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Some believe that education is key to improving the status of women. Women who are
educated have more opportunities and are more likely to be able to support themselves and
their families. They are also more likely to be able to participate in the political process and
to have a voice in their communities.

Others believe that economic empowerment is key to improving the status of women.

When women are able to support themselves financially, they are less likely to be reliant on
men and more likely to be respected in their communities.

They are also more likely to have a voice in decision-making and to be able to participate in
the political process.

Others believe that economic empowerment is key to improving the status of women.

When women are able to support themselves financially, they are less likely to be reliant on
men and more likely to be respected in their communities.

They are also more likely to have a voice in decision-making and to be able to participate in
the political process.
Women’s equality is among the most persistent human rights challenges of the last several

generations. Globally, almost a third of the work women do is in agriculture. Much of

the work is labor intensive, and poorly paid, with inadequate labour rights protection.

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