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the moment more relevant for me

I was the age of five years old, I lived with my parents and my sisters, we
were a long time without our parents, they worked all day. I remember one
morning we were as usual, playing in the room and suddenly all around it
moved, at 5 years old i don´t understand what is happening, it was surprising,
i not had scary, but a was it tremor, we thought that house be flew was very
strong, the water came out of the pool, and we could and managed to get up
of there is relevant for me because i always remember, that we only could
observe all what moved… Fortunately a neighbor came in our help, and he
has managed to get of there, i always remember east day and the dangerous
what can be let the children's alone without someone what can take care of them.

Evelyn Sabogal Quintin.

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