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Chicken tikka masala


 500gr of chicken breast;

 1 large onion;

 2 minced garlic cloves;

 1 bottle of tomato sauce;

 1 piece of ginger;

 1 pot of natural yogurt;

 1 can of coconut milk;

 ½ bunch of coriander;

 1 chopped tomato

Indian Seasoning Ingredients (Garam Masala): ( TEA SPOONS )

 2 spoons of black pepper powder;

 2 spoons of cumin powder;

 1 spoon of nutmeg powder,

 1 spoon of turmeric powder;

 1 spoon of cinnamon powder;

 1 spoon of powdered cardamom

*Garam Masala is a blend of all spices

Preparation mode: :

1- After cutting the chicken into cubes, place them in a ball and season with salt, lemon,

spices, and natural yogurt, let it marinate for at least 3 hours in the fridge. Reserve

some of the spices for the 2nd part.

2- After the marinade, brown the chicken in a frying pan with olive oil, but do not brown it too

much as it will cook in the sauce.

3- Reserve the chicken.

4- In a wok skillet, brown the onion, garlic and ginger.

5- Add the tomato and the rest of the spices.

6- Pour the tomato sauce and mix.

7- Add the chicken and then the water.

8- Let the chicken cook in the sauce.

9- Turn off the heat and add the coconut milk.

10- Finally, add the chopped coriander.

How to make parathas: (8 people)

- In a bowl put 300gr of flour and a good pinch of salt.

- Gradually added 2 tablespoons of oil and 400ml of milk.

- Knead for a few minutes and let it rest for 20 minutes. Divide the dough into 8 and cook in a

frying pan with a little oil, 3 minutes on each side.

This dish is also usually served with white rice.

Tools needed for this recipe:

- Board;

- Vegetable knife;

- Meat knife (if you cut the chicken);

- A ball;
- A frying pan;

- A wok;

- Measuring spoons for Garam masala.

For the Parathas:

- A scale:

- A bowl;

- A measuring spoon;

- A measuring cup;

- A knife;

- A roll;

-A frying pan.

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