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In winter, the temperature drops to as low as 15 degrees Celsius, the sun almost does not appear.

Sometimes there are small rains that make the climate even colder. In high mountain areas like Sapa,
the winter is harsh, the temperature can drop below 10 degrees Celsius, there is a time when it snows in

Plants and animal life responds to winter in varying ways. Some animals such as birds migrate when the
winter season is offering and only return during the summer, this is to ensure food sources freeze in the

Some species hibernate to ensure enough energy until summer arrives. Some plants will die when living
in too cold, but there are also many plants that adapt to the cold of winter by shedding leaves and their
roots are still active. and they will change leaves in the spring when winter is over.

The north in Vietnam has a colder climate than the south, so people often wear thick clothes to keep
their body warm. There are also many festivals and sports activities for people to find fun for
themselves. This is also a tradition performed in the winter every year of some ethnic groups in

In addition, winter is also an ideal time for backpackers to make their trips.

I feel the winter is more pleasant than the hot summer. I can sleep better and eat better during this
season. Besides, I also like to travel in the mountains when the temperature is low, if I'm lucky I can see
snow there. to me, i love all things winter

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