind-chroot package, bind confi guration fi les are moved under the /var/named
/chroot directory, which attempts to replicate the fi les from /etc and /var that are
needed to confi gure bind, so that the named daemon (which provides the service) is
confi ned to the /etc/named/chroot directory structure.

Install and configure DNS

BIND is a nameserver service responsible for performing domain-name-to-IP conversion on Linux-based DNS

[root@servera ~] # yum install bind

The BIND package provides the named service. It reads the configuration from

the /etc/named and /etc/named.conf files. Once this package is installed, you can start configuring DNS.
Configure the /etc/named.conf file

First, add or edit the two values in the options field. One is the DNS server address, and the other is the allow-
query to any.

[root@servera ~] # vim /etc/named.conf

listen-on port 53 {;; };
allow-query { localhost; any; };

Here are the values from the above file:

 – DNS server address

 any – matches every IP address

A3)Explain all the steps and commands to configure the NFS.

An NFS fi le server provides an easy way to share large amounts of data among the users and
computers in an organization. An administrator of a Linux system that is confi gured to share its
fi lesystems using NFS has to perform the following tasks to set up NFS:
1. Set up the network. NFS is typically used on private LANs as opposed to public
networks, such as the Internet.
2. Start the NFS service. Several service daemons need to start up and run to have a fully
operational NFS service. In Fedora, you can start up the nfs-server service; in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, you start the nfs service.
3. Choose what to share from the server. Decide which fi lesystems on your Linux NFS
server to make available to other computers. You can choose any point in the fi lesystem
and make all fi les and directories below that point accessible to other computers.
4. Set up security on the server. You can use several different security features to apply
the level of security with which you are comfortable. Mount-level security enables you
to restrict the computers that can mount a resource and, for those allowed to mount it,
enables you to specify whether it can be mounted read/write or read-only. In NFS, userlevel
security is implemented by mapping users from the client systems to users on the
NFS server (based on UID and not username) so that they can rely on standard
Linux read/write/execute permissions, fi le ownership, and group permissions to
access and protect fi les.
5. Mount the filesystem on the client. Each client computer that is allowed access
to the server’s NFS shared fi lesystem can mount it anywhere the client chooses.
For example, you may mount a fi lesystem from a computer called maple on the
/mnt/maple directory in your local fi lesystem. After it is mounted, you can view
the contents of that directory by typing ls /mnt/maple. Then you can use the
cd command below the /mnt/maple mount point to see the fi les and directories
it contains.
A4) Explain all the steps and commands to configure the Distributed Network filesystem.

A5) Explain different commands to administrate the TCP/IP Networks.

Description Linux Internet Protocol Command

Display Current Config for all NICs ifconfig
Display Current Config for eth0 ifconfig eth0
Assign IP ifconfig eth0
Ping ping -c 3
Assign multiple IPs ifconfig eth0:0
Assign second IP ifconfig eth0:1
Disable network card ifconfig eth0 down
Enable network card ifconfig eth0 up
View current routing table route "or" route -n
View arp cache arp "or" arp -n
Assign IP/Subnet ifconfig eth0 netmask
Assign Default Gateway route add default gw
Trace Route traceroute
Trace Path tracepath
DNS Test host
Advanced DNS Test dig
Reverse Lookup host
Advanced Reverse Lookup dig -x
A6) Write a shell script program to find the list of absentees from the file generated from Microsoft Teams.

A7)Design and develop a "Birthday Reminder" that can automatically send birthday wishes with a personalized
message via email.

write a bash shell script to get the alerts of friend's birthday

Birthday Date Friend's name
08-02-2014 : Prashant
08-15-2014 : prabhat
Step 1: create a file vi
Step 2:
echo " Birthday alerts: today is Prashant 's Birthday Wish!! him " |mail -s "b-alert"
step 3: give execute permission
chmod u+x
step 4: run the script using cron
00 00 02 08 * /home/user/

How to setup cron jobs in Linux?

A9) How to implement the docker on Linux operating system?

Install Docker
1. Log into your system as a user with sudo privileges.
2. Update your system: sudo yum update -y .
3. Install Docker: sudo yum install docker-engine -y.
4. Start Docker: sudo service docker start.
5. Verify Docker: sudo docker run hello-world.

A10) When we power on a system the login screen appears. How the Linux system reached to that level so that X-
based login screen appears?


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