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TrungKK: Hello friends, today

we will talk about each

other's lives to understand
each other better, Trungkk: Yes, absolutely
possible. For example, many
First, I would like to people think that if you are
introduce myself, I am Trung good at English, your major
and my life is not too should be English, but in
complicated. I usually do the reality it is not, I am very bad
things I like and the things I at English. Regarding foreign
like are often the opposite of languages, I think my Chinese
what some people think. listening ability will be better
than English. That's why I
NhiKK: Hello my friend Nhi, study English instead of
life is a little more dreamy Chinese like everyone else.
because I'm a girl. I love my because I feel that when I'm
life so much because I feel weak at something, I need to
like there are many things in improve on it. And you, what
this world that I don't know in life is important to you?
and I want to know more
about the world out there. I
don't understand why what
Trung did is contrary to
everyone's opinion, can you
give an example?
Nhikk: That's not a bad idea. Trungkk: Great, you are a
I want to go to many places kind person and a filial son.
in the world, talk to many My goal is the same as yours,
people around the world, do maybe we are already the
many meaningful things in same, you and I both want to
life and most importantly, do many meaningful things
earn a lot of money to take in life and earn a lot of
care of my parents in their money to take care of our
old age. That's why. I choose parents in their old age.
a foreign language to be able
to fulfill my dream
Nhikk: It's great, we can
study together to achieve
better results, succeed in life
and fulfill each other's
Trungkk: Of course it's a
good idea
Nhikk: also su , how about
you. How is your life, can you
share it with everyone?

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