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Like so many distributions found in nature, the distribution of

IQ takes the form of a fairly regular bell curve in which the

average score is 100 and similar proportions occur both above
and below this norm.Like so many distributions found in nature, the distribution of

IQ takes the form of a fairly regular bell curve in which the

average score is 100 and similar proportions occur both above
and below this norm.Like so many distributions found in nature, the distribution of

IQ takes the form of a fairly regular bell curve in which the

average score is 100 and similar proportions occur both above
and below this norm.Like so many distributions found in nature, the distribution of

IQ takes the form of a fairly regular bell curve in which the

average score is 100 and similar proportions occur both above
and below this norm.Like so many distributions found in nature, the distribution of

IQ takes the form of a fairly regular bell curve in which the

average score is 100 and similar proportions occur both above
and below this norm.Like so many distributions found in nature, the distribution of

IQ takes the form of a fairly regular bell curve in which the

average score is 100 and similar proportions occur both above
and below this norm.

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