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According to Okobiah and Okorodudu (2004) guidance is a program of activities that has provided us

with the gateway out of the existing numerous problems in our present age of complex scientific and
technological development. Essuman (2010) maintains that guidance and counseling should form an
essential part of Ghana’s educational system. Olayinka (2001) opines that obtaining good grades in
examinations to acquire certificates either for admission into higher institutions or obtain good
employment is the main goal of education for many people and not the acquisition of knowledge and
skills through study. Many students perform poorly because they lack the right attitude to study and do
not have the right orientation from home and from society (Essuman, 2007)

Guidance and counseling are essential elements in the discipline management of people in all societies
even the most primitive societies grew out of the necessity of guiding individual’s behavior patterns in
the interest of the group. Society itself could not function without the exercise of discipline. Using
guidance and counseling to enhance discipline must be continuously practiced if people are to work
harmoniously for the achievement of a common purpose. Hendrikz (1986) stresses that teachers and
school administrators have the responsibility of ensuring that students mature steadily along their own
personal lines. Students are priceless assets and the most essential element in education.

Guidance and counseling services are among the school educational services due to the fact that they
develop, assess and improve educational programs, enhance teaching and improve the competence of
the teacher. Braddock (2011) supported this view by stating that the purpose of guidance and
counseling in schools is to improve the academic performance and foster positive study habits, increase
the acquisition and application of conflict resolution skills and decrease school dropouts. Academic
performance refers to how well a student is accomplishing his or her tasks and studies (Scort, 2012).
According to him, it reflects the outcome of education, the extent to which the student, teacher, or
institution has achieved their educational goals

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