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I chose to talk about a city. Am ales sa vorbesc despre un oras.

Kyoto is an important city in Japan, being the second most visited place in the
country. This city transmits energy and joy through the mix of temples, parks,
neighborhoods and royal estates. It’s considered the cultural capital of Japan.
In this city, there is one of the most important universities. Kyoto station is a
huge train station that includes a mall, a hotel, a cinema and many shops. In
Kyoto take place many traditional festivals where the Japanese wear yukata.
Other important places are bamboo forest, botanical garden, imperial palace.
Spring is the best season to visit the city because it’s full of blooming cherry
trees. On the streets there are many shows, but also restaurants that promote
traditional Japanese food. I would like to one day visit this wonderful place.

Kyoto este un oraș important din Japonia, fiind al doilea cel mai vizitat loc din
țară. Acest oras transmite energie si bucurie prin mix-ul de temple, parcuri,
cartiere și mosii regale. Este considerat capitala culturala a Japoniei. In acest
oras, se găseste una dintre cele mai importante universitati. Statia Kyoto este o
gară imensă care include un mall, un hotel, un cinema si multe magazine. Aici
au loc multe festivaluri traditionale la care japonezii se imbraca cu yukata. Alte
locuri importante sunt padurea de bambus, gradina botanica, palatul imperial.
Primavara este cel mai bunsezon de vizitat orasul deoarece este plin de ciresi
infloriti. Pe strazi se gasesc numeroase spectacole, dar si restaurante care
promoveaza mancarea japoneza traditionala. Mi-as dori ca intr-o zi sa vizitez
acest loc minunat.

Kiss love pupici cu sclipici <3

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