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Today I'm going to compare the technology then and now in some aspects.

Talking about the communication Then the main forms of communication were the
snail mail and the smoke signals, but these forms of communication were very
slow. So over time we decided to create faster and more effective
ways of communication like smarphones, text messages and video
calls and nowadays we can talk to anyone no matter how far and
where we are.

About the trasnportation Then they used horses as a means of

transport and wagons to transport things now we use cars and trucks
which are faster. Nowadays transports are safer because of the
security sensors and nowadays we can use gps.

And about the entertainment then they used to go out with

friends and now we stay at home watching series and playing video
games. Today there are several types of entertainment and in the
past there were few because of lack of means.

In my opinion technology is very important for our evolution

but many people live only on the internet and do not have a social
life which is bad for our health.
Menschsein bedeutet rational zu sein,
Intelligenz zu haben und ein Eigenleben zu
haben und nicht nur ein Stück Materie mit
zwei Beinen und zwei Armen. Mensch sein heißt
einzigartig sein, Mensch sein heißt anderen
helfen, lieben können, Mensch sein heißt in
Geselligkeit und Gesellschaft leben oder
einfach nur ein Stück Materie im unendlichen
Raum sein.

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